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  1. the league took the word of the other team. The next day after the game was played and sheet signed off. Evidently the court found evidence they proved their case. This league is being sponsored by a anonymous NFL player. It will not start until summer of 2013. I am just the lawyer on board. Of course you know all that is in detail. I will not speak on this subject again. Good luck to the league. And word of Advise Revise Your bylaws.
  2. Just to clarify the reason The Galveston Hurricans were kicked out of the league wasnt because they were accused of not playing their players but because the parents filed a restraining order against the league. And the courts ruled in their favor. They played in the superbowl game. And Now the league kicked them out. Its ironic that Silsbee Silver went through the same thing.  They should have take the advice they were given to file a restraint. Maybe those lil boys would have played in that game. Their MPRs were signed off by each rep. Silsbees MPRs never was signed and according to their bylaw it cant be used to lodge a complaint but somehow it was. I guess their word was good enough.. (Not in the bylaw stating their word could be used) Another rule broken by the league. SMH
  3. It was just a figure of speech. Point is you know what the penalty is... before you jump offside.. Really is it that funny  i think not. 
  4. its in the works...
  5. Why is it so hard for you all to see: If the game is a forfeit. State such in the bylaws. The rules dont say the game is a forfeit.  And if this coach did this three times. Then hey it is definitley something wrong with the league. Why you let it go on. shouldnt it have been dealt with before all this. seems like to me you all are only stating what you want to see. I seriously doubt the coach did it three times.  You all are only stating what you have heard. This thread is about Abiding by all the rules for everyone involved.  Whats wrong with the league stating in their bylaws the game will be a forfeit if the  MPR rule is violated? All other leagues state that very fact.  If the rules state suspension then thats what you must abide by. Now if you all cant see the rules were broken by the league and the team i feel for those kids in silsbee. [quote name="STiger85" post="1125476" timestamp="1321811272"] So, if only a suspention was handed down it's ok to break the rule. That's what I get out of this statment. I don't have a dog in this. I have coached in the LJF for five years. I know the rules. As a coach you never ever ever not get your kids plays in. That's just wrong. If you get their plays in you wont have to go through this, and besides that, a kid playing just eight plays is not enough. This is a thread about playing time and the rules about playing time. From reading this thread, it's all on the coaches. They are your problem not the board. They broke a rule for the third time. THREE TIMES. The same rule the coaches broke three times. It's sad that some coaches had to put the LJF board in that poition. And YES I know if I did not play my players their eight plays in a game I was responsible for us getting a forfit. [/quote]   
  6. ok shouldnt your rules state as such as the other leagues do.  Their rules specifically states the game will be a forfeit. Yours dont. Its not about the fact the rule was broke but about your bylaws dont state the game should or could be a forefeit. If the coaches/parents new that . Then maybe the rules will be followed downt to a T. There is noway a coach would deliberatelyl break the MPR rule knowing he would be handed a forfeit. Make the facts known!! Thats all i am saying and i sure thats what the silver coach/parents were saying. 
  7. I am glad to know your name sir. I dont use fake names either . My name is JC Bryant and I am from Woodville. I was there and i said it then and will say it again. BS. Every spectator at that game knows what happend you can put it like you want. You helped make the rules and dont even abide them. Article 9: Sect 5 states: AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FOURTH QUARTER ANY PLAYER THAT HAS NOT RECEIVED HIS MANDATORY PLAY WILL BE PUT INTO THE GAME UNTIL HIS MANDATORY NUMBER OF PLAYS IS REACHED. THIS DOES NOT TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION OFFENSE OR DEFENSE, THE PLAYER MUST GO INTO THE GAME AT WHATEVER SITUATION IS PRESENT AT THE BEGINNING OF THE QUARTER. [color=purple]FAILURE TO DO SO WILL BE CONSIDERED A WANTON VIOLATION OF THESE ARTICLES AND COULD SUBJECT THE HEAD COACH TO ACTION FROM THE LJF BOARD.[/[/color]b]. all i have heard and read is what the silver team parents and coaches did or did not do.  What did the league do or didnt do? can u honestly say you all abided by the rules you all set in place. I doubt it. And what if a team stays in the huddle to end the game in the fourth. And protest all the players didnt get their plays. I was there and I know you saw what i saw: They were protesting that game before it ever ended. You play to win the game. OMG they were a bunch of 5-8 year olds. When did the game become about Adults.  Thats why you see so much fighting among parents/coaches/referees on the news and internet when it comes to Lil League ball. Get it together and for future reference. Revise your bylaws
  8. Its because of the redistricting and Realignments of  the schools
  9. First let me clarify.. I dont have a kid that plays . And second :You expect LoneStar to list everything that will forfeit the game."  Well, why not the STJFL does.  In any sport you have penaltys for not follwing the rule. They are not made up as you go. You jump offside or illegal motion on the offense. Their is a 10yrd penalty. The rule is already set. So yes, they should state. If the rule is broken it will be a forfeit. What the rule states is The head coach will go before the board for discipline NOT the team forfeit a game. So they enforce a rule but not abide by the others.  Get real.  I guess you all like cheating when its beneficial to you.  For some reason i dont think you all are getting the point. The kids were in the game. At the beginnig of the fourth there were a number of kids on both sides that didnt get their plays. Its just amazing all the other teams did. and one needed the whole eight but only 6 plays played in the fourth. Go figure. And its not about the MPRs its following the rules set in place to give discipline to the game. Evidently you all dont know the leagues rules.
  10. STJF word of advice..Make sure LONESTAR play by the rules. B/C they are known to bend a little..
  11. Silsbee is NO match for WOS. From Flag to High school
  12. @ olescholl_50 I guess you know all this why because you were there.  Well seems to me. It is more to the story than what you or I say. And it was more than just you and I at the game. But all thats besides the point. If all the RULES are not being followed now isnt it. Maybe the league should be more clear on the rules of the game. Its so funny How nobody wants to address that issue.  And i recall them being up by 16pts. Moral of the story: Follow your own rules. You made them.
  13. the kids were in the game at the beginnig of the fourth like the rules say. Other teams MPR rep that was on silvers sideline told the coach the other team had players that needed plays. Now when he found out with over two miniutes left in the fourth he stayed in the huddle. You are down by two touchdowns and you stay in the huddle to get delay of game penalty to run out the clock.  Because of this the little boys didnt get the two plays needed because only six plays played in the entire fourth quarter. With that being said. The other team lined up on the side line with time left on the clock as if the game was over. They were protesting before the game ever ended.  Mine you its leagal; but the league handed the silver a forfeit.  Thats NOT a rule in the bylaws. So not upset they upheld a rule, upset that they didnt uphold all rules. You have to play fair. Right?  If a game is a forfeit due to breaking the MPR rule then by all means state it in the rules.  The penalty for breaking the rule says the head coach goes before the board not the team has to forfeit.  Just saying it was fair to the kids that played their lil butts off. And they couldnt go to the superbowl. STJFL rules state the game will be a forfeit and that you cant end a game the way the opposing coach did. I think Lonestar either need to Abide by their own rules are revise them.
  14. I think what the Lone Star League did tothe Silsbee Silver Team was wrong. Those lil guys went undefeated pre and post season and the league made them forfeit the game only for breaking the manadatory play rule. Those lil guys had 2 players that needed to 2 plays and the other teams coach  Sat on the ball and did not run another play so he protest that those guys didnt get their plays..  And the leagues bylaws dont even state the game should or could be a forfeit but that the coach would get suspended and or fined. "Misconstrued Rules Rule the field" How are they to enforce the rules when the league doesnt abide by them.  NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'(
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