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Everything posted by EAGLE07

  1. Did I read on hear somewhere that DickyV was or is a coach ? Just curious.
  2. Fair enough...we are a 'tweener'...not sure if we are Houston or SETX, or both. Hales is the real deal...the others aren't too shabby, either. If you like high school baseball and get a chance, come check us out this year. I think you'll like what you see.
  3. I think your list might be missing someone. ??? ???
  4. Be tough to argue about that list, 643DP. Nice job.
  5. DITTO.
  6. There you go..Admin. A little preventive maintenance. ;D
  7. Coop, You must be as ready for baseball as I am. ;D I gotta go with my Eagles from BH @ least in 4A. Jasper is my 3A pick.
  8. I agree, Devil. Thompson is a good one.
  9. MIF04, I agree with that. My Herrington suggestion was based on him touching 86-88 last year against BH. Hales touched 91 in the playoffs. Silva threw 88-91 @ Baseball USA in the unsigned senior "deal". Went from under the radar to receiving 3-4 scholarships offers and interest from the NY Mets in one day. Kelley throws hard but needs to be more consistent. Thamm has gained about 4mph on his fastball over the summer with the Hosuton Heat...was throwing 84-86 last year. Fazio can flat out bring it. All of these, except maybe Fazio, aren't throwing 90+....have just touched 90+.
  10. I agree...no Harrington, Hales, or Thamm... ???
  11. Barbers Hill : C-Jake Ponder ( started @ 3b last year) 1st base : Ross Hales/Alex Rocha SS: Tony Cormona P: Hales/Thamm/Silva/Kelley
  12. Ross Hales-(LH) Barbers Hill-91 mph-(Tx A&M commit ) Hunter Silva-(RH) Barbers Hill-90 mph ( verbal to San Jac, signing date the 15th) Jonathan Kelley-(RH) Barbers Hill-90 mph ( verbal to Galveston, signing date the 15th ) Thamm (LH)-Barbers Hill (verbal to Angelina, signing date the 15th ) has "only touched " 89 mph There...does that "break it down " for you ? I would suspect that Fazio (Kelly) and Harrington (PNG) might be on this list...of those that I've seen. Fazio was bringing it at the Rangers Area Code tryouts.
  13. You can add Todd Wallace(catcher)(Westbrook) verbal to Angelina.
  14. No doubt...nominate somebody ! Segts, not sure what posts or thread you are reading...Admin has not nominated anyone.
  15. Thanks, COOP. I knew it was somewhere.
  16. Is there a list of the 2007 end of season All-SE Texas teams that shows every players grade classification ?
  17. I would imagine that most of the underclassmen will make it again. At the end of the season, like every season, there will be some names that show up that nobody knew exsisted at the beginning of the season.
  18. I hear that Sterling has a better squad this year than in most previous years. Not alot of depth.
  19. This is quite a task. Based only on what I've actually seen or have some knowledge about....many, many others out there I just do not know enough about. Pitchers- Ross Hales-BH Kendall Thamm--BH Eric Harrington-PNG Anthony Fazio--B.Kelly Nathaniel Swavoda-WB ( I think he returns) Catcher Landon Steinhagen-B. Kelly Carnahan-PNG Todd Wallace-Westbrook First base: Ross Hales-BH SS: Bunner-Vidor Schmidt-Huffman Tony Carmona--BH Third base: Hunter Silva-BH UT: Felts-OF Lycan-Westbrook DH: Casey Jackson-BC Jake Ponder--BH Another year of SETEX baseball loaded with talent..I can't wait.
  20. Hey, BHFAN, I sent my son in your place..Surely, we'll do just fine.
  21. Hey, ETBU..check your pm's.
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