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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. I say bring back Al Barbe. Now he was my kind of a coach. He and I would go at during lunch, elbows flying everywhere and never once did we get mad at each other. The players loved playing for him and they shoed it on the court.
  2. I wish our Juniors could play your Seniors 8)
  3. I've seen the ( Majors & Juniors) Bridge City, Twin County and Hamshire-Fannett. H-F beat BC badly in a scrimmage this week, and H-F has also beaten Twin County in a scrimmage and maybe in the Barbers Hill Tourney too. H-F doesn't go to Kountze Regional but I predict BC nor Twin County will win that region. Too me, the jury is still out on the H-F Majors. They can be good at times, and yes I have sons on both the H-F Majors & Juniors. The Juniors ( strong guards) can win ( at Van Vleck) it all as long as they don't come across a big man who will dominate the paint. I will probably get to see Orangefield soon and give my 2 cents on that team as well.
  4. Now that the Lady Cards lost in the 1st round, does this fuel the flame to aggressively hire a new coach or seriously give the present coach a good chance to remain as head coach? I think the athletic committee has to seriously take a look at how the team responsed to Coach Eaton. Or do you take new directions and a possible step back in your program for a year or two?
  5. To be honest with you I don't keep up with high school basketball until I joined the dicussion group last month, but I think your question deserves more thought than "who is a college prospect?" Many factors go into this equation. In my experiences, many players have a good high school game but everybody is a star at the next level, whether academically or athletically. Therefore, you have to bring your A-game to a higher level. Some will not have the mental edge/toughness to overcome this new hurdle. You also have to look at their program. Is this kid D-1 material, D-11, or NAIA. hMMM? Are there still NAIA schools around? I personally knew someone from high schools days who led the nation in scoring his senior year, but wasn't a highly recruited player. But from his high school stats, you would have never believed he would accomplish such a feat.
  6. Wow! Why did I have the feeling it would turn out this way? But 26 points? Why didn't you guys take him out after the 1st quarter and show us some mercy I've seen the H-F senior boys and they need a lot of work. Hopefully the loss will help the guys work on their weaknesses
  7. Oh okay! Our ( H-F) senior basketball team is your next victim.
  8. Hey cm123, what Little Dribblers team & age group are you with? The boys have went into their little dribblers season and are doing prettttty good. They have had a practice game with a Beaumont team and a Hardin-Jefferson(Twin County) team so far. They have came out on top so far. Next week will be Bridge City and Hampshire-Fannett. Hope to keep up the winning streak, but if not these boys are getting good competition, and are having fun!!!!
  9. Update:The Hamshire Fannett JUnior All-Stars lost to the Beaumont Junior All-Stars in the finals this past weekend in Barbers Hill Tourney. Beaumont had a big 5 foot plus big man that was too much for us in the paint. But good competition and experience for our boys. Great tournament! I encourage you guys to look out for this one next year when your teams are preparing for pre-regional warm- up games.
  10. I don't want this to sound to out place but:What does "Karma" mean on the messgae board?
  11. I'm curious to see our Hamshire-Fannett All-Stars boys (Little Dribbler Seniors?) against other teams. It can be difficult to gauge your players when they play against their classmates in league play. On another note, this is my first year letting my boys participate in Little Dribblers. They have participated in other competitive basketball leagues. One writer on this forum mentioned "fun" and so far the league play was fun. But it gets kind of cut-throat as soon as the all-star selection starts. Parents, coaches and players all experience hurt or joy depending on if your child is selected. Now that it's all-star teams, I sense there is more seriousness about winning now because the teams are more competitve and are now preparing for regionals and nationals. I see a few kids in the junior division whining because they are not playing enough. I was curious if others have similar experiences?
  12. Well I found out tonight the Barbers Hill tourney starts Thursday thru Saturday with some teams starting play on Friday. Barbers Hill athletic department may have some contact numbers. If not, I'll get some contact numbers on Tuesday night.
  13. I have to admit that this is the first time I have attended a Lamar game in YEARS!! I was surprised to see the level of play really surpassed my expectations. Good game and Lamar has a good team. BUT they definitely had problems with the press defense at the end. Big problems! #10 for McNeese waited too late to try and take control of the game for McNeese. He has some good skills. That kid Davis really impressed me. I was wondering why a major D-1 DIDN'T PICK UP UP OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL?
  14. The Ham-Fannett Little Dribblers found a tournament for March 3rd in Barbers Hill. Also, I think we will be playing different all-star teams every week (Thursdays?) in the area as a warm-up for the Regional Tournaments being held in late March. Lat week our teams beat the Hardin-Jefferson Little Dribblers All-Stars.
  15. I remember reading an article about a Silsbee player who played AAU ball in Houston during the summer. Her name is Ang Green. I was curious how she was able to work her schedule to play in Houston. Did she stay in Houston for the summer with relatives, or did she drive to practice and games when scheduled? I'm assumong someone on the list may know her and get the answer for me. I'm asking because I am considering getting one of my kids into AAU competition in Houston.
  16. C'mon guys! If you were the coach, at least you would have confided in your players if you were leaving for health reasons and at such a quick notice.
  17. The Winnie tourney has been cancelled, we're looking for others
  18. The Fannett teams are looking for a warm-up tourney before regionals. Any out there in the area coming soon?
  19. David McKey, Liz McQuitter, DeAnn Craft, Len Drake, etc, etc, etc. The coaches are stacking up. What will it take to get some players at Lamar University? LU is long overdue. Has the Southland Conference improved that much over the years?
  20. I'm curious about the term "Select Baseball" for this area. I just learned that the coaches are paid and cetain fees are paid by the player or parents to play. I've heard parents use the term as if this is the best of the best playing ball. But I'm wondering if its the best of the best whose parents can afford the fees or truly competitive teams?
  21. There is a warm up tourney for the Little Dribblers in Winnie this weekend. Good luck to all the participants.
  22. I've been at Lamar for a number of years and the football discussions pop up every 3 years or so. After soccer and softball are in place, then maybe the people in power will sit down and see if a football program won't lose money. I have always heard that recruiting local talent would help the football program, and those comments hold some merit. There is/was also some local talent on the basketball team but I don't see our arena packed with fans. But I do remember years ago when the women basketball team in their heyday played UT and the Montagne was packed. Too bad the UT. UofH, and A&M alums in the area won't put pressure on the programs to play Lamar. Hmmm, oops!? I'm one of those alums.....
  23. I'm not from this area so I may be somewhat bias towards the caliber of talent I see in the area. Is there a Little Dribblers Program in Hardin-Jefferson? That area seems to have a consistent supply of ballers. I live in Fannett and the basketball athletes are not good. And I know Fannett has a Little Dribblers program to feed into the local schools. I mean, what is HJ doing that H-F is not doing. I'm curious.
  24. I wish we were headed your way for the Little Dribblers Regional Tourney next month. I think I saw your team in the Kountze (sp?) host bracket. We ( Hamshire Fannett) have a strong 9 & under team -Juniors and the Seniors look good too. We're headed for Van Vleck, Texas near Bay City.
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