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Everything posted by EAGLE07

  1. I agree. Kingwood Park will be very competitive. I look for them to secure a playoff spot. Two other kids I forgot to mention.....w/ Dayton being new to 19-4A, obviously Smesny will have an impact. Also, Daniel Mitchell is another BH Eagle pitcher that could also have a good year.
  2. My son will be playing in a summer league about an hour outside of Omaha. We are planning on meeting up to catch a few CWS games. Hope to see some of you guys there. Go Horns ;D
  3. Tickets go on sale today for the College Classic ( Feb. 27-March 1 ). Purchases can be made at Astros.com, Minute Maid Park, or at Ticketmaster outlets.
  4. You gotta love this guy. From hopeful to make the roster to starting and playing some serious round ball and becoming a fan favorite. Kid has a ton of talent. Huge part of the Rockets success. Hopefully, Wafer's play will allow T-Mac to get healthy for the stretch run and into the playoffs. If so, I believe the Rockets have a chance of making a deep run.
  5. You sound like a pitcher's Dad. Appreciate the props. ;D
  6. I may have overreacted somewhat in my response...my apologies. Hales arm was certainly "different" in the latter part of the season. However, in defense of the coaches it was not from overuse. Personally, I think he may have had a minor injury. That and Hales did not throw much in the summer w/ the Sun Devils....but then again pitchers are all different. Maybe Hales doesn't need to throw much in the summer. Mine ( Thamm) , on the other hand has better results by throwing all summer ( w/ more rest in between starts than in the season ). IMO, the 2007 and 2008 teams should have went to state. 2007 was lost when BH left 20+ runners stranded on base in two games against Montogomery in the Regional semi-finals. 2008 was a disaster mainly because of ...shall I say passing grades or lack thereof. In both seasons, BH was hurt by good timely hitting and not being able to move runners over on base. The pitching from all 4 kids was not the problem. By the way, do not forget Jonathan Kelley he signed also...so it was actually 4 BH pithcers that are playing at the next level. Good luck to you guys this year as well.
  7. There doesn't seem to be many BH fans nomianting on the board this year. Mine graduated last year, so I'm taking a less active role, if you will. None of this year's BH pitchers have more than 10 or so innings of varsity experience. That doesn't mean they can't have good years. I just do not feel comfortable nominating any for that reason. Look for Burditt, Peterson, and Rocha to have solid years. Carmona will see some time on the bump also. Unfortunately, junior Michael Bounds torn an ACL in basketball and will miss the season. Don't get wrong, this kids are not Hester or Hicks.
  8. Hey Patriot... You may wanna get your facts straight before popping off about something you don't seem to know much about. BH did not throw Hales until his arm fell off the last few years. 2007 Ross Hales threw 75.0 innings, Kendall Thamm threw 74 2/3 innings, Hunter Silva threw 35+, and Jonathan Kelley threw 20+. 2008, Hales was around 80 innings, Thamm and Silva were at 40, and Kelley was at 25. Both of these two years Hales threw his one start a week, nothing more nothing less. Trust me, that ain't making anyone's arm fall off. 2006, Hales didn't even lead the team in innings pitched. 2007 BH lost to a very good Montgomery team in the Region 3 semi-finals. 2008 lost in area round to Bay City for reasons that had absolutely nothing to do with pitching....and things I'm not willing to discuss on an open forum. Thamm threw a 3-hitter and lost in game 3. Silva threw a complete game shut out in game 2. All four of these kids signed on to play college ball and all four these kids gathered attention from several MLB scouts. ALL four of these kids will throw significant innings this year as freshman. I'll be even bold enough to say 2, maybe 3, quite possibly all 4 of them will sign professional contracts in the future. Now that we cleared that up and I feel better, lets talk about this year. Does BH have the same quality of pitchers ? NO. Will BH have anyone throwing 90+ ? NO. You will see one/two at 86-89. You will see one with one of the best high school sliders I've seen. BH will have 4 solid , quality arms that have waited their turn because of the guys that were in front of them. Keep in my mind before the 2007 season, Thamm wasn't a blip on the map, had even smelled varsity. One of this year's guys could do the same thing. I'll even be bold enough to say, if BH pitchers stay healthy they will win district 19-4A despite losing all of last year's pitching. Just my two cents...maybe four cents.
  9. I'm a Horn but must admit the Ags are loaded with pitching w/ 80+% of their wins returning....including 2 freshman All-Americans. Best of luck to our locals !
  10. Nice job, Bears. Keep it coming 'til I can get up there. ;D Man, am I ready. I may try to drive up this Saturday if they practice or scrimmage.
  11. Good news for UT is Gideon doesnt play either ;D ;D ;D ;D
  12. I watched from the front row..a team that could've used him. Yes, he will (should ) start this year...yes will probably play JUCO. A ball masher.... and a good kid.
  13. MIF04, I believe they do a Houston Area only poll and their own state poll. It will be interesting do see if Barbers Hill can hold onto that # 7 ranking. Lots of pitching to replace.
  14. Frank Smesny from Dayton missed the entire season last year with a knee injury so there are no stats on him but he did pitch the summer and fall season for Kyle Chapman. He will make an impact in 19-4A. Smesny was also undefeated as a sophmore.
  15. You are correct...Chase Barrera from BH. Hey, in the beginning BEARS would forget all of the BH kids...he's making progress. ;) Also, Heath Arnold from Huffman.
  16. Starter ???? He wasn't even on the varsity...can you believe that ??? ??? : : ;)
  17. Did this kid play at New Caney and then move to Ned ? Jamie, I think is the first name.
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