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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. I guess when you compare personalities, this is similar to what makes good cops bad cops. One bad decision.
  2. I don't think most people lump all cops as bad. I think those you refer to that lump cops as bad are people who have trust issues with cops, and I'm sure many cops have trust issues when engaging Black men.
  3. I predict Memorial will make the playoffs under Coach Coleman's 1st year& thereafter.
  4. Go to: M-I-D-D-L-E S-C-H-O-O-L Y-O-U-T-H S-P-O-R-T-S
  5. Nah, its hard for one bullsh...err bullcrapper to fool another
  6. Tis' better to have loved & lost than to not have loved at all
  7. Thats why I didn't want to give out location in the title. Another case of potential bad cops caught on camera.
  8. Yep, just like when Blacks kill Blacks, no outsiders to worry about, nor care.
  9. Its hard to compare middle school teams and their performance in high school. Kids mature at different rates. Some will excel faster than others and some will become stagnant. I remember when people were predicting how well Nederland"s current 2016 class would do in high school when they were in the 8th grade. This class has had its growing pains.
  10. There goes the losing weight program I started.
  11. [Hidden Content]
  12. Yep, thats what you want in police community relations, " a feel good information exchange." Yep, thats what it is all about.
  13. Yeah I know what you were referring to and I agree.
  14. Man, I knew you were hanging around here too much, now I see why
  15. Well, I expect "free stuff" if I'm pulled over
  16. Typical (historical) attitude towards civilian police boards. One of the biggest complaint against police is the perception that YOU can't police yourselves. Typically citizens interested in having review boards just want to make sure nothing was "left out or thrown down." You know some of yall have those extra guns to throw down.
  17. I'm glad Rodney is getting some recognition. I've always felt college coaches are gonna play the kids who are gonna help them win and could give a "flying flip" whose the biggest spender in the booster club.
  18. Yeah, its gonna spread anyway especially in small communities like this.
  19. The location is on the other side and down the road a piece from your hood.
  20. Yep, the kid lived a street or two away. Heard he was a nice kid. We never know do we.
  21. 2 straight years gonna be hard to do.
  22. I guess but obviously the 16 year old didn't care.
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