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Everything posted by EAGLE07

  1. Wish you guys would tell your coaches that I am still at work @ 4:00.  ;) Would love to have been able to come out. Lots of young talent on both squads.
  2. [quote name="Critter" post="1173547" timestamp="1328643402"] Hmmmmm the $100 question???????? [/quote] I'll take case #24  ;) ;)
  3. Go Barbers Hill Eagles ! ....oh wait, wrong thread.  ;)
  4. [quote name="ndn4eva" post="1172766" timestamp="1328540372"] I do believe everyone is dumb to count any of the teams out and say OH this team has a lock because of this and that. LCM and NED do not have locks. Anything can happen in high school baseball!!! [/quote] OK...got it.  :o
  5. [quote name="bullwinkle" post="1170605" timestamp="1328210097"] These kinds of things happen when a daddy get's on a board to over-hype his son. In this case daddy thinks his son is more than he really is. Grades are not what is keeping a kid off of the varsity because grades go in Friday.Parent's can ruin their kid's way of thinking and this parent has done this. The best thing a parent can do is provide everything within their means that can help their child become as good as they can be. Also constantly preach working hard and everything else will fall into place. Daddy can tell the coaches and everyone else that will listen how good little Johnny is but eventually he has to show the coaches he can play because these coaches jobs depend on putting the best 9 on the field. Some parents seem to think that since they donated a little money to the booster club that their son should be on varsity. Sometimes a target is put on a kid's back because of their parent's mouth running too much. And then when everyone gets to see the kid tryout or play then it is a big letdown and people start downing the kid for not being what the daddy has built him up to be. It is hard enough as a freshman, much less to have the burden of being over-hyped. Most freshman are just not as strong,fast, or as coordinated as upper-classmen. Sit back and encourage them to keep working hard towards their goals and good things will happen. I have coached youth sports for about 40 years and [b]the hardest workers normally succeed on the field and in the game of life.[/b][/quote] With out a doubt.
  6. [quote name="joebob" post="1169836" timestamp="1328125720"] Great story eagle, thats awesome! congrats and good luck this year [quote author=EAGLE07 link=topic=95103.msg1169601#msg1169601 date=1328108695] [quote author=hammer head link=topic=95103.msg1168901#msg1168901 date=1328055477] PNG Freshman [b]team had there cut today, several good players were cut that are passing[/b], but were told they were to short. Since when did your size matter in Baseball. Also there are 8 players that made the team that are failing at this time. Im not sure how "no pass no play reads but you can bet when i talk to the UIL they will be able to clear it up. There are some that couldnt play basketball due to grades and now here we are in baseball season. I hope the PNG coaches start a player that is failing, we will love to see that. Freshman that will be on Varsity, **deleted** **Mod edit**  This is not the place to post heresay about specific kids grades.  Please remember you are talking about 14-18 year old kids here.  Consider this your 1st warning [/quote] Getting cut as a freshmen might turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Mine was cut as a freshman, (southpaw pitcher no-less). Rained the week of tryouts and coaches didn't even see him throw. Went home and taped that days' date on his bedroom door and hasn't quit working his tail off since. Senior in college, weekend starter, has paid for about 85% of his college education, and if healthy, will be drafted June 4th. Playing with a chip on your shoulder and out to prove folks wrong, can sometimes really elevate your game. Just my "glass half-full" story.  ;) [/quote] [/quote] Thanks, I really appreciate that.
  7. 1. Barbers Hill 2. Bridge City 3. Nederland 4. GCM 5. Jasper 6. Livingston 7. LCM 8.  TBD 9.  TBD 10. TBD
  8. [quote name="hfaninthestands" post="1169603" timestamp="1328108783"] [quote author=hammer head link=topic=95103.msg1169492#msg1169492 date=1328099514] Going off of what Jeff Laine has said and I not for sure you are correct M/M. But your player and the others that can pass will be hurt by the ones that can't. If a non-passer plays our group will contact the UIL and exspose the PNG way. NO PASS NO PLAY- Will be the way it is. We will be watching. 100 mile fast bast, .15 cent head, No good. [/quote] in all my years of reading this board, this is the dumbest thing i have ever read here. that says a lot. "we will be watching"  smfh [/quote] Not sure if he/she understands how "no-pass, no-play" works.
