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Everything posted by EAGLE07

  1. [quote name="Scalp'em" post="813155" timestamp="1276715492"] I say take them away at the high school level, but thats me. If you've never been hit by a ball after it comes off a metal bat in high school then you don't understand. [/quote] I wish they were bannd at every level. My son pitches....and it's always in the back of your head. Besides, the big boys use wood.
  2. Strange that the article mentions nothing about safety issues.  ???
  3. Is that World Suckage Center the tall new building in Norman, Oklahoma ? Thought so.
  4. [quote name="adminbaberuth" post="812203" timestamp="1276457993"] Finished for day: 5.1 ip h  2 er 1 r   1 k   8 bb  5 [/quote] He also got the "W" to move to 2-0.
  5. Diet and exercise. Join the club, Buddy.  ;) Glad you are doing better. take care of yourself.
  6. [quote name="Scalp'em" post="811183" timestamp="1276193337"] If SEC doesn't get any Big 12 teams over, then I bet they try to take some ACC teams. My prediction would be Miami, Florida State, and Geogria Tech. That would give them 16 teams like the PAC 16. Any Thoughts or is that too far out there? [/quote] I think that's exactly what we are going to see.
  7. [quote name="baddog" post="810802" timestamp="1276121725"] Yep 2011, but still, it'll ruin everything. [/quote] Will certainly be different.
  8. [quote name="baddog" post="810796" timestamp="1276121091"] [quote author=horndawg link=topic=69365.msg810778#msg810778 date=1276119251] You two have formed an alliance???  :o  Crap, [b]this football season is going to be fun.[/b]  ;D [/quote] Not if we are in the Big 10 or Pac 10........Dang you Nebraska!!! [/quote] That will be 2011 season..........right ?
  9. Congratualtions to Dishon and atta boy Kenny Allison !
  10. [quote name="horndawg" post="810778" timestamp="1276119251"] You two have formed an alliance???  :o  Crap, this football season is going to be fun.  ;D [/quote] It's on.  ;D
  11. [quote name="Hupernikomen" post="810767" timestamp="1276118620"] Very regretful that a Jasper fan even brought up this topic again.  No sense in it and very poor class.  Both are great players and will go on to bigger and better things in life than baseball.  I only got to see Felts in that series.  I have seen Parker for several years.  Parker is a gamer.  He is an all around great kid and player.  Felts appears to be as gifted of a catcher as I have ever seen behind the plate, and in the 2 games I saw his bat was tremendous as well. Good luck to them both. [/quote] and there ya have it.
  12. [quote name="mustang32" post="810762" timestamp="1276118415"] [quote author=EAGLE07 link=topic=70402.msg810698#msg810698 date=1276113227] Start time @ Dell Diamond has been pushed back to 6:30, per Brenham Cub parent. [/quote] Do you ever work? Cubs will take this [/quote] Do you ever answer the phone  ??? ??? I am a multi-tasker.....even chewing gum.  :D
  13. [quote name="horndawg" post="810732" timestamp="1276116367"] [quote author=baddog link=topic=69365.msg810725#msg810725 date=1276115985] I've been on the TEXAS bandwagon for 50 years. Kinda hard to break tradition.  ::) Horndawg, since I attended no large universities, I am doomed to only being a fan of Lamar? Since I dropped out of Lamar due to finances, do I have to revert to just pulling for my old high school, junior high, or elementary school, which none of them exist anymore? Where does it end? [/quote] Nice to see ya again baddog, I was wondering if I'd see ya in on this.  Root for who you want, I'm was just pointing out the hypocrisy, that is all.  Hope you've been well, my friend. [/quote] Baddog is my new partner in crime on the message board. We got each others Burnt Orange backs.  ;D I cannot root for my old high school. They suck...kinda like OU.  ;D Horndawg.....not to worry. I can [b]HOOK[/b] you up w/ all the gear you'll ever need.  :o
