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Everything posted by EAGLE07

  1. [b]Port Arthur Memorial[/b] vs. Baytown Sterling [b]West Brook[/b] vs. La Porte [b]Barbers Hill[/b] vs. Crosby [b]Central[/b] vs. PN-G Ozen vs. [b]Lumberton[/b] [b]LC-M[/b] vs. Nederland Vidor vs. [b]Livingston[/b] [b]Diboll[/b] vs. Jasper Center vs. [b]Kirbyville[/b] Hamshire-Fannett vs. [b]Silsbee[/b] [b]Bridge City[/b] vs. Orangefield [b]WO-S[/b] vs. Hardin-Jefferson [b]Coldspring[/b] vs. Liberty [b]Anahuac[/b] vs. Hardin [b]Buna[/b] vs. Woodville Kountze vs. [b]Newton[/b] Warren vs. [b]East Chambers[/b] Corrigan-Camden vs. [b]Groveton[/b] [b]Burkeville[/b] vs. Sabine Pass [b]Evadale[/b] vs. High Island
  2. [quote name="Diamond-J" post="896477" timestamp="1288889071"] [quote author=WhatHappened? link=topic=75244.msg896448#msg896448 date=1288886880] [quote author=Diamond-J link=topic=75244.msg896441#msg896441 date=1288886598] [quote author=WhatHappened? link=topic=75244.msg896393#msg896393 date=1288884315] [quote author=knightrider link=topic=75244.msg895525#msg895525 date=1288798644] [quote author=BHPLYR_84 link=topic=75244.msg895507#msg895507 date=1288797255] [quote author=Peppermint Patty link=topic=75244.msg895505#msg895505 date=1288796895] [quote author=BHPLYR_84 link=topic=75244.msg895502#msg895502 date=1288796729] [quote author=WhatHappened? link=topic=75244.msg894666#msg894666 date=1288713601] [quote author=sweetness11 link=topic=75244.msg894658#msg894658 date=1288713402] keep at them whatheppened? octfeb is just a 50 women alone in her house on the computer talking about her sons team (who is a senior) when he even doesn't even play and bronx rox is a 50 year old man that is trying to relive the good glory days when dayton actually did ????? nothing Bh is the better athletic and academic school by far has dayton what a state championship in anything??? yea well catch up then [/quote] Very nicely said and i was definitely agree with you. i bet they both sit around their old torn down couch in their trailer park and have a beer in one hand overalls on. Only thing they have to live for is three months of the year. keep trying Dayton [/quote]i love this!!! very true very true.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D how many of them dayton coaches have rings on their fingers. the BH defensive line coach alone has 2! i do believe all but one coach in BH has won a state championship either as a player or a coach [/quote] How many of them there rings did he/they win at BH? Zero? Remember, 2nd place is just first loser. [/quote]how many championships has dayton won at anything???  0 Barbers Hill has state championships in every sport so i guess dayton being second best at that must taste bad. i have some blue kool-aid if you wanna wash that taste out of your mouth. [/quote]How many times has Barbers Hill beaten Dayton. jUST ASKING LOL.Play-offs 16 years in a row and still counting. What bout you? [/quote] BH VS Dayton. BH= golf, tennis(twice), baseball(twice), basketball(4), volleyball(twice), softball(twice), Track..., cross country Dayton= Football(1) Total= BH- 15 Day= 1 What teams are better? hahahah :D :D :D [/quote]Be that as it is------y'all would have traded all of those for a victory on Sept 24th 2010 and you know it [/quote] No. BH is not evolved around football like Dayton. most of the fans like all the sports not just football. yes it would have been nice to win but wouldnt trade anything for it. [/quote]Right-----all of 31 fans were at your last home baseball game and that included me and my wife [/quote] Thanks for you and Peg's support  of Barbers Hill baseball.  ;D ;D
  3. [quote name="Mark F Barnes" post="896318" timestamp="1288878890"] I personally want to see Brenham kick the crap out of Stratford. They were one of the dirtiest teams we played all year if not the dirtiest. They ran that mouth from the coin toss on, even after the final gun, they couldn't take their beating like a man, and still had to trash talk all the way to their buses. They should be glad Leroy Dobbins was out with knee surgery, or it would have been worse. Our backup Tevin House put 260 yards on them on 23 carries. I can't STAND Stratford, they have always thought they were better than everyone else, [b]and that arrogant prick that single-handedly put Texas Tech football in the [/b] [b]toilet, because his son wears a skirt, is a fine example of Stratford material.[/b] Their fans are rude, crude and obnoxious, and nothing would please me better than to see the Cubs give a good shillelagh shellacking to that backside real good tonight.  105 PRIDE!   [/quote] Amen brother !