  9. [quote name="hammer head" post="1168901" timestamp="1328055477"] PNG Freshman [b]team had there cut today, several good players were cut that are passing[/b], but were told they were to short. Since when did your size matter in Baseball. Also there are 8 players that made the team that are failing at this time. Im not sure how "no pass no play reads but you can bet when i talk to the UIL they will be able to clear it up. There are some that couldnt play basketball due to grades and now here we are in baseball season. I hope the PNG coaches start a player that is failing, we will love to see that. Freshman that will be on Varsity, **deleted** **Mod edit**  This is not the place to post heresay about specific kids grades.  Please remember you are talking about 14-18 year old kids here.  Consider this your 1st warning [/quote] Getting cut as a freshmen might turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Mine was cut as a freshman, (southpaw pitcher no-less). Rained the week of tryouts and coaches didn't even see him throw. Went home and taped that days' date on his bedroom door and hasn't quit working his tail off since. Senior in college, weekend starter, has paid for about 85% of his college education, and if healthy, will be drafted June 4th. Playing with a chip on your shoulder and out to prove folks wrong, can sometimes really elevate your game. Just my "glass half-full" story.  ;)
  10. [quote name="GCMPats" post="1168100" timestamp="1327941306"] [quote author=vp32 link=topic=95106.msg1167997#msg1167997 date=1327907021] [Hidden Content] [/quote] UT is not one of the strongest teams at the plate this year. [/quote] Texas can't hit their way out of a wet paper bag................but they sure can bunt, pitch and play 'D". HOOK EM HORNS !
  11. [quote name="GCMPats" post="1166871" timestamp="1327687587"] [quote author=PhatMack19 link=topic=94948.msg1166869#msg1166869 date=1327687499] No BH or GCM?  ::) [/quote] Not shocked at that. Would not be suprised to see BH there when it's all said and done. [/quote] BH could easily finish in the top 10 this year. Time will tell. Not surprised that they are not in preseason top 10. 
  12. [quote name="Dayton Transplant" post="1166698" timestamp="1327674268"] They are in the gate:    And their OFF. [/quote] Rock n Roll !!
  13. [quote name="falconfanatic" post="1166797" timestamp="1327682658"] [quote author=westend1 link=topic=93312.msg1166786#msg1166786 date=1327681690] I don't know what is causing it, but go ask the orthopedic docs around here and they will tell you that they are seeing more serious arm injuries in young kids than ever before. [/quote] Pitching is an unnatural act. You are going to have injuries regardless of what you do. Almost everyone who has played baseball for a significant amount of time is going to have shoulder damage. Now I would say the increase of army injures among children is due to a couple of different things. One is they simply don't rest or recover properly. Its fine if you want to play 80+ games a year, but you can't have your star pitcher start a game and then go out and play a position. You have to give your arm time to recover. Two would be throwing breaking pitches wrong. If you don't throw sliders or curveballs properly you are going to get injured. Third would be the pitchers body is just not conditioned enough. Core and leg work are important, but by strengthening the small muscles in the shoulder with workouts you can do at home you will greatly reduce the risk of injury. [/quote] Spot on, Falcon. Very well said.
  14. [quote name="Dayton Transplant" post="1166201" timestamp="1327588661"] We are getting there. All sports have become a priority in big D, not just football. I see changes for the good of all. Lots of moves going on. [/quote] That's good to hear. I did see where Dayton's girls basketball team had cracked the top 25.
  15. [quote name="diego cruz" post="1166159" timestamp="1327584902"] how far did 2007 b.h. team go in the playoffs? [/quote] Lost to Montgomery in Regional Semifinals...2-0, 4-2
  16. [quote name="Dayton Transplant" post="1165905" timestamp="1327523200"] Man o Man. Complaining about where you would rather be ranked. We would just like to make top 100 in big D.  LMAO [/quote] LOL...you have to just enjoy your football rankings each year.  ;)
  17. [quote name="BHFAN" post="1165889" timestamp="1327521447"] It's nice to be so highly ranked, but I would rather be sitting at #10 ;D Last time we were so highly touted it didn't work so well for us. [/quote] The '07 team got ranked as high as #4 in state during the season. Finished #8 in state after losing to a very good Montgomery team in Regional semis.  Not a state championship but not a bad year. I will give you a call next week...since we realized we are across the street.  ;D
  18. Thanks for sharing.. Interesting that Ross Hales from Barbers Hill isn't mentioned in Aggie capsule. Was lights out as freshman, missed last year with injury(shoulder surgery). I had heard he was healthy and ready to go this year.
  19. [quote name="GCMPats" post="1165712" timestamp="1327501450"] Never seen the kid pitch. Leftys that can throw strikes are already ahead of the game. Congrats and good luck in your senior season. [/quote] Baseball25 and GCM pretty much sum it all up in a nutshell. Never seen the kid pitch. Best of luck and enjoy your senior season.
  20. Pats, you forgot one. Louisiana-Monroe #70  ;) ;) Go Warhawks ! Feb. 17th cannot wait !
  21. [quote name="BrenhamFan" post="1165121" timestamp="1327433718"] Looks like the Hill is for real this year! [/quote] How are ya BrenhamFan....been awhile ? The Eagles are loaded with returning starters and should be very strong. IMO, they could be as good as the '07 BH team. They've got some good arms, maybe not quite the pitching depth the '07 team had, but some quality 1-2 guys. Offensively, they look pretty solid thru the entire lineup.
  22. [quote name="GCMPats" post="1164992" timestamp="1327418637"] Barbers Hill vs GCM Two very strong pitching staffs. [/quote] Ditto.
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