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Everything posted by TRUEBLUEFAN

  1. We played in the 8AA Division.  I can honestly say I am happy that they chose to only play the 1 full game.  It still poured down on us Saturday Night.  The only two things I experienced was questionable or maybe 1 is normal I just never experienced was.  1 Team Forfeited Saturday so 6 Points were defaulted to a Team that never played which allowed them to be a Higher Seed.  I really didn't think that was fair but maybe this is normal and I will have to get use to...Is this COMMON?  and the only other experience was the Umpire didn't know the Run Rules/Innings to stop the game.  Other than that it was a good experience because It's all ABOUT the BOYS playing on the fields and watching them Compete and Have fun at doing something they enjoy doing.
  2. entirely too many rules especially at this age...I understand they don't want any kids getting hurt from the ball coming off of a bat...heck the MLB doesn't even have to go through all of this...
  3. Vpath...I seen that bat...so is the Combat 52 Caliber legal in nations? do you know?... also see the TPX Omaha 2 5/8 know anything about it?
  4. A few of the Bats that I am looking at is the Easton S3  2 5/8, Combat 52 Caliber 2 5/8, and the Easton Omen 2 5/8
  5. [quote name="VPATH" post="1133320" timestamp="1322451432"] A bat is legal in USSSA if it has the USSSA stamp on it. That bat is legal in Nations as long as it is a -10 drop or heavier. If it is lighter than a -10 drop it cannot be a 1 piece composite, must be a 2 piece design like composite handle and alloy barrel. Just because a bat has a USSSA stamp that says BPF1.15 doesn't mean it's legal in Nations. TPX has a new bat out thats 100% composite with BPF1.15 and USSSA stamp, legal in USSSA, not Nations, very confusing. What age is your kid? [/quote] He is 7...he has swung a 27/17 2 5/8 no problem at all and he has swung a 29/19 2 5/8 he hit the ball good but it appeared to control him instead of him controlling it....So I was thinking a 28/18..
  6. Ok, I am new getting my son into the Select Baseball and looking at bats for him and I am sure this has already been answered in the past.  What types of bats can be used playing Nations and/or USSSA Composite or Alloy?  Also, I heard that it has to have a BPF 1.15...If it is a 2 3/4 no more than a -10Drop can that be used in Nations and USSSA? is there any other stamps needed on the bat?  which is better 2 5/8 or 2 3/4?  Can the bats be both used in USSSA and Nations?  Ok that is all for now but I am sure there are more questions.  Thanks
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