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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. ​Some of my best (?) friends are cops and I still get uncomfortable when a police car is behind me. And thats based on my own personal experiences as a teen and an adult. Getting guns pointed at you or disrespected is not fun times. Its a two-way street. The cops are scared and the citizens they protect are scared too. Once again, you guys aren't reading or investigating the other "news" sources and I'm not talking about CNN or Fox. " The people that live in Chicago have to somehow someway fix it and if it isn't getting fixed it's not Foxnews or anyone else's fault but theirs." Hmmm okay, all of us arm chair quarterbacks sound the same no matter what side of the tracks you live on. Chicago has a history of violence and the city had a Republican mayor back in its day.
  2. [Hidden Content]
  3. [Hidden Content] This is good news!!!
  4. ​Ahhhhhhh, very good for those limited in some news to actually see there are and have always been grass-root organizations being pro active in their communities. Huff Post , thanks for the article. Now, forums like this can share and educate others who are less informed about communities like these all over the country. So, are these media outlets producing articles like this on a regular basis and others are just less informed because they don't really care? Because on Fox, they love to throw out to their fan base that these communities act as if they only protest against killings when whites are involved against so-called minorities. Hmmm!
  5. ​Ahhhhh! You do realize there was a outcry from the community when this happened? There was an organized march. But you didn't see it, did you? I wonder why? I think there are several reasons you and others like you didn't know.
  6. ​Okay Lumbertonfan, what do you suggest the people in neighborhoods like Chicago do?
  7. ​The same problem that exist in all poor communities around the world. Those people have to live with the crooks who are doing these bad things. Many are scared just like we all are. I agree, it would help if citizens were more vocal. Lets use Beaumont. If I saw a crime and wanted to report it, I'm making darn sure my name ain't used. You better give me a code number. I don't know who knows who in this town. Loose lips sink ships
  8. ​So, who fits that mold in your humble opinion within the the top 4 finalist?
  9. ​I had you in mind when I wrote this. C'mon Souljah, I'm just trying to nudge things along a little bit at a time
  10. Buddy, I going to miss this period of basketball evaluation in July for the first time in about 4 years. Truly were some fun,exciing, and very competitive times.
  11. What attributes will the new coach have to bring in order for Central to reach the big dance?
  12. ​I said "yall." You probably have a lost Yankee relative as a stock holder
  13. Sometimes a piece of mind is our greatest reward. da' Dove!!
  14. ​Probably because its owned by yall
  15. It only gets really bad when the violence pours into "their" neighborhood. As long as its contained in the ghetto, its manageable. Many people live in those areas and hate the violence like everyone else. National Geographic did a story leading up to the July 4th weekend in Chicago. It showed a local reporter whose been covering the July 4th murder rage for 20 years. Seemed like he was only out there to get a story and go back home. Anyway, the documentary showed how the gangs used the holiday to rob and kill other drug dealers under the cover of fireworks. Thats why you have so many killings during that time frame.
  16. ​Oh lawd!!! One of the Black networks have already dropped his shows. See, yall don't read the right media. My exact point I was making on another thread.
  17. [Hidden Content] Interesting story about a Southern land owner in Mississippi who opposed the Confederacy. "Southern Yankee."
  18. ​What makes you think we aren't concerned? What makes you think we aren't focused on our children? What makes you think Black leaders aren't leading? I've been to Cabrini Green in Chicago(1980's). Those people care. Maybe the media needs to educate us more on what is being done in those communities to show people do care.
  19. ​Yes, I am familiar with Plantation Oaks near the Stafford/Sugar Land area.
  20. ​I have no problem sleeping on white sheets. I just don't like it when I can't see yall faces
  21. Let me make myself a little clearer. How are the gangs getting the guns? Going to Bubba's Gun Emporium?
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