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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. It's the devil!! AAU, not you Nash
  2. Amazon has just confirmed the Confederate flag merchandise will be removed from the site.
  3. ​White Supremacy plain & simple. The umbrella of it all. Now lets hear your reasoning!!
  4. Like oh Bubba would say, I got four words to answer that one... George Wallace!!! Stood at the door and proclaimed...!!!!!! BUT!!!!!! The man was eventually loved by southern Blacks.
  5. ​So, you were against the Feds stepping in and disrupting the Jim Crow laws?
  6. And no, those Generals don't deserve an American military base named after them.
  7. ​Oh okay, just like Jim Crow laws. Ahh okay!!
  8. ​Hmmm? Were they patriots or traitors?
  9. Nash, Its been a discussion for years.. I think we all can admit the "opportunity" to bring this issue back to the national forefront is now. Before we all get back comfortable again and be in denial about our race issues.
  10. Personally, you can hang your confederate flag in your yard, boat, horse carriage, or in Billy Bob Saloon.
  11. "It's important to note that there is no indicator that these buttons were actually made and distributed by the actual Clinton-Gore campaign. The second, with its cut-out photos of the candidates, almost certainly isn't. One indicator that it isn't official is that it lacks a union "bug," the little marker showing that a piece of campaign material was printed in a union shop. If you look at other Clinton-Gore buttons, nearly all — but not all — have a bug somewhere. The buttons below, from CampaignButtons-Etc.com, have their union bugs circled." Washington Post
  12. A&M doing a good job recruiting players.
  13. So, its okay to move affordable housing apartments to West End and Lumberton ? I bet you can find Section 8 housing in the West End and Lumberton.
  14. ​ ​He must be a Houston Hoops kid I bet
  15. You can't run an AAU system in high school. The talent level in high school is too widely diverse,
  16. So, BMTSOULJA, A Central head ouch with Ozen connections won't try and win games for Central?
  17. Ozen had two Central grads when my kids played on the coaching staff.
  18. ​And whats wrong with having Ozen ties? Yall had plenty of Central ties at Ozen.
  19. ​Never mentioned multiple murder suspect getting off. But!!! Birmingham, AL church for starters.
  20. According to my sources, his son has applied for the position.
  21. wow!! What a clever way to ignore the current major events happenings. Ignore your own reality.
  22. ​I thinks its Anthony Boutte
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