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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. You're just fishing w/o a pole...sheez!!
  2. There are many private schools like Kelly that follow transfer rules. TAAPS also have their bylaws with recruiting regs.
  3. This is why they are called Student-Athletes.
  4. So yall stop picking on the circuit ; ) It ain't perfect, then again what is perfect when we touch it.
  5. Its not AAU. Again, AAU or summerball events are the little guys in all of this and nobody is pointing fingers at the real culprits who drives the whole show, AAU can't do anything WITHOUT the blessings of a few higher entities also involved. I guess its just easier to pick on grassroots programs and leave the bigdogs blameless. I've said this a hundred times, there is NO LIVE PERIOD unless the NCAA says so. Yall do know the NBA have camps in Africa and other foreign soils and you know why, right?
  6. Did you not hear Farrakhan give respect and props to a guy who just so happens to be white?
  7. I am referring to the video.
  8. Just made my day!
  9. I see some of yall need to get outta the house more and into the malls with your wives... errr mates / significant others.
  10. I forgot about the Madison kid. Good point.
  11. Roll the balls out and play.
  12. Yep, it ain't the 7'3" yall need to be worrying about.
  13. Just because you're playing a 7'3" kid does not mean all hope is lost. Get out there kick some butt. Ozen almost beat Yates two years ago and Yates had two very tall & muscular Africans. It will make the district more exciting if the 7'3" kid plays.
  14. Thank goodness, we can see and hear about a real sportsport now.
  15. These kids may have intentions of getting their education in the US. So, exchange student would not an advantage for them.
  16. Excellent point!
  17. So if he is ruled eligible to play this year as a foreign exchange student, What happens his senior year? Read the rules veryyy carefully.
  18. Christian Olajuwon Cross -Okoye
  19. Christian Olajuwon
  20. But now you're giving the enemy...err enemies too much information.
  21. I think exchange students get to play for one year in the US.
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