  4. [quote name="Hotrodg" post="894783" timestamp="1288720186"] I mean the tactical detail.  I've already donated for those helpful souls that clicked this thread to answer "make a donation."  You know who you are.   :) [/quote] busted... ;D
  5. [quote name="broncos92" post="896171" timestamp="1288852619"] [quote author=barbershillfootball link=topic=75244.msg896162#msg896162 date=1288850253] [quote author=downgoesfrazier link=topic=75244.msg896157#msg896157 date=1288848114] [quote author=WhatHappened? link=topic=75244.msg894563#msg894563 date=1288708413] [quote author=BRONX ROX link=topic=75244.msg894559#msg894559 date=1288708140] [quote author=WhatHappened? link=topic=75244.msg894546#msg894546 date=1288707393] [quote author=octfeb link=topic=75244.msg894541#msg894541 date=1288707158] [quote author=WhatHappened? link=topic=75244.msg894511#msg894511 date=1288705551] [quote author=octfeb link=topic=75244.msg894449#msg894449 date=1288700579] [quote author=bh89-2 link=topic=75244.msg894437#msg894437 date=1288699853] [quote author=octfeb link=topic=75244.msg894327#msg894327 date=1288667165] [quote author=TrueBlue link=topic=75244.msg894267#msg894267 date=1288663834] [quote author=octfeb link=topic=75244.msg894266#msg894266 date=1288663703] [quote author=BRONX ROX link=topic=75244.msg894262#msg894262 date=1288663430] Thats an idea octfeb. Maybe if they combine they might be able to put up 7 pts. Heres my prediction. CROS put 3 up on DAY............BH put up 0..............niether one can play D against a real team................. CROS by 3 [/quote]*shakes head* uh huh... 1BH player + 1 Crosby player = 1 Dayton Bronco... So in conclusion it takes 2 of their players to make 1 of our players  :-* [/quote] Wow!  Impressive math.....must be that academically acceptable education you got at Dayton ISD! [/quote] Oh and just so you know I didn't go to Dayton. [/quote] While your on that topic, how was the Department of Corrections?   ;D ;D ;D [/quote] Haven't a clue.. but I did hear that an APB was put out on a smokin infantile.. you fit that description...something bout hanging on to Dayton's coat tails... after repeated warnings to create BH's own glory... But you just can't get up enough confidence in the bump to do that. I hear Crosby has an opening on their coat tails... you have ties there I'm sure they will let you on.  :-*    After 4 quarters of play... the game is tied for hours.... breaks a new record for OT... Both teams agree to a coin toss.. the bump wins the toss but defers it to Crosby... ;D [/quote] Does BH kick a field goal or extra point after a TD? i dont know the difference.... before you start knocking someones else intelligence; you might wanna get some yourself.  ;D ;D ;D [/quote] Ok so whos intelligence did I insult? I have plenty of intelligence.. just not football intelligence thats why I ask questions to get me some football intelligence... I can't help that I'm not a wanna be or has been football player like you... you like me just admit it.. cause you remember that question I asked days ago.. and called me a smart A$$ for asking... we have that love hate relationship going on huh? :-* [/quote] Once again you arent showing much intelligence from that assumption! Actually i never stepped foot on a football team unless it was for a round up game. I just know my terminology of football before i make an appearance on a football website and start smack talking. Learn the game or you will be put to shame.  [/quote] And what was your prediction on the BH / DAY game whathappened? OH........that was real intelligence ;) [/quote] Go back and look. my prediction was Day= 35 BH= 13. not exact but i was close [/quote] So you predicted a 22 point spread, the actual margin was 54 and you said you were close?  The margin was 2.5 times your prediction and you're calling it close?  You're not the real Brandon Lang are you?  I know a handicapper that might be able to get you into the biz with those skills. [/quote] I guess purple is truly the color of the "undecided" (isn't purple a girly color) .... When Dayton stops talking trash and starts watching the actual BH vs Dayton game, you will see that Dayton didn't beat BH.   BH beat BH ..... at least seven of the turnovers we had led to Dayton touchdowns ..... Give credit where credit is due, we turned the ball over which led to the spanking ..... Stop talking smack because you are about to jinx yourselves and be out the first round of the playoffs. At least BLUE is not a girly color .... lol Go Blue !!! [/quote]you are right bh beat bh. BH shoud not have fired coach price. Have you ever heard what goes around comes around and we just did what coach price wanted and that was to kick BH azzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/quote] yet another non Barbers Hillian that knows more about what we should or should not do.  ??? ??? ???
