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Posts posted by EAGLE07

  1. I agree with two previous posters...

    80's mental toughness vs. 90's mental toughness..." ain't even the same sport " Obviously there are standout exceptions...overall these days you lay the wood on somebody...good chance they may roll over. In the 80's even the QB laid WOOD....he damn sure didn't run out of bounds....and slide...wouldn't no slidin' in the 80's...much better chance of taking helmet to helmet ( back in the day that's how we were taught to tackle...lead with your head (up )...now it's a penalty ???

    And the poster who mentioned the spained ankle....no doubt miss a game 'cause of a sprained ankle...would not happen in the 80's....Hot tub , ice bath, tighter tape, miss every full contact practice, horse linament...Put me in a cast after Friday night lights...We were all to busy having fun laying the wood...plus back then the girls like the tough guys...wouldn't that in touch, sensitivity thing...

    Just my 2 cents.  8) 8) 8)

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