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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. Thats because of the "inner city" school make-up for Ozen. Ozen has some very good teachers and programs & students. Both my boys qualified for college & NCAA the first time around. Anybody know Jos. Cantu at ozen will tell you that his math classes and tutoring will prepare you for college. Now, on the flip side, Ozen is one of those schools that accept every kind of student out there. They take students who would otherwise flourish in a small classroom setting, but public school life is hard for many of them. Thats why I am a strong proponent for schools like Oak Hill in Va. Every kid can learn, just gotta find the right learning environment for them.
  2. Hook, line and some good academic teachers
  3. Hmmm? I hope you never stop me...
  4. BISD 's dress code is a broad definition. I would get my ACLU rep and ask them show me how my hoodie is a health or safety hazard.
  5. But thats the "bait" that big city schools use to pull in athletes, a magnet type academic program
  6. Its fueled on both sides.
  7. You could always contact your representatives and ask them to introduce a bill to eliminate all prisons.
  8. Thug? No, whoever shot him was a killer
  9. From a historical reference, lets use Ida B. Wells-Barnett writings on lynchings from a pamphlet she titled, Southern Horrors, “the South is shielding itself behind the plausible screen of defending the honor of its women. Indeed, Wells points to a host of Southern newspapers that defended “lynch’s law” with reference to an alleged epidemic of black-on-white rape." Smitty, you sound strikingly familiar to...
  10. GO OBAMA!!!
  11. It wasn't me hippy. You were responding to Buddy and his comments.
  12. Oh no! no! You ain't get'n off dat easy.
  13. So, its okay for Moslem women to wear hijab in schools?
  14. Isn't it Nash?
  15. Yep, especially if the main focus is athletics.
  16. We got your back Ms. Haynes.
  17. LOL!! You were reading my mind
  18. The Immigrant-Crime Nexus: (Edited) Contrary to much public and political fervor, empirical evidence examining the relationship between immigration and crime demonstrates that immigration does not lend way to increases in crime. The bulk of this body of research examines aggregate level patterns assessing the relationship between immigrant concentration (i.e. percentage of foreign-born) and crime rates in neighborhoods or cities (see, e.g. Alaniz, Cartmill, & Parker, 1998; Butcher & Piehl, 1998; Lee & Martinez, 2002; Lee et al., 2001; Martinez, 2000; Martinez, Rosenfeld, & Mares, 2008; Nielsen, Lee, & Martinez, 2005; Ousey & Kubrin, 2009; Reid et al., 2005)
  19. [Hidden Content]
  20. I was taught never to touch a woman in a forceful way. No matter how much they got on your nerves
  21. Let me see some stats.
  22. Yeah, this is about Jesse Haynes getting her name cleared
  23. As much as it pains me to agree here but yep coaches think they can go coach at a school ( & not live in the district) and bring their kid to play varsity. Thats not the way it works.
  24. aHHH no, he wasn't enrolling in Jack Yates (roll'n my darn eyes)
  25. True, but pay close attention to the UIL rule. You can attend but you still don't have to be eligible to play. I tried to warn a dad about moving his kid from Katy to Houston ISD. His wife worked at the school. He could not play varsity his senior year. It's all about where your parents LIVE. That's the main thing the board looks for.
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