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Posts posted by EAGLE07

  1. Yes, I'm an idiot...you got me. Not.

    I also know people in the Astros system.

    Tell you what..you believe what you want to believe and we will believe what we want to believe.

    Many people did not believe Petite would use..Guess what, he admitted it.

    I guess you still think Canseco is a liar.  ::)

    By the way, I would not be surprised if Roger removed himself  from the convention.

    Get your head out of the sand and get out more.

  2. BMT

    You should go check them out if you get a chance....very, very impressive in all phases of the game. I was @ Rice stadium Sat. night and have never seen a team dominant another as Katy did....especially this deep into the playoffs.

    Before the end of the 1st period, the score was 21-0. Clements had run three offensive plays and punted twice.

    I'll be very surprised if Katy does not win it all.

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