  6. [quote name="WhatHappened?" post="896279" timestamp="1288877106"] [quote author=BH1998 link=topic=75030.msg895521#msg895521 date=1288798512] Yes ,you are forgetting some players that hit over .300.  James Santana hit over .300 for the year and was named HM All-Dist and is returning, Blake Bonnin finished 2nd in batting avg. and RBIs behind Lyday and  Bonnin was 1st team all-dist.(returning)   Matt King had a great 6 or 7 games when he got pulled up, but losing Mitchell hurt . King should have been on varsity all year anyway.  Mitchell had a avg over .400 and was a great lead off with the  speed and covered ground in the outfield. Also the second half of dist, last year Leggett hit well.   10- .300 hitters coming back, I don't think so.   But you do have some sticks in the line-up and the potental is there,  King, Bonnin(1st team all-dist), Santana (HM All-dist),Thompson (HM all-dist), Leggett, (1st team all-dist) Newcomb, who are all very capable of hitting over .300 (some have already) then add the prospects of Caleb Denny, Tyler Beasly, Christian Thames, and Carson Erwin and you may have 10 .300 plus hitters.  Would be nice, but doubt it will happen with Sealy (Lee) in our Dist and Gabby back for Crosby, it will be tough facing those pitchers 4 games in Dist, and GCM has some very good pitching coming back, so it will not be hitter friendly for anyone in 19-4A, we have Long and Leggett, and with the new rules on bats changing this year and next, look for the avg. to go down even more, at least the long ball.  Still think BH will be in the hunt with Lee and GCM, and Crosby, I see those 4 teams beating up on one another. JMO  (Getting Close to count down) [/quote] O no doubt. i didnt name them all. i was just naming a couple. the 10 .300 + hitters are- Matt King, James Santana, David Wood, Caleb Denny, Kody Thompson, Carson Erwin, Christian Thames, Kyle Leggett, Tyler Newcomb, Blake Bonnin. Those 10 have been proven to hit the ball at all levels. Gabby and Sealy are good pitchers and Gabby might have shut down BH before. But thats before they had Denny for a coach. last years game Gabby had 3 lead off walks. how many did BH bunt over(0). bad coaching. Denny wont be making "freshman" mistakes like that. Plus BH pitchers will lead them to victory. Their pitchers are= Carson Asbury(84 in the summer), David Wood(87 to 88 in the fall), Grayson Long(hitting 89 in the fall), Kyle Legget(82 in fall and nasty curve ball), Carson Erwin(88 in fall and hasnt thrown in almost a year), Christian Thames(78 to 79 as a lefty with lots of movement), Caleb Denny(86 in the summer), Cameron Gillis(84 in fall). IDK what the other teams have in their inventory but as for the Eagles they have hitters and pitching which will be a hard team to beat. [/quote] Nice writeup....very well said...
  7. [quote name="Scalp'em" post="895322" timestamp="1288755169"] [quote author=RCOLE68 link=topic=75448.msg895317#msg895317 date=1288754583] I'm stating how good Brenham is. Dobbins was out for 3 games and has played 2 Qtrs (8 carries) in the last two games. Those numbers do not mean anything. Montgomery offense could have run the stats up but have stopped at HALFTIME. Believe what you want. The playoffs will be a judge for the future. [/quote] I haven't seen Montgomery play. I'm just going off of stats provided by Houston Chronicle. Are the stats wrong? I already know Brenham is good. That's a given, but it was said that Montgomery has one of the best 4A offenses, and I disproved that with what the Houston Chronicle said. Remember, PNG won the worst fans award on here ;D BTW, I know Montgomery is good, it's all in good fun. [/quote] Scalp'Em you can't be going by what the Houston Chronicle says... ;) With Montgomery returning some key players from injuries and playing them wisely and sparingly, Montgomery's offense will be plenty salty come playoff time. Brenham hands down team to beat in region 3.
