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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. I love to see the little guards score against those big giants.
  2. Okay Buddy, I'm watching. Mem vs Orlando
  3. Is it on now? Need to turn to NBA channel and check it out.
  4. ​HUH? I haven't called or assumed you are racist about the flag. A flag? Thats only a symbol of racism. I was speaking of the racism that hold people back. A flag? Man please! Granted, it is a very symbolic victory for the people.
  5. ​Yes, you have have White History Month every month. Imma let yall think about this for an hour or so.
  6. I know a lot of personal sad stories like this one. I know two (former) lawyers who got addicted to drugs. One was on cocaine and the other was a professional weight lifter and used steroids. One was white and the other was a person of color. They knew better and still did it. I have a former girlfriend who was a cheerleader , smart, ambitious, and got hooked on drugs in college. Thank God she is once again leading a productive life again. Now Smitty, my question to you is this: What made their lives so different? The choice of drugs, DNA, or ?
  7. I don't think it should burn, its still a part of American history. We need these relics to remind us so that we don't allow it to repeat itself again or raise its's ugly head.
  8. ​LOL, sure there is racism among Black folks. Whatever gave you that there wasn't? But Ii also think 'your" racism is traditionally more harmful to people of color, even today.
  9. ​You're starting to step on "hoallowed ground." An area you can't defend. So, here we go. Do you really want to get rid of several 'white" celebrations?
  10. ​Nah, I think we should focus on the military installations. Let'm keep the gravestones.
  11. ​You should, if its on govt. property. I have no problem if its on private property or web site.
  12. ​Yeah those racial overtones were really bad not too long ago during the Civil Rights Movement
  13. ​You should if its on govt. property.
  14. ​Now you see how the The Invisible Man feels
  15. The man is innocent until proven guilty.
  16. Yeah, we see a few in denial either by their words and others by no words at all. Reminds me of the poem, The Invisible Man.
  17. Excerpt: Our new government ( Rebels) is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; ( opposite of the US Constitution that all men are created equal) its foundations are laid, its corner- stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth. Alexander Stephens -VP of Confederacy He says it clearly what the South was all about and what they represented. This is why so many people are having a problem with the flag and what it represents.
  18. There was some guy with two confed flags on the back of his truck driving on my road. He definitely wanted attention on July 4th
  19. ​The Confederate flag is a symbol used by traitors to fight Americans during a Civil War, brother against brother, son against father, etc.
  20. ​Re-writing history is nothing new. Jesse James, Frank James, Al Capone, The Ok Corral , Robert E. Lee, Clarence Thomas, etc. The list grows.
  21. ​A travesty that probably cannot be reversed.
  22. ​Its a big deal to many Americans whose ancestors didn't betray their country.
  23. ​I said, "maybe the media needs to educate us more..." That included you, me, them, us, yall, you people, etc.
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