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Everything posted by EAGLE07

  1. [quote name="GCMPats" post="796029" timestamp="1272591790"] All signs point to no. [/quote] Barbers Hill has a long tradition of brining up JV players for the playoffs. Kind of a reward for having a good season. They have even brought up a soph before.....mine.  ;)
  2. [quote name="kpwinner2010" post="795915" timestamp="1272566829"] wats kingwood education? [/quote] just answered your own question  ::)..........again.
  3. [quote name="OUFan22" post="795793" timestamp="1272513212"] [quote author=JohnnyT60 link=topic=41421.msg795310#msg795310 date=1272386891] 60 pages is proof that their suckage is known by all.......... [/quote] No, it just shows that you all have nothing else to do!  Best wishes to all.  ;~) [/quote] Nah...OU just sucks.  simple...  ;D ;D My wife is an OU grad....not really,  I'm divorced. But if she was from Blow U and we were actually married....Hands down she'd say BLOW U...........SUX !  ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
  4. [quote name="setxgal" post="786999" timestamp="1270607165"] It sucks that someone didn't get the gist of this thread , but don't feel too bad cause OU still sucks more [/quote] I've re-read this CLASSIC thread...over and over....KUDOS to setxgal for her quote above..... Game over. ;D BTW  BLOOOOOOOW U SUX !
  5. [quote name="GCMPats" post="795686" timestamp="1272488566"] [quote author=rambleonus link=topic=69109.msg795685#msg795685 date=1272488102] Thats BH with all those aces. [/quote] The rest of us do not stand a chance. [/quote] You must be confused w/ the '07-'08 Eagles.  ;)
  6. Amen brother ! As a parent, it can really be a bittersweet moment. Pats hits on the head....the friends and memories last a lifetime. God I love baseball.  ;D Best of luck to those who made the playoffs and to those fortunate enough to play at the next level. 
  7. [quote name="the_dude_abides" post="795634" timestamp="1272475674"] ...and the correct word to focus on there eagle would be "winning". I think you might have got confused for a second there. [/quote] No..I was referring to growth and moving to a community based on school districts, etc. It's BH, not Dayton....and that's not a knock on Dayton. As far as winning, yes Dayton has a very good football program. Overall, BH wins just as much, if not more than Dayton. BH was top ten in 2007 Lone Star Cup standings in their 1st year as a 4A program....the smallest 4A school in the state at the time.
  8. [quote name="PURPLE 4EVER" post="793190" timestamp="1271900823"] I would like to add.... How many players do you think moved in to the Sealy area or the LaMarque area during their hey day. Lets say you have a very talented son, and get transfered to the Houston area and have to pick a location to live. If.... [b]You don't mind a commute to the city and you want your son to be part of a winning football team and live in a great community, you are moving to Dayton "the crossroads town between Houston and Beaumont".[/b] Coach Stewart knows how to get the best out of the athletes, and from just what I have seen, you would be hard pressed to find another "program" that advances and improves it's 7th graders all the way till they graduate. [/quote] Actually the correct answer would be Barbers Hill.  ;)
  9. [quote name="9Doggies" post="795410" timestamp="1272399116"] Ditto Brenhamfan and thanks Eagle07. Friday night is Senior Night at the Dogpound. [/quote] Should be a special night............savor the moment.
  10. Congratulations to the Bulldogs and best of luck in the playoffs.
  11. [quote name="WeedBegone" post="795199" timestamp="1272338625"] [quote author=bleed orange link=topic=69127.msg795169#msg795169 date=1272334382] I am sorry, I know you did not bash Orangefield but others did and that is who I should have directed my post at. Just do not believe in the ethnic issue plain and simple. Would not care if my son went to the mall at night. He can take care of himself. Women are more vunerable to an overpowering attacker. Good for you, your kids have traveled. Mine have too but I will still not let my wife or daughter go to parkdale alone at night. Your right, if I know about it. ;D Also I am a father and husband who is concerned about the society we live in. It was much simpler in my day. Do I think it is just Beaumont? Come on, it is every city, town and small community. I mean a 76 year old man is beaten to death at an insurance agency in Orange. Why would someone try to rob an insurance agency. There is no money there. A man died for nothing. Just don't understand the society we live in. I will worry about my daughter every day of her life. I know I cannot control it but I will still worry.  I worry every time she gets behind the wheel. Texting is all I have to say about that. [/quote] Your good post has inspired me to share my thoughts. A couple of years ago, my daughter asked us to host a meal for several homecoming couples from West Brook.  At the same table in our living room sat a Jewish girl with her Arab date, A Puerto Rican girl with her date, A black couple, and my daughter who brought the bottomless pit.  All of these kids remain friends today and all graduated very high in their class. Amoung these friends, we had an athelete, some band kids, a drama student, class president, an other very involved students.  I agree, football was not well represented, but I worked on it with them ;D.  (Our floor actually was damaged by hurricane Rita  and we ripped it up and painted and striped a football field for the occasion and called it the end  zone. ) One can always argue that ethnic diversity has its problems, but [b]when you put the cream of the crops together, you have a very special thing [/b] [b]taking place.[/b]  The best way I can put this is that when these kids work, study and play together, the prejudices instilled within them is weakoned.  I have witnessed this greatly, by watching three of my own go through Da Brook.  It has given me a feeling of hope that I would not have received at a school that has a huge majority of one race or culture.  I refuse to attack any community just because of the bad news that comes out of it.  There are always those that remain there to help it mend its ways.   [/quote] So true. This is one of the best posts that I've read on this board since becoming a member. Nice job, Weed.
