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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. Practice game for LU. This will give the non-starters a chance to refine their game and get some quality time against a weak opponent : :
  2. I was watching Knight's program today and he was harping on not being in touch with his old employer because he was fired. It made sense. But anyway,it's hard to tell right now because he inherited his dad's team. There are some Tech fans who are not satisfied and there are others who feel he needs to recruit his own players to be competitive. making a guess, I would say 3 years or he's gone.
  3. For basketball and 12-13 year olds, I can take a jump rope, sit -ups, push-ups and get the same results.
  4. What? I'm your neighbor HF1. 8)
  5. Please tell me what big schools you are referring to in your comments that you feel Silsbee can beat? And please don't name these schools in Southeast Texas. Yates is 4A and I doubt you guys can beat them.
  6. The scuff marks will probably show up too much on a black helmet and make it look too used after a game or two.
  7. I wish the young man good luck wherever he goes to college.
  8. Tech IS NOT a part of the big boys. They are in a major conference but one of the weaker teams in the conference. Tech has name recognition but don't get it confused they are one of the big boys, unless you are referring to football.
  9. Exactly, a loss is a loss because all that matters is the final score and whose name goes into the win column. I'm really beginning to lose patience with H-F in basketball. For example, they have the middle schoolers doing weights before basketball practice; getting ready for football. But thats for another trhead I may start.
  10. No it's not! He didn't say anything about their record..he's talking about a helmet. Catch a clue! Okay, I'm back to basketball.
  11. After Deweyville (wherever they are located) H.S., I am through prediciting on HF's basketball.
  12. Get a grip...we would you make such a moronic retort to a comment that simply states I am glad to have football back at Lamar? Bad day, dove? You made the comment
  13. Dang, you all on TR bragging about 5th Ward. Way to go
  14. Did Saveat (sp?) play basketball? Just curious.
  15. Probably because they were thinking about Coach Boutee's last game and they were not focused on the game. :
  16. Thats like saying LU is 0-36, but at least they have a football team :
  17. Dickie Vitale! He knows the system and the players.
  18. Are you kidding? Have you seen what his team in Houston............no way!
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