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Everything posted by EAGLE07

  1. That are we can't hit. You not going to win many games giving up 10-11 hits and commiting 6 errors.....certaimly not in the playoffs. I've kept my mouth shut. My momma taught me " If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all ". Guess I'm done for now. Will say I was very proud of Jonathan Kelly. Pitched in relief and looked very good. Also, hit a solo HR.
  2. They mostly rely on Rogers. Looking at Rogers' strikeout numbers, one would expect him to be a power pitcher. That's not the case, at least last year. He threw BH lots of off-speed stuff in the area round last year.
  3. I'm in....we can always kidnap BHFan if needed. Just pretend, dare the thought, if we happen to not advance.....w/ the current recession and all, can you still buy dinner ? ;) Sounds like yall have been listing to BH-89 to much. Momma lets me play ,but sombody has to coach these boys of mine , so they can grow up and whoop up on the Golden Triangle ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  4. I'm in....we can always kidnap BHFan if needed. Just pretend, dare the thought, if we happen to not advance.....w/ the current recession and all, can you still buy dinner ? ;)
  5. After regrouping and gettin' my head right... ??? ??? BH 3-1, 4-2...NEXT !
  6. Don't matter. Sounds like they are getting Harringtonized. ;D
  7. Sounds like he is a prospect. ;D ;D
  8. No doubt.... fortunatley, I think he might have misplayed that one. Berkman is in the zone.
  9. Lamar Consol has one of the best Little League Organizations in the Country. Yes they do. Their leading hitter, Randal Gruchik, played in the LL World Series as an 11 year old and a 12 year old. I believe he holds the USA record for most HR's in the LL world Series....and he's been going yard ever since. He hit a missle of my son last year in the Area round of the playoffs. That ball might still be in the air today. ;D I met him and his dad at last year's playoffs and a couple times during summer ball. Very good people.
  10. If you are traveling from the Beaumont area.....I-10 west, to Beltway 8, take a right onto Beltway 8 heading North. Beltway 8 will lead you due North for awhile and then will have a 90 degree bend to the West. At this point you will pass Fall Creek neighborhood, Wilson Road, etc. At this point stay in the right lanes( As you near 59, left lanes will keep you on Beltway 8, right will lead you to 59). Take right onto 59 North. Travel North past 1960 and Kingwood. Exit Community Drive and go back over 59. Head south on feeder. You will see the facility on the right about a mile down. Also there are some signs showing the way to the stadium. Don Ford stadium. It is on the West side of 59. Eagle07 has it right. Their is road construction on both the highway and feeder. The sign for Community Drive is small and orange. Whoever posted something about Forest Colony drive needs to know it is the driveway into the school just before Forest Colony and just past Valley Ranch. It is located at the 6th grade campus 22784 Hwy 59 south. The last time I was out there, I found it easier to pass the Community Drive exit, go farther down 59, and take the next exit and just come back farther south down the feeder....because of the construction.
  11. If you are traveling from the Beaumont area.....I-10 west, to Beltway 8, take a right onto Beltway 8 heading North. Beltway 8 will lead you due North for awhile and then will have a 90 degree bend to the West. At this point you will pass Fall Creek neighborhood, Wilson Road, etc. At this point stay in the right lanes( As you near 59, left lanes will keep you on Beltway 8, right will lead you to 59). Take right onto 59 North. Travel North past 1960 and Kingwood. Exit Community Drive and go back over 59. Head south on feeder. You will see the facility on the right about a mile down. Also there are some signs showing the way to the stadium. Don Ford stadium. It is on the West side of 59.
  12. HA HA wishful thinking..We'll see ya in the region championship if You make it You will not see Diamond-J in the Class 4A regional championship.......he's not from Barbers Hill. My Broncos are on summer vacation for a lot of reasons.....but I may very well show up and watch. I have seem both teams and BH pitchers are simply superior to PNG----just an unbiased opinion Diamond-J We'd love to have you at the game. Manvel has a nice facility. Also, we can get Jodi to buy dinner. ;D
  13. Dude, what if he/she is coming from Seven Lakes.....that would be a rather long route. ??? ??? Hey, I'm fixing to give you a call.
  14. Yes..When you get to 59 from Beltway 8, you will need to head a little further North on 59 to Community Drive.
  15. Not sure where you are coming from. However, you will need to take 59North past 1960/Beltway 8. Exit Community Drive and go back over 59. head south on the feeder road. The field will be on the right just a short ways down the feeder. The facility is beautiful. Adam Dunn ( New Caney grad and current Cincy Red ) helped fund the stadium, etc.
  16. HA HA wishful thinking..We'll see ya in the region championship if You make it You will not see Diamond-J in the Class 4A regional championship.......he's not from Barbers Hill.
  17. Hey, Einstein. Don't really think anyone is "knocking" Lott. We are all baseball fans here. I would imagine that we all wish Lott the best. Some of us that are around "baseball people" and hear the 'chatter' from the baseball circle just aren't hearing what the numbers should produce. That's all. Mr. Lott, if you read this forum, best of luck to you, be it college or pro ball.
  18. 'Bout time. ;D ;D Ha Ha Forgot what the old boy looks like. ??? ya think.. ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
  19. Go Kats...... ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
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