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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. HF 7th grade beat the $%&*& out of HJ YESTERDAY.
  2. The 7th grade HF team beat the $%^&^%$ out of the HJ team. I didn't stay for the 8th grade, but I'm sure they won also. At this stage, I will take any win ;D
  3. I doubt that rest will have much to do for it. It took me at least a year or two to mostly "grow" out of it, and it never totally goes away. But one can live with it, that is the good news. At least you know what it is. When I was a kid my dad just told me it was "growing pains". Thats what I've been reading lately that it's due to growing pains.
  4. If you are one of those, you are a great person with a lot of patience. My son plays for a youth football team that has 3 coaches with no children playing. It's great. I have a lot of respect for coaches without kids because through my experiences, they are in it for the love of the game and really enjoy coaching.
  5. This is the reason I've heard more dads say why they turned to coaching. To give their kids an opportunity.
  6. Wow---concern for the team? don't you think that is misplaced to say the least? Misplaced? I believe it's a valid question. I know Roundtree was their top downfield WR. He will be missed on the field for sure. Valid--maybe--- but at best terribly innapprpriate and at worst disgusting----players were charged with sexual assult of someones daughter, sister, etc---the concern should go to the victim only----IF guilty the perps will rot in heck I think that he meant that it is a valid question because this is a SPORTS message board, not a blog on social commentary. My question would be does the football player turned witness have an agenda. Was he second string and might possibly be making his path to start easier by naming names and getting them off the team. The girl didn't even know who the boys were, supposedly. quite a stretch Maybe. But an investigative reporter worth his salt, who knows that there are two-sides to every story, would already be asking these type questions. The fact that they haven't been asked makes me proverbially weep for our media outlets. Another question would be why she went into a room with three guys, her being the only girl to do so. Was this typical behavior? Was she dating any of the three boys at the time? If so, had either he or she been talking about a potential break-up? A good investigative reporter would have already asked her colleagues these things. Believe it or not, these things happen. And if a newspaper can find out in one day that the hose where the party was held had a history of drug related incidents, wouldn't there have been talk about town of these things. Why didn't the father know where his daughter was. He is so vocal to the media, but why haven't they asked if he was the one to drop er off or not? If not, why didn't he? Did he not know about the house in the community? Did he give his daughter a curfew? Did he think she was with friends? Investigative reporting, people. If I can think of these questions it is sad that the media can't. a girl dropped off at a party is not to blame for being raped--IF it happened--niether is a father to blame for someone raping his daughter---I do not need Wayne Docifino to tell me that Hey, I remember Wayne. Is he still in Houston? I miss my Houston news.
  7. Has anyone had experience with their own child having this knee problem? I thought after a month or so of resting, it might get better. But it hasn't. The doctor just said give him pain relief meds and rest. Says as long as he is growing he may have to deal with this problem.
  8. Well, I think the whole conversation came about because of "daddyball" being a part of the issues. Isn't the coach's son the quarterback? And don't get me wrong, I have no problem with a coach's son playing a key position, as long as the son is the best player at that position. Which I have found not to be the case the majority of the times.
  9. I understand what you are getting across and some of us have just gotten off topic. But I'm not sure if you answered my question: Did you approach the coach or are you going to use a wait and see approach? Most coaches I know started coaching to give their kids a chance to play by building a team around their kids.
  10. Man, I'm just ready for some basketball. I might have to come to this tourney.
  11. Lets' hope and pray that the families remain strong for each other in these sad times.
  12. I may have missed your post, but did you ever confront the coach on this matter? If so, what transpired from the get together?
  13. Well several of our players were sick. A couple had broken legs and another player's girlfriend had just broken up with him, so he was feeling bad that night. We didn't focus like we should have. I hear that girl meant a lot to him. There's no way he could have concentrated. See Buc, you are totally understanding what happened in that game. 8)
  14. Hmmm? I like that one. Can I use it for next year?
  15. I think over half will be walk-ons. Now I'm wondering what will happen the 2nd season when the scholarship players begin to come in. There may be some short-lived football careers.
  16. Just when I was thinking your opinion might matter, you go and say something like this ;D
  17. Well several of our players were sick. A couple had broken legs and another player's girlfriend had just broken up with him, so he was feeling bad that night. We didn't focus like we should have.
  18. Personally, I think he needs some JV experience.
  19. Well let's look at from this point of view. WOS players didn't just laydown on offense. H-F still had to stop the 3rd stringers from scoring.
  20. Well, lets give credit to H-F for stepping up their game in the second half. From what I could tell, WOS only scored 16 points.
  21. I saw this kid play during the summeragainst good competition. I think it will take him a little time to adjust to the varsity level.
  22. atahe game isn't over until the final horn blows.
  23. I agree! I can't wait! Gonna be good for the community and for Southeast Texas as a whole! ;D LU didn't get suppport back when it dropped football and they had a winning season the last year.
  24. suprisingly that coming from you Big E was a good post.. Sometimes kids that are the coaches son suffer because the coach is so worried about what the parents think.Some coaches are harder on there kids then anyone else.I have called different plays at the goalline for my kid not to get the ball ,so there wouldn't be favortism.But that's not fair to the coaches son when a coach does that.It's a touchy subject.. This is a touchy subject. Not all of the time but most of the time the coach's soon may be a little more advanced because he spends more time practicing with his dad. Maybe his dad has a job that allows him the opportunity to be off so he can practice with his child. Which in turns makes him or her a little more advanced than the child that his dad works 12 hour day. I hope this came out right. Again it is not fool proof but it is the case in some situations. I'm sure I will get blasted for this comment but it is true. Just not in all situations. There is no need for blasting, as you've said. It was an honest opinion and quite factual. See, I see no problem with a coach's son when he is very good. His athleticism should be used to the team's advantage. I have a problem when the kid sucks and holding back the team with poor play in critical situations.
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