  8. [quote name="RCOLE68" post="895248" timestamp="1288750780"] Brenham is that awful team off 105W by the Blue Bell plant that made a run to the state championship game last year in D2 that basically returned its whole starting roster. They also shutout in the second half basically one the best offenses in 4A Montgomery , and is probably one of the best coached and talented defense in the state. No they aren't so big and bad.  ;) [/quote] Exactly.
  9. [quote author=Dayton Transplant link=topic=75468.msg895636#msg895636 date=1288809414] Can someone clairify rule if any reguarding playing select and HS at same time. Also is there any rule about getting players together now and working out as a team in off season? Does it need to be after school is out and off school property conducted by someone other than an ISD coach? [/quote There isn't a rule against playing select and high school at the same time. However, most select organizations will not play while high school season is underway. I do not think there is a rule about getting a team together and working out during offseason. At Barbers Hill, we would get the team together and try to play in 2-4 tournaments in Dec.-Jan to get ready for the season. Obviously, weather was a factor. The coaches are not allowed to coach or help out with this team. Not sure about using school property.....Triple Play run by Ronnie Bay hosts tournaments locally before high school kicks off. Check your personal messages.
  10. [quote name="BH1998" post="895531" timestamp="1288799115"] I know no kids are throwing in the 90s on BH, would be nice but dont see it.  If we had that they sure would not had been on JV, Coach did win a few in his day and would had rode that arm if it was there.  Give me the kid who has a 85-87 fast ball and a 78 mph breaking pitch and keeps batters off-balanced, I think we will have that at the Hill and there may be a few suprises that Denny does on the pitching staff, who knows, but it should be a fun year in 194A and a tougher district with the pitching in it.  [/quote] Well said....I look for BH and Crosby to contend for the district. BH has lots of experience and quality pitching depth. Go Eagles !
  11. La Porte at [b]Port Arthur Memorial[/b] Channelview at [b]West Brook[/b] Lumberton at [b]Beaumont Central[/b] [b]Nederland[/b] at Beaumont Ozen [b]Livingston[/b] at Little Cypress-Mauriceville [b]Port Neches-Groves [/b] at Vidor Crosby at [b]Dayton[/b] [b]Kirbyville[/b] at Diboll [b]Bridge City [/b] at Hamshire-Fannett Hardin-Jefferson at [b]Orangefield[/b] Silsbee at [b]West Orange-St[/b]ark [b]Huffman[/b] at Coldspring [b]Newton[/b] at Anahuac [b]East Chambers[/b] at Buna [b]Hardin[/b] at Warren [b]Woodville[/b] at Kountze [b]Groveton[/b] at New Waverly [b]West Hardin[/b] at Colmesneil Lovelady at [b]Hull-Daisetta[/b] [b]High Island[/b] at Sabine Pass
  12. [quote name="HillGuy" post="888040" timestamp="1288108778"] I find it hysterical that octfeb is asking for an apology after all the insults she has dished this season...only thing I can figure is that it is another attempt at a joke  ;) Now, back to the topic! BH     31 GCM   14 The Hill has found their mojo [/quote] DITTO
  13. [quote name="BrenhamFan" post="885155" timestamp="1287850807"] [quote author=fwstangs link=topic=74888.msg885051#msg885051 date=1287844740] [quote author=BrenhamFan link=topic=74888.msg884509#msg884509 date=1287803066] [quote author=RCOLE68 link=topic=74888.msg884496#msg884496 date=1287802940] Sante Fe -21   Friendswood-14   Final [/quote] :o What happened to the Friendswood offense?  I told somebody that Montgomery had a better offense and they didnt agree...  Proof? [/quote] And we still think you are wrong. Montgomery is a very one dimensional offense. So 1 bad game and you have proof of a theory? - I thought you were smarter than that Brenhamfan - true colors sneak out there maybe? Since yall gave up 200 yards rushing to Montgomery - then your defense is not any good against the run, i think not. [/quote] True colors?  Green and White.  Nope, our defense is not good...  Not at all... ;) [/quote] True..but da Hill is for real.  ;)
  14. [quote name="BRONX ROX" post="885737" timestamp="1287879822"] Voted but make mine negative.................... I have an image to uphold. ;) [/quote] and u are doing very well.  ;) Your a good addition to this all knowing, very serious forum.  ;) oh...s%#$ forgot the negative karma.