  12. [quote name="setxgal" post="795251" timestamp="1272374982"] Its T**KS testing time...the longest worst week all year,, but it STILL doesn't suck as bad as OU [/quote] Nice.  ;D
  13. [quote name="JohnnyT60" post="793911" timestamp="1272034184"] and yet they still suck................... [/quote] exactly.
  14. Pomeranz is a beast. This should be a great one to watch.
  15. [quote name="EAGLE07" post="791036" timestamp="1271433844"] Hook Em...sweeps. [/quote] ummmm ??? ??? ???JK
  16. [quote name="VP 93......" post="791865" timestamp="1271656917"] [size=18pt]Hook'em Horns !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D[/size] [/quote] Cha-Ching...Cha Ching...we have a winner.  ;D Hook Em Horns are very solid. HOOK EM !!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. [quote name="BH0088" post="792310" timestamp="1271774839"]   Or maybe the district is competitive and anybody can beat anybody on any given day.  BH having a bad year ? Who predicted they would do anything ? Everybody knew they would be young, 5 sophs. starting and they have been in every game or winning up to the 6th or 7th and still in the playoff hunt, bad year or bright future ?  Give some credit to Crosby, KWP, GCM and GP all salty teams.  Just because everybody is beating each other does not mean it is bad, just good baseball.  Not saying that our top team is better than other districts top 1 or 2 teams, but over all the district is not weak. [/quote] Well said.
  18. [quote name="rambleonus" post="792293" timestamp="1271772746"] Or they are having trouble handling the pressure. [/quote] ;D ;D ;D Are you related to GCM Pats  ??? ;)
  19. [quote name="AggiesAreWe" post="792139" timestamp="1271725926"] Bellow would get my vote right now. [/quote] DITTO.
  20. [quote name="eagle65" post="791483" timestamp="1271477597"] h-f may win the district championship which will please them. b-h may win the district championship which will make them feel good for 5-6 days and if they do not win the state championship they will be disappointed. [/quote] ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
  21. [quote name="hitman009" post="792283" timestamp="1271770605"] [quote author=rambleonus link=topic=68726.msg792125#msg792125 date=1271723225] BH has a bad season so the district is down. I agree, 20-4A should walk all over any team that comes out of this district. [/quote] What? So the mighty BH may not make playoffs so the district is down!!!? Or is the district better because BH is not walking over people..... I think the district is up.... KP, Crosby and GP are playing good ball... Even GCM is playing well.... don't they have like 29 HR this year... Just because BH can't handle their business does not mean the other district teams can't win against 20-4A.  Maybe if the kids focused on practice instead of pre practice activities and Prom they might win... [/quote] Or maybe BH is very young this year and do not have the pitching depth they are used to having in more recent years  ??? ???
  22. [quote name="ForeverADog" post="791169" timestamp="1271452321"] One day in an elementary school in Norman, OK, a teacher asks her class if the Oklahoma Sooners are their favorite football team. The whole class says yes, except for Little Jimmy. The teacher asks, "What's your favorite football team Jimmy?" Little Jimmy says, "The Texas Longhorns " The teacher asks, "Well, why is that?" Little Jimmy says, "Well, my dad is a Longhorn fan, my mom is a Longhorn fan, I guess that makes me a Longhorn fan." The teacher angered by his reply says, "If your dad was a moron and your mom was an idiot what would that make you?" Little Jimmy says, "Well, I guess that would make me an Oklahoma fan." [/quote] Cha-ching. pay the man, Shirley.  ;D
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