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Everything posted by Tiger90

  1. What is really sad is you coming into a thread that has nothing to do with your team only to instigate.
  2. Reread what you wrote. He lied. It doesn't matter if a substance was banned or not. He isn't being indicted on using steroids, he is being charged with perjury.
  3. It is ok Brady no harm done. You know it is easy to see your email with your name in it right?
  4. You play a role on the team so why come here and lobby your case Brady.......just ask coach T at practice what it will take for you to start.
  5. I don't recall many saying HF didn't stand a chance. They definitely were not favored by most, but did stand a chance. The district really needs to be split up. The big 3 will be favored once again with the returning players and underclassmen currently on the rosters.
  6. With the returning players WOS,Jasper, and Silsbee will be the big dogs for a few years.
  7. No, not really.....I felt in July and even pm'ed some my Tigers would be lucky at 5-5 or 6-4. After '04 and someone's antics I support and respect Jasper on a higher level. Once again, Go Bulldogs!
  8. I don't have Silsbee's exact number but I believe it was in the 830s.
  9. Personally I'd like to see kirbyville lose this week, but it won't happen. Offensively K'ville can go pretty far, but if a team has a decent offense they will struggle. Jasper is clicking right now and even though the Silsbee game ended close if Jasper can keep a full 4 quarters of defensive intensity they can give anyone a run for their money. Go Jasper!
  10. Agree, not really a big deal. :-\
  11. The Enterprise is pretty much a rag when it comes to local sports coverage. If it isn't a reprint from the AP it doesn't get posted. I remember always having stats on Saturday morning from the Friday games. I can read those AP stories a day or two before they print them here on this site.
  12. Any stats for this game? Jeremy Johnson had a solid game as well.
  13. Playoffs do not generate much for the hosting schools. A possible $8000 is not something to justify the cash for turf. How many games do you honestly think you could host and would any bigger schools use the stadium? You also have utilities and security to figure in. It is obviously a trend across the state and more will get it in the area, but to say those who voted against it basically don't support your program is crazy. Maybe the folks over there just want to make sure the other bond money is properly spent before going further. We keep hearing how WOS is the most successful program in the state are they going to be terrible all of a sudden without turf?
  14. The majority has spoken it is over and done. I'd love turf as much as the next person but there is a high initial cost and when other areas are in dire need of improvements how can one justify a million $$$$ turf for really only 5 nights a year? (I understand others may use the stadium but the reality is it is for those mere 5 nights.)
  15. next season
  16. Classy post. Let's just hope for a great game. It will be difficult to ever repeat that game.
  17. Hopefully this game will be as good as it was in '04........with similar outcomes.
  18. All I am going to say about it is whoever called Silsbee "cheaters" is an idiot. Was it a tough loss...yes. If Silsbee had the refs in their backpockets I'd imagine that supposed fumble into the endzone (odd not one ref was even in position to even see that play) would'nt have been called against the Tigers nor the long Castle td called back for a weak penalty at best. If Silsbee or the refs cheated, Kirbyville would have lost by 2 tds so get your facts straight. Irregardless of this game it was all coming down to Silsbee versus Jasper for the spot anyways.
  19. Where are the Orange county kids disappearing to?
  20. Got to keep up with the Jones I guess. As much of a sportsfan as I am I just do not undersand the money schools are pouring into stadiums for a mere 5 varsity game a year average. Million dollar scoreboards, million dollars worth of turf......where does it end? The previous statement about growth was given to all of the area school superintendents a few weeks back at Region 5. The current trend is major growth on the I35 and I 45 corridors
  21. Only 2 school districts in the Region 5 area are growing, Brookeland and Lumberton. This comes directly from Region 5.
  22. If those are legit looks like WB and PAM will have some new company.
  23. Wouldn't Silsbee also have to lose to Jasper in the equation?
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