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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. They are still frying people in the chair AND ...they still killing.
  2. Man, I was reading the comments from the web site for the tv station. Some harsh words for the dead kid.
  3. And its easier to let bad cops off. The video age will hopefully expose the bad side as well. Houston was atrocious back in the 70's with plenty of complaints against police officers, but the grand juries very seldom indicted cops. And community police review boards have never seemed to be popular among law enforcement rank & file
  4. Ya gotta do what your competition is doing or trying to do.
  5. I was told last week it was K. Coleman. Also heard last month the team parents were pushing for Coleman. Good guy.
  6. "What exactly transpired between the officers’ arrival and the moment of Hammond’s death is unclear. Seneca police, Hammond’s family and the officer involved have given confusing, conflicting accounts of the incident. Without video footage, it’s difficult to tell whose is accurate. The initial report from Seneca Police made no mention of shots being fired. But after the name of the officer involved, Lt. Mark Tiller, was released last Friday, they released a report from a different officer describing the incident as “attempted murder.” That report did not explain the events that led to the shooting or why Tiller felt threatened."
  7. Police gave conflicting stories. Its still early to determine what all happened.
  8. Does not matter. You have broken the law before, did you deserve to be shot & killed?
  9. [Hidden Content]
  10. I know exactly what I said back then, I said that ...oh neva mind... ( can yall put the rolling eyes back up?) LOL!! oops, I heard thats out of style...hehehehe!!
  11. Those guys transferred out 4 and 5 years ago
  12. I see where a police chief is now trying to introduce a law that keeps spectators and their video cam a certain distance from the action.
  13. Even a drug dealer who is murdered by another drug dealer deserves the same consideration in solving his murder. Acting a fool doesn't mean you should get shot for it. I'm really beginning to understand why the term, "All Lives Matter."
  14. So, acting a fool is cause to shoot?
  15. Headline #1: He fought the cops? Be very careful with your answer.
  16. I'm hearing Kelly may beat up on every S.E.Texas by next year, 2016-17. Hearing they will be better than last season.
  17. Lock this thread down
  18. I agree but lets not make this a habit. Tends to make for a boring discussion
  19. [Hidden Content]
  20. Read!!
  21. BISD does not allow sagging pants. But you are correct.
  22. hUH? Now, I've known that the ACLU has actually sided with students who wore their confederate flag on their t-shirts. I'm missing your point.
  23. Please list how many people have been shot for wearing a confederate flag on their shirt?
  24. I think HF went 3-0 against Buna.
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