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Everything posted by Tiger90

  1. Although it doesn't happen often Silsbee has beaten WOS. The games are tough.
  2. That case affected me going to law school. :-\
  3. Shooter please do not misconstrue that one statement as my entire point of view. That was just part of the issue no matter how affluent one's upbringing is. I merely was implying that not all people can and will learn the same. Some people just have the ability to achieve easier and more than others. Some people do have limitations. I understand that is a view many people may not have thought about or may accept. It is not meant as derogatory towards anyone. In regards to inequality in schools, you can put every kid in the nicest facility known to man, but if the expectations and importance are not placed on education by the child's support group (parents/grand parents/teachers) then it is all for naught. Of the 168 hours each week a teacher in a school with a traditional schedule will only see that student 7 of those hours. That is a short time to make such a major impression on each child. There has to be more input ans support from parents to stress the importance of education. Far too often schools are seen as an adversary rather than an ally. This is a sports board and we are always talking about new stadiums for more fans to attend etc., how many folks attend a board meeting, a PTA meeting, or even a mere parent/teacher conference? If people want a better education for their child then they need to work hand in hand with the teacher to better meet their child's needs. That simple view can cut across any background or financial situation. That is not to say every participant will agree, but at least everyone knows the goal. There is not one school out there thats goal is to be vindictive or oppressive to any student. I am in no way a supporter of No Child Left Behind, quite the opposite. That legislation was put in place by people who do not spend day to day time with today's youth to even understand their needs. It was passed by people who probably have not even been in a classroom in 20+ years. An example of that flawed legislation deals with special needs kids. The government wants each of these identified kids to have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) that works on the individual's identified needs. Although the child may be in the age appropriate grade they may be 3,4, or even 5 levels behind, but when testing (state's new TAKS-M) rolls around they have to take the same test. How fair and individualized is that? The teacher has to meet and teach at the student's level, but the state testing can be several levels higher. It just doesn't make sense. If anyone ever wants to look at a TAKS test the TEA website releases the tests to the public every other year. The 2004 and 2006 TAKS versions are available for download now. [Hidden Content] The new TAKS-M for special needs populations is new and will not be available for at least two years.
  4. Actually Mark White and Ross Perot were instrumental in no pass/no play around '82-'83. The TAAS test was in the 90s to early 00s. TEAMS testing was in the late 80s.
  5. This is really a nonissue. He was asked about hockey and obviously he doesn't follow it. Why should he have made up a favorite just for the media? The only way I even knew who was in the finals and won was because of the publicity Tiger gave the sport because of this supposed issue. The NHL and its fanbase shouldn't be dissing Tiger they should be dissing themselves and trying to figure out how to change their perception to the general public. More people probably watch "wrestling" than hockey.
  6. But they were axed for minimum academic standards which I am going to guess is talking about TAKS. TAKS is based on percentage of pass/fail, not the number of dropouts. If 500 students take the test and 250 of them fail, then it is a 50% passing percentage. It doesn't matter if 300 students dropped out that didn't take the test. If that is true, then the district's TAKS rating is probably better off with the dropouts. I would bet that a large percentage of the dropouts would not have passed anyway. It would increase their failure rate if those students stayed in school and failed the tests. Drop outs can be part of the equation. In this instance however, it all has to be based on preliminary test score projections. The state is not releasing any official rankings until August 1st. The state one minutes says the students are all the same but when the TAKS is put into play they break everything down demographically. A school can actually meet the exempliary status overall but have the school rank as academically unacceptable if a subgroup is deemed too low. One thing I will never understand is if we as a society can recognize that some folks are born with superior physical talents (ie. sports players) over others why can't we accept the fact that some people just do not have the same mental talents? These standardize tests pretty much assume we all learn the same or can learn the same when that is just not true.
  7. A few weeks ago there were some folks talking about how if some schools wanted to keep their coaches etc they needed to not make them have to get more certifications/teaching fields and have them focus more on coaching. The reality is sports are secondary to a school's purpose. This school could have won state in every major sport this year, but in the end it is the academics that are most important.
  8. I can agree with most of those but add track to WOS and Jasper and pole-vaulting to OF.
  9. I do not condone cheating in any way but this is wrong. This teacher has opened himself up. A kid's record is not up to the public to scrutinize. It is not right for anyone to post a 14-15 year old kid's grades to the public. Forget the grade changing situation and picture your kid's teacher showing the world his/her grades without your consent.
  10. Charlie loved the option whatever you want to call it. I remember one time against New Caney they had only 1 db covering the 2 wrs on the left side. They loaded the box and dared Silsbee to pass.
  11. With him being a Woodard are we going to see the old veer? Had to throw a Silsbee reference in there. ;D
  12. After considering this for a bit I guess the best way to think about it rather than having an old name past their prime, LU will have a hungry coach trying to make a name for the program and himself. At least I hope he is hungry.
  13. ......who has never coached a sport. He was basically given the spot when Sutherland departed with 3-4 years tops of teaching experience. After that announcement a mass exodus of the coaching staff occured. They lost a lot of quality experience at that point who were building a program. Kountze has some solid athletes but the mentality is the team is losers according to many of the student body and community folk. I spent many years there and talent walks the hallways but will not try out for the team. Get some of those big FFA kids out of the shop and on the field.
  14. Someone with the shock value to get community support. The key to Lamar football succeeding is winning and community support. I wanted a bigger stadium over VIP , I still prefer both. A bigger stadium means more fans in the stands. If Lamar football had never stopped, the Woodard choice would be ok. However this is a restart of a failed program. A chance to make a new impression on SETX. A chance to forget the last 30 years. There must be a big bang to get the program going. Foot to the floor spinning your wheels, a full can of lighter fluid on your charcoal, a nuke, something big to start the program. Afterward, then you start throttling down to something more realistic and at Lamar's level. Woodard can takeover after the big bang. He will then have the experience at this level and acceptance by the community the way Roc was accepted. We need the big bang start, something that will have all of SETX talking. Woodard will only have people saying Who and Why. :'( Been basically saying this all along.
  15. Let's just say he has told some folks he is the man.
  16. **shakes Magic 8 ball**......Ray Woodard.
  17. Yes. I have been watching the kid since middle school and he can be special IF he stays focused. A lot of pressure already starting for a current sophomore.
  18. It would be dumb to tear down the amphitheater for a new football stadium. The amphitheater isn't even paid for yet it needs the added expense of tearing it down? Lamar definitely needs to work on the aesthestics of the current stadium however. I'd be more for a new stadium near the golf range before Ford Park.
  19. I guess I'm just not up to date. Who is Sam Carter and if he is "the" qb for 2010 why didn't UT invite him to the spring game?
  20. Where was the poor taste in Aces's comments? No disrespect to Boutte, but I just do not see what he would bring to the table. LU runs a different offense and defense as stated.
  21. His grandparents tell me he has offers on both sides.
  22. I have always viewed Neumann as one of the area's best, but I'd be curious to know the average Nederland HS teacher salary or even the building principal's salary.
  23. I believe you are refering to Josh Skinner. He is a defensive end. He is going to have his chooice for football or baseball in college.
  24. Word I'm hearing is another youngster could start pushing him.
  25. Can't really be down on LM's administration. Why should they care about other programs? They are looking out for themselves as any school would. It is the coaches who are looking to leave. I have always felt Nederland was a less talented team than many in the area but were very disciplined and fundamentally sound. You have not seen a lot of mistakes. If Neumann does leave Nederland must find a strong leader or some lean years could be in store.
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