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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. Yall gotta start listening to reliable news sources. Stop reading those blogs.
  2. Lets us pray for yall. Yall gonna need some serious counseling in January.
  3. Your point is null & void because Biden got the most votes for any candidate running for President. The only votes counted after "polls closed" were those people in line to vote BEFORE the polls were closed. I did see something about dead people cast votes. There were females who voted , who used their dead husband's name ( ex: Mrs. Alfred Reagan ). But they checked out okay. And to your last point, Trump bothers me period!! Because you can't believe anything he says. He lies all the time. And he gets you guys all caught up in his b.s. and you run with it. You guys say make America great again, but you can't believe in the the American electoral system. Sheez!
  4. You sound like Trump. Once again throwing all these fraud allegations. I'm almost beginning to feel sorry for him. He sounded so beaten and lost. He blew it. It's his fault he lost the elections. Own up to it. #Pandemic
  5. Hmmm, I voted because he is a democrat and you bring race into the subject matter.
  6. You are just throwing stuff against the wall, Rudy G. Trying to see what will stick. 36 lawsuits and maybe two or three stuck with no major impact.
  7. I was thinking you were referring to Trump
  8. Doing okay. He's looking at school for this summer.
  9. I'm not a vet so I'll assume to a certain degree that you know what you are talking about. Good it worked out for you.
  10. Okay!
  11. You and your kind need to stop it! The "Orange Man" and his team have filed over 36 lawsuits trying to disenfranchise voters. Shame on them! Biden will be our president and Trump's legacy will be tarnished as one of our worse leaders. Playing golf and ignoring our health problems.
  12. What? As I remember, Trump's walk in votes were counted and yes, he had this big lead. But the majority of those votes (as I remember ) were from areas outside the metropolitan areas. Places like Detroit, Philly, Pittsburg, and (well you get what I am saying) were mail in ballots that were later counted. *You Birthers kill me*
  13. Go read again, Rudy hasn't PROVEN a thing as of this date and time is running out. You & Rudy keep throwing all this rubbish and no proof to back it up.
  14. And what's so sad is that Trump's legacy will probably go down as one of the worse presidents this country has ever had.
  15. And you believe Rudy? This guy has had all his lawsuits thrown out because ... oh , I already explained that to you in a previous post.
  16. In other words, Ray Charles, Jr. You have no proof, nor saw any proof from a source. Your daddy, Ray Sr.
  17. Help us out here. What is your source you got this info? That could be a problem as well.
  18. OH, I forgot to mention, he is a Republican, appointed by our Great (2-term)President Barack Obama
  19. Just the FACTS, son. Just the FACTS!
  20. Nov. 21, In reference to Trump's lawsuits in Pennsylvania, from a federal judge. "This claim, like Frankenstein's Monster, has beer haphazardly stitched together... This Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence. In the United States o America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter, let alone al the voters of its sixth most populated state. Our people, laws, and institutions demand more." Judge Matthew W. Brann of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, dismissing the Trump campaign's attempt to block certification of Pennsylvania's election result. (The state certified its results Tuesday.)
  21. Show some proof. The *few* people who probably (?) saw something had no proof. And if it was true, still too many popular mail in ballots to overcome.
  22. Four years coming but it finally happened.
  23. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! That politician in Louisiana said the same thing about the Black militia group. Saying they better not come to Louisiana. He was nowhere to be found when they showed up.
  24. Trump's legal team disowning this person. Even wild theory Rudy threw her under he bus.
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