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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. ​Of course they are wrong. Its the same as today when you have American Rebels ...errrr Isis trying to bomb American cities.
  2. ​Its a long way from being multi-cultural
  3. BUT!!!!!! Public financed buildings should not wave the flag or banner of a group of people who went against their country. Plain & simple. Now , that is the whole point to this thread. Its an endorsement and glorification of traitors.
  4. ​Sounds like a good school.
  5. ​I have nothing against Evadale. Great gym.
  6. ​Schools like Evadale will ignore the flag controversy like similar schools did when MLK became an official holiday. Man, there some mad people back then also. But without without a significant population of People of Color, schools such as Evadale will not give in. But thats why Evadale is Evadale.
  8. ​Keep reading. I posted too soon. LOL
  9. ​I usually don't credit conservative sites because some of them kinda looney. In fact, I didn't check this site but I had heard Minister Farrakan (sp?) had made some comments. Hmmm?
  10. ​And I bring you the same proof from the very people who participated say otherwise. Again, Jefferson Davis' VP says it.
  11. ​Yes it is!!! It is what it is!!
  12. ​And your yall history we all know (well some ) how distorted it is
  13. ​Very good observation to recognize that we do have those events in place for a multi-cultural society.
  14. ​LOL!!! Man thats wrong!!!!
  15. Man, how soon does basketball season begin?
  16. Hippy, how can you say slavery became an issue a couple of years into the Civil War? Have you studied the Texas Independence War? What about that Missouri Statehood problem. Oh, and don't forget about my man Fredrick Douglass and his friends. We're referencing the 1820's to 1850's. And as a sidebar , what year did John Brown have that altercation. And Alexander Stephens (yall's VP for the new country) as I have already noted on here said it was about slavery. Go read his Cornerstone Speech. Everybody have their own opinions , no problem. But I won't allow anyone to minimize what happened without me making a counter- comment.
  17. ​I find that interesting but true. Companies start laying off when the price falls for consumers. But at the same time, they can keep their jobs when prices are high and consumers buy less gas..
  18. ​Shoot, its rumored the 1% run the United States now. So surely 3% obviously ran the South back then too. Maybe thats the reason why you had so many non-slave owners were fighting too. And maybe you do remember the cotton gin, and the importance it had on slavery. The gin was invented before the 1800's.
  19. ​But you won't acknowledge they were still traitors? Hmmm? Don't make me bring out documentation. Now, I will say this about those poor farm boys for the South. Some of them may have been forced into action but I still haven't ran across any solid evidence that they were, but I am leaning towards that notion.
  20. ​I know, but I want to start with the Texas Independence War before I get to the Civil War era.
  21. ​Yep, it was about slavery.
  22. ​Its a moral victory. The majority of sensible people do not want their public funds going to a group of traitors who supported this peculiar institution and wanted to maintain keeping individuals in bondage. Even when the war ended, The Black Codes were put into the social order to control...
  23. ​OMG!!! The South enjoyed their slave labor. The South fought to keep their way of life. Plain & simple. Yall need to stop it.
  24. Of course they were rebels.
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