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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. This is a good place to showcase your talents. I'm here all weekend watching the competition. If you want to really see how good your teams are, make sure you parcipate in this or similar tournaments.
  2. I remember asking a few of the 9th graders during the season if the news was true and they confirmed it. But I couldn't tell if they were embarrassed or it just didn't really seem a big deal to them. In fairness to the game, its' really hard to really predict the outcome of future games between these schools because players will change by getting better or remaining the same. But I still say Boutte has a good system to get the best out of his boys.
  3. This is a realistic schedule. Good job.
  4. "Left-overs." You're going to get this anyway. You and AbovetheRim stop the dreaming
  5. Very wise choice. Congrats!
  6. Roc and Billy are tight. Roc isn't going anywhere.
  7. butt'n = butt't bad typing & editing Oh my God! I just realized what I typed. I meant to type ass't coach. Coach, it was a mistake...trust me..... HJ is one of my favorite teams in this area. ;D We'll get together this summer......
  8. I was saying the same thing the other day, but to myself. It just goes to show what hard work and dedication will do. Obviously someone has been leaving the "lab" open extra hours.
  9. Please don't get arrogant like those Ozen fans :
  10. thats him. I need to call him. Thanks
  11. From what I was told yesterday, there are several teams from Houston coming. I don't know their names. What happened at this tournament? I have not heard if it was successful? It has been re-scheduled. I think it is for May or early June.
  12. hahahaha! You guys kill me! But you got me good today. So whats' his name? C'mon fellas! The ass't coach at HJ. The young fella who has won all kinds of basketball shooting contest. I think he played there in h.s. as well. C'mon Hawkers!
  13. Actually, most of the summer tournaments are not AAU sponsored but sponsored by corporations and the majority of the teams are summer travelling teams, not AAU.
  14. butt'n = ass't bad typing & editing
  15. Easier said than done Dickie! You still haven't come down yet from your ego explosion
  16. Can someone tell me the name of the ass't basketball coach at HJ? I remember he is a young guy and can shoot the ball real good.
  17. You guys repeatedly ignore Hamshire - Fannett and ignore us like we're the bubonic plague. Thats okay, ignore the Horns. Football is coming.
  18. I mean it was always something going on back in those days.
  19. We could invite him to S.E.Texas apply for butt't coach. I don't like to talk about coaches, but...I will say this...just because you played the game does not always mean you will be a capable coach...EVERYONE does not realize that...Some do, but not everyone. Which is why I don't coach. :-X
  20. See Dickie, thats what I liked about your dad. He made me(?) hmmm? No, he forced me to go with him to his summer jobs and play ball against those players in that area. You get stagnant playing the same people all the time.
  21. Yep I remember the incident. Newell was in hot water. See, this is what LU is missing now. It brought character to the school.
  22. You gotta be careful with kids at the younger ages. Especially when they hear how good they are all the time. They began to believe it. There has to be a balance. It's okay to shine sometime, but you gotta take them to the hood and get a reality check every once in awhile. let them know there are players out there just as good or better than you.
  23. Stevie, I know how you feel. His ego is big enough already. I remember the incident you are referring to. Dickie's brother should have been around about that time to be on that bus trip.
  24. Actually, some coaches only handle the paperwork. Don't recruit nor involved in a lot of coaching to the players. WHAT? No DOVE, that guy would be the Director of Basketball Operations...He cannot travel nor be on the floor in games or practices, but he coordinates travel and handles paperwork...There is not a staff in AMERICA, that will allow a coach not to recruit OR coach...not happening. Dang I hate to admit this but my coach does recruit. I knew it sounded strange and maybe I misunderstood them. But you were "................" Dickie! I just can't seem to put in that word to complete this sentence ;D
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