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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. The ship is sinking and it's time for me to abandon. Fellas, I tried to think positive this season. I went out and predicted a conference championship for LU. They looked lazy, defeated, and useless last night. LU wasn't up to the challenge last night. They just about laid down and accepted defeat.
  2. You have to love this guy. Sinking ship and he still trying to bring her into dock ;D
  3. Reminds me of an old Prince song, "I Hate You, but I love You." Or something to the effect. I'm beginning to feel that for HJ. Makes me want to apply for a head coaching job at HF. If I could find (and recruit) 8 quick athletic bodies and work with them for 3 years, I'd be kicking HJ's butt.
  4. I am talking about glass houses here. Nothing about if HJ can win big, so should Silsbee or if anyone is being "mean" to Silsbee. The fact is, I was at the game and I know for a fact the score was not intentionaly run up on BC, it just fell that way. Same as this game from two years ago. It's funny that people who did not attend games know the story of it based simply off the score. : dude, you won by 64. what story is the score not telling us? now don't talk (at least to me) about glass houses. find me a thread where i defended HJ for beating the crap out of somebody by about 30 points more than necessary. i personally disagree with beating a team that bad, whether it be Silsbee, or HJ, or anyone else in the area who does it. But my point was you and no one else was criticle or even questioned HJ in that regard. the fact that you had to go back two seasons to find an HJ game comparable to this past Silsbee game might explain that one for you. i wasn't really active on here two years ago (with the exception of following some playoff games). HJ hasn't had a single game this season nearly as bad as the Silsbee/BC game, so why should people be criticizing them for running up the score? they haven't broken 100, and their largest margin of victory was 45 (against Milburn). That's nothing compared to Silsbee beating BC 106-42, Dayton 74-18, or Hardin 106-31! So speaking of glass houses, make sure you aren't the only one in the neighborhood who lives in one before you start throwing stones. [/quoteReminds me of an old Temptation song
  5. I brought this thread back to show a couple(not all) HJ fans how the shoe is on the other foot. Donahoe almost outscores the entire opponent and is commented that if he hadn't fould out, he would have had more. Question for Bullets, why was he still playing in the 4th with that big of a lead? Note, no one has criticized HJ in this thread. Good point!
  6. You know, when I played competitve sports there was always an opposing player who wanted to be friends with you before a game. Knowing that their whole strategy was to lull you into this false pretense that he was an average easy going nice guy, so you wouldn't play hard against a "friend." When I stopped falling for that trick, my game elevated ten fold. In other words, take that crap back to HJ : :
  7. He can go play with REDHORSE ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D When you gave props to Big Sandy 7&8 th grade, thats when you let me know your agenda :D
  8. I never thought about Odom. Thanks.
  9. Also you have to throw in Dallas Carter and Lake Travis! Plus I think I heard this somewhere but isn't Yates a lot like like North Shore in football? Have a really good team and then choke earlier in the playoffs then they should? Just asking. And Ozen will be fine. Coming into the year I didnt think they would be a state caliber team. Especially now with Boutte gone and especially with Johnson out. I think at best they are a regional semi-finalist team this year. Yates will do their choking but it won't matter. Wheatley will be waiting if yates isn't there.
  10. Sheez! I didn't know I had a twin ;D
  11. THats my point, he still plays and he hasn't been runoff from the team. So he must be doing something within the system to stay. He is a street baller. And I don't mean this in a negative way. He is really far advanced than most players in his grade. He's a horse waiting to run playing with mules.
  12. I think Kelly beat St.Pius recently. I thought maybe it was a St. Pius school from Warren, Texas or up in that area. Not "THE" St. Pius in Houston.
  13. I'm not familiar with middle school ball in the Bmt area. Can anyone give some insights on some good programs (if any) in the area ???
  14. Actually I think Franks plays well for the system he is under.
  15. I would post a comment but I don't want to snap Dickie back into reality just yet! 8)
  16. 19 is a pretty common age for players in the 12th grade. No big deal here. But some of you would know that if you left out of the woods sometimes.
  17. I can't wait till we meet Twin County (HJ) again in middle school and practice game in Little Dribblers. We gonna kill yall. I'm going to enjoy some bragging rights before they all get to high school.
  18. And if Yao hits 12 points all yall gonna turn on him
  19. Yall forgetting about Dirk whatever with Dallas Mavs.
  20. I think the people who are commenting about that are from WOS and HF, not Silsbee. Yep, I'M frm HF. And again I repeat, I am commenting on issues (age exceptions)that are discussed nationally and I am not talking about one individual who I know nothing about.
  21. Manute Bol and Sam Cassell...........enough said....the voting is over!!!! 8)
  22. Age exceptions are rather common in middle & high school athletics. It's been around I know since I played ball in Houston, and I'm sure before then as well. The thing most people fail to realize or don't want to accept is that many of your better guards are age exceptions. Some by choice and many by other reasons. Age exceptions is a reality of high school basketball.
  23. Fellas, the discussion is AGE EXCEPTIONS. If you have a problem discussing the topic, then don't respond. As I have stated, I have no problem with age exceptions. It's a part of the game.
  24. My response was to the age exception rule in relation to basketball competiton and not a particular player. So the points are valid. I could provide you with a list of players who are/were age exceptions. Some are rookies in the NBA and others are elite players on big-time programs. But it does no good to name people. But the issues are still there for discussion.
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