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Everything posted by WillyWonka

  1. I knew that he had coached at Warren for a year or so...where else has he coached at?
  2. How can you say that you have been at OF your whole life and not know who the Bourgeois' and Agerton's are...especially if you saw Morgan play???  And how can anyone with any experience in OF baseball say that they have never heard of these two?  There is no doubt that Morgan was a good player, but to say that he was the best in the area is an overstatement and untrue considering the company that was kept in the area had those years...Josey Kelly from LCM, Dan Fletcher from BC, Michael Thompson from WOS....should I go on??  And by the way...as a "true orange fan"...I was actually at those games, and I can tell you that there was no chanting for Morgan in the stands...I'm not saying that these two want the job, but I am saying that you should know the facts before you start spouting things off in a public forum...however, you do deserve an "A" in creative writing.
  3. Actually, it doesn't seem so much about Lumberton's ups and downs as much as it seems like a witch hunt (or should I say coach hunt?) by a couple people who would rather mouth on a message board instead of scheduling a conference with the coach to sit down and talk about their concerns. Man up and talk to the guy face to face. Just my opinion.
  4. Right. Which you should know plenty about because that's exactly where you've been for the last few weeks....sittin' in your recliner, munchin' on potato chips, just wishin' you were still playing. Sorry that didn't work out for you. Now give credit where it's due. :
  5. Such the comedian aren't we? Just wait....won't be long until that unmistakable wit of yours catches up with you....or your multiple personality disorder....oh wait, I mean multiple username disorder. Don't think people aren't on to you. : And by the way, if you're looking for your name....you can find it under hypocrite.
  6. The BC/Silsbee matchup should be a great one. Glad they are playing it instead of taking a chance on a coin flip.
  7. Wow man that's deep. Seems to me if those girls didn't even "make the cut" they wouldn't have stomped all over HF. :
  8. Looks like our favorite Mathews-basher is now MIA...... ;D
  9. No, definitely not an Aledo fan. I'm just commenting on what I saw last night. Those kids from SVille are really talented, BUT I personally did not care for their style of play. It was consistently shady. Lots of mouthing, personal fouls, facemasks..... I know these things happen with all teams, but it just seemed there was a LOT going on. That being said....I think SVille will go far....their quarterback is amazing.
  10. Got to hand it to Stephenville. They have some very impressive athletes. Too bad their outstanding play was overshadowed by their incredibly dirty style of play. More personal fouls called in one game than I've seen in a while.....and some of them didn't even get called. Don't get me wrong.....those kids can play. I was just really surprised by the lack of class shown on the field. JMO
  11. Oh...now wait a minute....does anyone smell something burning? HA HA ....you go Piratefan!! ;D
  12. Actually, I do watch volleyball. And in watching it, not being from there, unless they publicly announce injuries, players quitting, etc. nobody on the outside knows these things. I'm sorry they are having so much trouble. However, the point is they are winless in district. All the original poster did was point out they had a strong start and have faltered since. It's the truth....don't get all bent out of shape over it. :
