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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. I'm sorry but I had to comment on Soulja1's remarks. This is so funny because as I read the article, I was wondering the the same thing. He's never given me the impression that he knew basketball, but maybe he has learned a lot from these years at Ozen.
  2. I don't know where Deweyville is located. But congratulations!!!
  3. I'm only saying UTEP will be in revenge mode and a different attitude next time it meets LU.
  4. Ah Jake, how long ago was this scrimmage? Amonth? Two months? Things change in the world of sports. Maybe their best two players were out that game day.
  5. Last night was the very first time I've ever seen Duncan show emotion. He loked as if he was going to tear into Chris Paul after a play.
  6. Deweyville? Thats pathectic! I didn't know they had a basketball team
  7. That was the same strategy Kentucky and Memphis had against LU. "Let the bench get some playing time."
  8. I told yall I wasn't impressed with Texas Tech. They have the name recognition based on their affiliation witht he Big 12, a successful football program, and Bob Knight.
  9. There are gray areas. I personally know kids who live in one district but attend school in another district.
  10. It's probably more definite as a student than an athlete.
  11. You know DARN well that those kids that I mentioned are not "Nederland" kids...If Lincoln was still around those kids would be there and you know it...."Nederland kids".....yeah right... : Only one of those kids you mention has not lived in Nederland for several years. They are good kids and no speculation about them should be on this thread. There are always more factors than just athletics to consider. Let them enjoy this season and worry about where they play in the future when there is reason to speculate. So what district do they live in?
  12. Whats wrong with grooming future professional athletes?
  13. Oh well, this area can say good-bye to any possibilities of getting past the 1st round in regionals for years to come, if he goes for the money ;D ;D ;D
  14. One of the greatest fears a big time program faces playing weaker opponents is that their coach realizes better teams have a tendency to 'play down" to weaker teams. It's defintely a part of the mental game thats hard to overcome
  15. I was worried when I first read this thread. I thought LU supporters were thinking about playing Baylor instead of Texas Tech, whew.....
  16. Dang, he was my hook up. If he leaves, will there be a summer open gym @ Ozen? Where else can a kid go play and have the experience of playing in the first round of regionals from this area?
  17. nope. they'll have a new struggling semi-pro lacrosse team in place by then. Struggling? I say the odds are that a lacrosse team would definitely be a success in southeast texas. :
  18. Well that settles it. Ford Park should be the site. I'm sure there will be open dates.
  19. I once had a parent tell me he kept his kid back so he would mature physically for sports. I thought we were about getting them out of school and into college=get a job.
  20. I thought we were on YMBL or is there a spatter of ADD to this thread ???
  21. Good point. We could invite more teams. The immediate golden triangle is small enough and all venues ( Ford Park,Montagne, McDonald and P.A. campus are all located off the highway for easy access to accomodate a major tournament. No traffic problems.
  22. I'm glad you have enough smarts about you to decipher "golphing" into golf. My pecking fingers were obviouslymis-directed.
  23. Unbelieveable, here is someone who thinks Tubbs isn't God. I take my hat off to you sir Have not liked TUBBS since he came to LU 5-6 years ago or whatever it was. He thinks that he is the be all of be all's!!!!! Just another typical man with small man's disease or "short man syndrome"!!!!!!!! Wow! You must be a golging buddy too
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