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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. See, this is why life is so beautiful. We are sitting on the stars and we're still trying to reach the moon.
  2. Dickie, it's good you have those memories from Ozen. Make sure you hang on to them. Everybody can't earn them, even in an entire lifetime.
  3. Oh man the good old days when the women could probably whip the men's team 8)
  4. If Boutee joins the LU staff, I will wear a red jacket ..........hmmm, no! I will buy season tickets!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Too bad it wasn't Ozen's parade :'( State 4A boys basketball champions South Oak Cliff High School will be honored with a parade The South Oak Cliff High School boys basketball team will have a parade in their honor at 10 a.m., Saturday April 12 for capturing the 2008 Boys State 4A Basketball crown during the tournament that was held in Austin. The Golden Bears captured the Class 4A title with an 80-77 win over Fort Worth Southwest on March 8. This year marked the fourth straight year and 11 overall appearances at the state tournament for South Oak Cliff. They have won six titles. The parade line-up begins at 9 a.m.
  6. Hey, I'm old school................it's sagging man to man dang it! But true, it sounds like a bunch of lazy old men trying for a comeback at old Hebert High
  7. Pro basketball is geared towards individual play. Thats why you have college players who average 12 points a game come into the pros scoring 20+ points a game. It's the spacing that makes a difference. In the pros, you can't leave your man wide open, whereas in college you can afford to play a sagging man to man. "sagging man to man"? Please do not tell my father that you used that term...If you played for him, you KNOW he HATES that! ... College basketball is the purest because it is talent AND stretegy involved. That "sagging" man that you are referring to was probably a matchup ZONE...Not a sagging man... : Nah, it's not a match-up zone. Example, you're familiar with the slow guards at Ozen, right? Those Eisenhower (or Aldine?) guards blew right past them when they played this year. Sagging is good when you have slow guards like Ozen's.
  8. Pro basketball is geared towards individual play. Thats why you have college players who average 12 points a game come into the pros scoring 20+ points a game. It's the spacing that makes a difference. In the pros, you can't leave your man wide open, whereas in college you can afford to play a sagging man to man.
  9. lISTEN, I don't like giving props to Ozen ;D I'm sure they were good guards in high school.
  10. Dickie, I've seen your dad go off on refs. It got so bad one time that the ref told him to stay in the "pit" @ (Delmar Stadium) and he better not come out or he gets a "tech." And thats the lighter version of several more incidents. Maybe in the OLD, OLD days, but he was KNOWN for being calm under pressure...1 tech in 43 years of coaching, and that was for telling one of his players (Carl Johnson) to get his head out of his behind back in the 80's...Little did he know, that the REF'S name was also.....CARL JOHNSON...True story, and my dad's ONLY tech in 43 seasons! [/quote Okay Dickie :-X
  11. Dickie, I've seen your dad go off on refs. It got so bad one time that the ref told him to stay in the "pit" @ (Delmar Stadium) and he better not come out or he gets a "tech." And thats the lighter version of several more incidents.
  12. Okay I know Thomas went to LU and got lost in the shuffle. But what happned to Albert Marshall? I ain't gonna never give Ozen a break. C'mon Memphis.
  13. name the top 10 people in the NBA and tell many how many are bigs and how many are guards. Name me one Championship team on any leve (high school through the pros) that has one a championship without great guards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Closest one is the Robinson/Duncan Spurs or maybe Chamberlan of the 70s! I'll name one. Shaquille O'Neal's 3A state champion San Antonio Cole team. Their guards where good, but they were far from being great. Ozen! Won with Kendrick Perkins and average guards. Mike Thomas was a 4 year varsity starter at PG and Albert Marshall made the all state tournament team, Dove....Those were NOT average guards by far...If you don't know, next time just hit me on the PM and I will make you look like a GURU! Who ??? Never heard of them
  14. I don't see any serious infractions based on what the article is reporting. Surely there is a "due process" clause somewhere in the process.
  15. name the top 10 people in the NBA and tell many how many are bigs and how many are guards. Name me one Championship team on any leve (high school through the pros) that has one a championship without great guards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Closest one is the Robinson/Duncan Spurs or maybe Chamberlan of the 70s! I'll name one. Shaquille O'Neal's 3A state champion San Antonio Cole team. Their guards where good, but they were far from being great. Ozen! Won with Kendrick Perkins and average guards.
  16. I prefer Collge for the pureness of the game, but I also like the NBA for openness of the game and individual talent.
  17. Take that Soulja!!! Give me one slooth footed, clumbsy post man about 6'10" to stand with your three six foot tens and four good hustling guards ranging from 6' to 6'4" and I will beat you and beat you good! And I'll take my four quick race horses and beat your clumsy men down the floor AND wear them down in the process. Now if we played half court, thats a different story. You missed the boat Dove... Pleae read my thread again... I am going with the guards... Brain you are right in your eyes and I am right in mine... Nuff said! Oh no I read right, I knew you were going with the guards too! I think The Brain : is the one wanting those slow footed big men running a whole court to stop my quick guards and my other big men 6'6" or 6'5"
  18. I have to disagree on some things here. Ozen has had average players that work well within the Ozen system. Trust me, it's good coaching that keeps Ozen at the top in this area. Okay, I gotta deep breaths now that I have given Ozen some props.
  19. Take that Soulja!!! Give me one slooth footed, clumbsy post man about 6'10" to stand with your three six foot tens and four good hustling guards ranging from 6' to 6'4" and I will beat you and beat you good! And I'll take my four quick race horses and beat your clumsy men down the floor AND wear them down in the process. Now if we played half court, thats a different story.
  20. Like I said, I'll join the alumni assoc. if it happens. People like control & power. Sometimes it's hard to sell your soul to devil.........unless the price is right............and it's gotta be high :
  21. Why would you leave somewhere as a top dog to come to Lamar and get lost in the shuffle of coaching as an assistant, listening to a head coach whose philosophy may not agree with yours. Surely money isn't everything.
  22. I agree! You made some very good points and I think most of us would agree with you. But I do think we need to focus on bashing the moderators, especially when basketball season ends
  23. Wow! I may have to root for Central this upcoming season. Let's go Jags!
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