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Everything posted by EAGLE07

  1. I agree with you Yogi...that would be nice. BH has random testing in place..however, I do not how many kids have actually been tested. Bottom line...it comes back to the parents, like most other things. Believe me, I'm close enough and care about my son enough that I will know if he is on roids.
  2. Thanks, BHFAN. Tell you what, we get Brooks back and healthy....this team is going to be very good. Should be an exciting year. Crosby @ home on Friday...is that correct ?
  3. Is Brooks back yet ? BH has looked good in the early going. I agree that Smiley will show us where we are at. Forest Brook is not good at all this year. Go Eagles !
  4. I can promise you there aren't varsity baseballers @ BH on roids. My Huffman/BH reference was a tongue in cheek stab @ ETBU......from Huffman.
  5. Ditto with the Wow.
  6. I rather go watch BH and Huffman play than go to a pro game. ;D
  7. My reasoning that MLB is to blame....is that there were no consequences or dis-incentives in place to not do it. The players saw plenty of reasons to do it...starting with the Almighty dollar.
  8. I agree..all of the blame is on MLB...for turning and looking the other way for so long. It was all about the money. MLB was in a mess with strikes, financially, etc. Maquire? w/ his Andro and Sammy with his corked bat and what ever else saved MLB. So they looked away.
  9. Come on now...ETBU ,don't act like an idiot. ;D
  10. Yes, I'm an idiot...you got me. Not. I also know people in the Astros system. Tell you what..you believe what you want to believe and we will believe what we want to believe. Many people did not believe Petite would use..Guess what, he admitted it. I guess you still think Canseco is a liar. : By the way, I would not be surprised if Roger removed himself from the convention. Get your head out of the sand and get out more.
  11. Tiger, You guys can take the pool...You got the Hill pulling for you.
  12. I agree, Bleacher. Hypocritical, wouldn't you say ?
  13. No doubt. Powell and Dugat to name a couple.
  14. I think it's a great move on the association's part. What is odd is the statement "sent shock waves thru MLB". Clemen's name has been brought up repeatedly as a suspected user. Wasn't any shock with me. What is even less shocking is that Roger has hired an attorney and will deny it all.
  15. No doubt...I like your attitude and enthusiam. And still, you lost me.
  16. Scooter, You better keep hoping. ;D Katy 38 P-Ville 14
  17. 5A vs. 4A..overrated. Best pitching will win..Westbrook will be solid this year. They will not be dominant.
  18. Hey, TigerPride08. The Hill will be looking for you in rd. 2 . ;D
  19. Barbers Hill will also be @ the Houston Christian tourney. I'm told our bracket is Fort Bend Travis, Waltrip, and Hightower.
  20. Last year 8 feilds were used. BH played 5 games in 3 days, going 3-1-1.
  21. Thanks BHFAN... If I now remember correctly, the Nederland loss was by 2 points. I believe I will have to go to the game tonight and give my support. Go Eagles !!
  22. I'm not sure how many games are guaranteed to be honest. I believe it is three.
  23. I agree. BH played in it last year. The players, coaches, and fans really enjoyed it. Thirty-two teams in last year's tournament.
  24. Because they went to the Regional Semi-Finals. ;D Actually, played 37 games...28-8-1 All 28 wins, all 8 losses are back, but not the tie.
  25. BMT You should go check them out if you get a chance....very, very impressive in all phases of the game. I was @ Rice stadium Sat. night and have never seen a team dominant another as Katy did....especially this deep into the playoffs. Before the end of the 1st period, the score was 21-0. Clements had run three offensive plays and punted twice. I'll be very surprised if Katy does not win it all.
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