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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. ​What time period are you referring to the north having slaves. 1990's 1870's 1860's, 1850's, etc?
  2. Hancock seems to have the personality for the position. Seems like his players like him.
  3. You guys actually watch CNN & MSNBC? You could care less about Al Sharpton, violence in Chicago, or the ghetto, which is why YOU have no idea what he has done to confront violence in Chicago. Has Sharpton done enough? Maybe he could do more but the point is that he has tried. Strict gun laws? We have strict drug laws too. so what? It would be nice if the federal officials could raid the gun manufacturers located on the west side of Chicago (pretend rolling eyes!).
  4. Based on experience as a head coach, I would assume Hancock is the leader.. Is East Chambers and WOS his only head coaching positions?
  5. Okay, wait a minute, lets define who is not interested in these lives. Are you referring to the (1)majority owned media outlets (2) citizens of Chicago, the drug dealers, or ?
  6. ​Sure I know there were slaves in the north. At least the North was willing to outlaw slavery than be a traitor to its own country.
  7. Okay, so obviously "you people" haven't heard or read some of the declarations of secession from the southern States
  8. ​Yeah, I'm beginning to see the problem myself.
  9. ​Hmmm! And why did the South feel they were not being represented fairly?
  10. ​This country was founded by cry babies, so whats new? But, many "those of you" have no problem if you want to wave your flag in your trucks, homes, etc. Thats your business.
  11. ​Thats your best answer? I'm sure even you could name a few southerners who fought for the North...hmmm? Now give me an intelligent answer!!
  12. I have a question to my white rebel brothers on the forum: For those whites, especially the po' whites, why did yall ancestors fight for the South?
  13. ​If yall wanna put that flag on a PRIVATE war memorial funded by private donations, so be it.
  14. ​The Founding Fathers were cry babies in the text we are speaking of
  15. ​Yep, this country was founded by rebels
  16. ​Hmmm? hey hippy, you may be on to something here. I may have to get my committee updated on this one. Thanks.
  17. This country was built on cry babies.
  18. Good point! Similar but not the same and you can't make any excuses to get outta this one. Colonies versus a union of United States. You're trying to compare a country versus Colonies..
  19. The flag represents people who went against their country, right?
  20. Should not be erased, but the Confederate symbols should not be on public funded property.
  21. Congrats, Lamar will be a force to reckon with. Wait till those young pups mature.
  22. Coleman definitely paying his dues. That Central crowd seems to be very demanding. Expectations are high.
  23. They got a real good steal in Decarlos Frank
  24. The man may have baggage (like most of us) but maybe he has gotten some things in order now.
  25. Well, BISD brought in an outsider for football, might as well for basketball.
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