  15. [quote name="BRONX ROX" post="885710" timestamp="1287878351"] [quote author=BHFAN link=topic=74605.msg884662#msg884662 date=1287806151] [quote author=octfeb link=topic=74605.msg883263#msg883263 date=1287751743] [quote author=PURPLE 4EVER link=topic=74605.msg883241#msg883241 date=1287748725] Can the Hill clinch a playoff spot tonight??? [/quote] I say they gonna lose.... GP is gonna flatten the hill. [/quote] You and Bronx should have kids [/quote] We did see the picture of smoking baby.  ;D ;D ;D [/quote] Stupid people should not breed...kidding..Hill for real  Horns very freakin far from real...Cryin is over gonna get some sympathy. ::) ::)
  16. Port Arthur Memorial at [b]Beaumont West Brook[/b] [b]Barbers Hill[/b] at Galena Park [b]Dayton[/b] at North Forest [b]Beaumont Central [/b] at Vidor Beaumont Ozen at [b]Livingston[/b] Little Cypress-Mauriceville at [b]Port Neches-Groves[/b] [b]Lumberton[/b] at Nederland Jasper at [b]Kirbyville[/b] [b]West Orange-Stark [/b] at Bridge City [b]Silsbee[/b] at Hardin-Jefferson Splendora at [b]Liberty[/b] [b]Anahuac[/b] at Woodville Hardin at [b]Newton[/b] Kountze at [b]East Chambers[/b] Warren at [b]Buna[/b] [b]New Waverly[/b] at Deweyville [b]West Sabine[/b] at Lovelady [b]Hull-Daisetta [/b] at West Hardin [b]Evadale[/b] at Sabine Pass [b]Brenham[/b] at Houston Northbrook
  17. Great writeup, TXSD.  Thanks for sharing. What a tournament. My son played in 2007.........man what a great week it was.
  18. [quote name="elhector1" post="880858" timestamp="1287519943"] [quote author=Sgt Rey link=topic=74705.msg880854#msg880854 date=1287519850] [quote author=BRONX ROX link=topic=74705.msg880852#msg880852 date=1287519779] [quote author=Sgt Rey link=topic=74705.msg880849#msg880849 date=1287519707] El hector for Moderator!!! [/quote] El Presidente [/quote] El Mero-mero! [/quote] A round of Tequila for everyone...Reposado!...And for those who don't imbibe...Around of Sasparilla! [/quote] I'll take the Repoado !  ;D
  19. Elhector1 comes thru again. Great post ! ......and very true.
  20. [quote name="First Down" post="880317" timestamp="1287459037"] 8-0 Rangers Win!!!! Cliff Lee is a post season machine!!! [/quote] You got that right. His post season numbers are incredible. Any young lefthanders out there should watch this guy pitch.
  21. [quote name="Scooter!" post="879200" timestamp="1287368331"] OU still sucks!!!   #1 or not, they still suck!!! [/quote] They will always suck !
  22. West Brook at [b]North Shore[/b] Montgomery at [b]Brenham[/b] Channelview at [b]Port Arthur Memorial[/b] Goose Creek Memorial at [b]Dayton[/b] Livingston at [b]Lumberton[/b] Nederland at [b]Beaumont Central[/b] Vidor at [b]LC-M[/b] [b]PNG[/b] at Ozen Huntington at [b]Jasper[/b] [b]Bridge City[/b] at Silsbee [b]Hardin-Jefferson[/b] at Hamshire-Fannett [b]Orangefield[/b] at WO-S East Chambers at [b]cAnahua[/b] [b]Buna[/b] at Kountze [b]Newton[/b] at Warren Woodville at [b]Hardin[/b] Deweyville at [b]Groveton[/b] Colmesneil at [b]Hull-Daisetta[/b] West Hardin at [b]West Sabine[/b] Burkeville at [b]High Island[/b]
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