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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. Dude, you're kidding right? There are all kids of academic studies relating to the media and its bias towards people of color relating to crime.
  2. So , do white groups play the race card? Please answer.
  3. Yep, same reason why Columbus has a holiday and Travis has schools and streets names after him. Somebody lost their brain cells.
  4. I never said she deserves a street named after her. I was only referring to the Col. Travis comments and the comparison to Bland bucking authority. But Travis is a hero and poor Ms. Bland, well we know the story.
  5. Gotta admire the dedication. I predict them to make the playoffs.
  6. Lots of people out there suffering with mental depression and issues.
  7. Basically, a typical and common occurrence of minimizing her as an individual...here we go again...
  8. Interesting, Travis defied the Mexican government and defied his commanding officer, BUT you find ways to maintain his actions as a heroic figure. Sandra Bland defied a state trooper because she was smoking a cigarette and she's a bad person. Where is the logic?
  9. So, you're saying the white racist don't play the race card?
  10. Thats right. My point exactly.
  11. hMMM, you sure you wanna go that route?
  12. Cops make bad decisions all the time. And sometimes people end up hurt or dead. But that's your profession (your child). And like you said, cops... err parents don't wont to see or acknowledge their kid was bad.
  13. A crime of hate? How?
  14. What are you talking about dude? He wore a political badge and got reprimanded for it. Whats your point?
  15. Please explain!! Also, evidence has been entered she may have been hit by a ricochet bullet from the gun.
  16. Steve Nash needs to qualify that Comm program to make sure its legit.
  17. I knew it was coming. Its too close to Goose Creek not to have a couple of transfers.
  18. Yep, all 2 or 3 tourneys
  19. Well, keep following me and you will learn. And I was off by one game. Sheez!!!
  20. See OF, I was going along with your analogy until you put Carr in the equation
  21. Oh, Buddy knows basketball?
  22. Actually your post most represents the hatred, anger & division many of what "you people" tend to express that has set this country back in race relations.
  23. OF does raise a good point. No matter how you twist, turn, cut, delete , cut or copy, the guy had two NBA stars.
  24. Wait a minute, isn't high school ball 8 minutes a qtr? Somebody must be playing 2 minutes a qtr with that deep bench.
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