  14. Start time @ Dell Diamond has been pushed back to 6:30, per Brenham Cub parent.
  15. I vote this the dumbest and most useless thread I may have seen on this site.
  16. [quote name="Aces_Full" post="810627" timestamp="1276104129"] Aggies are so sensitive.  There is a conversation about how LSU sucked this year in baseball, and a typical tiger response (but we party better!  ::))  In all this, somehow an aggie joins in to say they are REAL fans (typical) since they went to school there.  Newsflash:  It's THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS.  Of course Texans are going to root for them.  It's natural, and it's right.  Now if you have an affinity for farm animals, or fake armies then you may feel different.  But the majority of Texans are always going to root for the flagship school TEXAS.   Oh and BTW Tiger fans check out the May 2010 issue of Playboy.  Guess who was voted the Top Party School in the country.  Yep, The University of Texas at Austin.  Hook'em. [/quote] Oops...there goes the we party better theory. Nice work, Aces. HOOK EM HORNS !
  17. [quote name="T-daddy" post="810602" timestamp="1276101205"] [quote author=Cat22 link=topic=70398.msg810578#msg810578 date=1276098062] [quote author=T-daddy link=topic=70398.msg810573#msg810573 date=1276097563] Early in the year the thread "who is the best catcher" came down to parker and felts with felts having been promoted alot more than parker can anyone else see the irony??  Parker when asked always seemed to stay humble and lead his team.. now that felts season is over and having the opurtunity to watch both young men head to head, Parker is the best catcher in southeast texas.. [/quote] You must have been watching different games than most of us.  Parker may have a slight edge in hitting, although Felts had his fair share of hits in that series, Felts is a much better defensive catcher.  Better pop, stronger arm, and had zero past balls!! [/quote] A slight edge in hitting? not even close....did you see the past balls you have to hang those on sowell. [/quote] then they would be wild pitches...not passed balls.  ;)
  18. [quote name="tnt_mom" post="810570" timestamp="1276095857"] [quote author=EAGLE07 link=topic=70299.msg810288#msg810288 date=1276020861] [quote author=GeeGanderdad link=topic=70299.msg810282#msg810282 date=1276019595] Hey good pick Hill boys,The Hill just might ge it together,the players r there now lets see what the new skipper can come up with..... [/quote] Tough for me to say BH baseball didn't have it together. 2010 was the first time in over ten years that BH wasn't in the playoffs. [/quote] That's great making it to the playoffs, but there is always talk that 19-4A is a easy district.  BTW not my opinion, just what I keep hearing.  Now the trick is to make it past round 1 or 2 of playoffs, to do that it takes coming together as a team.  Good luck next year BH. [/quote] That has also been done..........as recently as 2007. Regional Semi-Finals.
  19. [quote name="horndawg" post="810616" timestamp="1276102591"] [quote author=ForeverADog link=topic=69365.msg810593#msg810593 date=1276100319] So you're saying the aggies wrote a bad "I'm a farmer" song that sucked so bad Texas had to rewrite to make it better? Figures..... [/quote] Ha typical response from someone who got their feelings hurt. What's funny is the guy who went there doesn't let things like this get to him, but I wouldn't expect you to understand. [/quote] Come on Horndawg...you gotta admit that was pretty funny.  ;D and.....Austin and the Hill Country or Baton Rouge.......uhmmmm  ??? ??? ???
  20. [quote name="baseballdude" post="810521" timestamp="1276067539"] [quote author=AJ25 link=topic=70344.msg810432#msg810432 date=1276043103] [quote author=GGilbert 7 2010 link=topic=70344.msg810431#msg810431 date=1276042483] what happened to felts thought he was goin to be a 3rd rounder did he come out and say he wouldnt sign or something cause i did see i mock that had him in the 4th round [/quote] Had a strong commit to UT, [b]they knew it would cost a ton to sign him.[/b] He most likely won't be drafted.. It happens pretty often, guys that are dead set on going to school so they ask for lots of $$$$ and don't get drafted. [/quote] One of these kids that pops to mind was Wes Musick from Lufkin Hudson back in 05. He was a lefty that threw mid 90s and was projected to go in the top 5 rounds. I believe he didnt go til about the 48th round...the team was hoping he would draft and follow. [/quote] and now there is no longer a draft and follow. As a result, signability issues come into play more often.
  21. [quote name="westend1" post="810427" timestamp="1276041961"] HELLO I think this is a great site and I love all the posters.   All the teams are great and everyone is so friendly.  What is karma?              ;D [/quote] Nice...very nice. Karma for you.  ;D
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