  13. And BC is tied for first in district.....makes you go double hmmmmm...... ???
  14. Here ya go Coop. How the Banana Slug became UCSC's official mascot The Banana Slug, a bright yellow, slimy, shell-less mollusk found in the campus's redwood forest, was the unofficial mascot for UC Santa Cruz's coed teams since the university's early years. The students' adoption of such a lowly creature for a team mascot was their reaction to the fierce athletic competition fostered at most American universities. UCSC has always offered a wide-ranging physical education and recreation program designed to appeal to the greatest number of students, but it has based its approach on some unusual ideas: that athletics are for all students, not just team members of major sports; that the most important goal of a collegiate physical education department should be to introduce as many students as possible to lifelong physical activities; and that the joy of participating is more important than winning. In 1980, when some campus teams wanted more organized yet still low-keyed participation in extramural competition, UCSC joined Division III of the NCAA in five sports. Since the application required an official team name, UCSC's then chancellor polled the student players, and out of this small group emerged a consensus for a new moniker--the sea lions. It was a choice that the chancellor considered more dignified and suitable to serious play than the Banana Slugs. But the new name did not find favor with the majority of students, who continued to root for the Slugs even after a sea lion was painted in the middle of the basketball floor. After five years of dealing with the two-mascot problem, an overwhelming proslug straw vote by students in 1986 convinced the chancellor to make the lowly but beloved Banana Slug UCSC's official mascot. By the time the chancellor had left office, he was won over to the proslug camp, even to the point of featuring the Slug on his personal Christmas card. In May 2004, Reader's Digest named the Banana Slug the best college mascot. The Banana Slug even figured in a court case involving campus mascots. Judge Terence Evans, writing the opinion for the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, stated the following: "We give the best college nickname nod to the University of California-Santa Cruz. Imagine the fear in the hearts of opponents who travel there to face the imaginatively named 'Banana Slugs'?" (Crue et al. v. Aiken, June 1, 2004) Recently, our Sammy the Slug mascot has been appearing around campus at sports events and other functions. And, when the men's tennis team played in the NCAA championships, their T-shirts read: "Banana Slugs-No Known Predators." UC Santa Cruz Foundation trustee Anne Neufeld Levin wrote a children's book, Sally Slug, illustrated by UCSC alumna and former Foundation trustee Patricia Rebele. The book, published in 2002, is available at slugstore.ucsc.edu. Proceeds from sales of the book benefit the UCSC Foundation and provide for art history purchases and exhibits in the library. JL 3/06
  15. Piratefan, I respect your opinion because you consistently support the pirates. I'm sorry if you disagree what I say but I hold to it. Yes, we sporadically send teams to the playoffs but not with the consistency of other schools. It really is a moot point. I won't say anything else except that I support the Pirates and their coaching staff no matter what some daddy in the stands thinks.
  16. This is quite humorous really. I had the privilege of working in the vidor athletic program for several years. Peopel like you "faithful" only see what you want to see. Just like I said before, you refuse to see the whole picture. I had a front row seat.....from boys to girls, high school down to junior high.....not much athletic talent. I'm not saying there aren't some kids who are athletic. Sure there are. But one or two kids per class does not make an "athletic" class. I'm not blaming anything on the kids. They can't help it if they don't have the athletic prowess needed to make up a successful program. And if you want to call intelligence into the picture Mr. Perkins. Bring it on. I can quote gems of yours such as "I seen it" and "hisself." You do not want to go there with me.
  17. I simply point out your refusal to admit that your only motive for joining this site is to down Jeff Mathews and I'm in denial. That's great. Actually, I haven't been to a football game this year. So, I can't speak to what the issues are this year. However, I have been fortunate enough to work for the man, and I can tell you right now he's top notch. Get this through your head. The athletic talent pool in Vidor is incredibly shallow. It happens that way sometimes. Go ahead and get someone else in there. I'll show you more losing seasons. The problem is people like you who refuse to take in the whole picture. Personally, I hope he leaves so that he doesn't have to deal with those of you who feel like you can do a better job just because you used to play way back in the day.
  18. Wow. Clueless really.
  19. Look Mr. Perkins, you can spin this any way you want to. You have consistently been on here whining about everything to do with vidor football for days now. You can say you didn't want to have him fired, but you said there needs to be a change made. That's the same thing. All I'm saying is if you are going to have this opinion stick with it. People will respect you more if you aren't riding the fence all the time.
  20. Are you seriously going to post this statement? Not sure you've figured this out yet considering you are fairly new..... all anyone has to do is look at your profile to see all your posts. Tell me....you still want to stand by your "Captain of the Ship" comment?
  21. Everyone here thinks you are the antichrist, not because you want a winning season for Vidor, but because your witchhunt regarding Mathews is growing tiresome. 80 something posts in the last few days....most spewing your apparently know-it-all attitude regarding what should be done with Mathews. You say you don't want to bash him, then bash him in your next post. You say you understand his plight regarding pay then bash him for trying to move to another district. I agree something different needs to be done...whether his assistants/OC/DC whoever need to leave....but if I felt as strongly as you "supposedly" do, I think I'd be at the next school board meeting voicing my concerns. Certainly, not on here turning every Vidor thread into a "Let's Fire Jeff Mathews" campaign. Seriously classless man.
  22. Do they even play baseball below 4A??? ;D
  23. Seems pointless to get on and whine about this here. It's been a problem for quite some time now....nothing new. If you really want your voice to be heard, write this stuff in a letter to the editor..... of the Beaumont Enterprise. Just my opinion.
  24. Not erroneous if it's true.....obviously, they weren't there this week....but last week they were. Kinda hard to call it erroneous.......outdated maybe....but at least they were ranked.
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