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Everything posted by EAGLE07

  1. Matthew Viverette-Barbers Hill ;D ;D ;D and no he is not my son, brother, uncle, etc. Just a good kid and athlete from the Hill that I'm giving props to. Mine dun gradjamacated. ???
  2. Lots of Northshore and Channelview folks there also. Was your post supposed to make any sense ???
  3. As a former QB ( not a very good one ), I say no......especially if your backup isn't very good. It's just too easy to suffer an injury. I understand what FreshStang is trying to say. However, IMO I don't think you can really tackle someone half-speed trying not to hurt them....probably end up getting hurt yourself. Just my 2 cents.
  4. $200, Alex for what is an incorrect answer. Eagles roll ! So, using my "Recognized" GCCISD education, the question is "What is an incorrect answer?". Your "correct" answer to that question for $200 is "Eagles roll!" Me likes! "Powerful you have become, the dark side I sense in you.†No no no....your doing that reeverse thing again. ;D ;D
  5. Problem i see right now is the winds aloft will be parallel to the front causing it not to move real fast! Dang parallel winds!!!! > That was funny!!!!!!!! Who's on first ???
  6. In this quote lies the problem! way to support your program TEL.... could this mentality be filtering down to the Kids?? if they are doing what you say; putting their heads down when the first time it goes bad, saying they can't beat them, and then blaming the coach? this is the same mentality of the above statement.!!!! Is this what you want to teach our kids? If it is going to be tough, quit and don't worry about it and blame someone else????? Victory happens in the mind first......Instilling disbelief will crush a team, on and off the field. My suggestion is shut your mouth unless you have something positive to say especially about your home town!!!!! Dude, how are those anger management classes working out for you? I don't have a dog in the fight, and I do support the programs. Not saying they can't win, didn't blame the coach. Didn't say a word about quitting, are you in never never land? Kids, this is why it is important to say no to drugs. Education is the key!! Get some more of it! I don't have a dog in this fight. I gotta go with you on this one ,TEL. I thought your original was honest and realistic....and praised the kids. Maybe I read the wrong post. Not a secret that Dayton has the best team right now. This isn't YMCA ball where everybody played a great game and both teams won the game. Just my unsolicated two cents. Thanks, that's kinda what I was thinking. take another look at YOUR above quote.... It is in bold... and think of what you are saying... does not sound real positive to me....... to prove my statement every dayton and BH fan is agreeing with you!!! It is the little things that make a difference!! Are you smoking crack ??? ???
  7. In this quote lies the problem! way to support your program TEL.... could this mentality be filtering down to the Kids?? if they are doing what you say; putting their heads down when the first time it goes bad, saying they can't beat them, and then blaming the coach? this is the same mentality of the above statement.!!!! Is this what you want to teach our kids? If it is going to be tough, quit and don't worry about it and blame someone else????? Victory happens in the mind first......Instilling disbelief will crush a team, on and off the field. My suggestion is shut your mouth unless you have something positive to say especially about your home town!!!!! Wow, Hitman I thought a winner is always the one who is able to give his opponent what he has earned. If I remember correctly Dayton has been the better team for sometime know. Until, that changes it is just plain and simple the truth. If you look at Flanigan's record vs. Stewart it looks like Stewart has the overwhelming edge in the head to head also in the amount of playoff visit's and depth in the playoff's. I don't recall reading anything about let's not try, just give up or they have no chance. In fact, I think he said they will prepare and play hard, that just reaks of negativity. You are quite the role model, shut your mouth unless you have something positive to say! Take some of your own advice, everyone in Crosby would like to see a win this year. Odds are it might not happen this year. If you don't like what you hear then don't post on the site, not everyone has to believe or follow your wishes. It just fustrates me when ADULTS don't see the big picture. and ya'll are not seeing the problem either... what ever....... I am positive, positive that the Coogs are going to pull this win out even if THEIR COMMUNITY DOES NOT BELIEVE!!!! (their is my whole point in big letters for the people not understanding me) Pull for your team all you want..I'd be disappointed if you didn't..Don't hate on people that speak an honest, realitsic opionion. Hey, my fantasy team is 1-4..I'm still talking smack w/ the best of them. BTW, lay off the KOOL AID. ;D
  8. In this quote lies the problem! way to support your program TEL.... could this mentality be filtering down to the Kids?? if they are doing what you say; putting their heads down when the first time it goes bad, saying they can't beat them, and then blaming the coach? this is the same mentality of the above statement.!!!! Is this what you want to teach our kids? If it is going to be tough, quit and don't worry about it and blame someone else????? Victory happens in the mind first......Instilling disbelief will crush a team, on and off the field. My suggestion is shut your mouth unless you have something positive to say especially about your home town!!!!! Dude, how are those anger management classes working out for you? I don't have a dog in the fight, and I do support the programs. Not saying they can't win, didn't blame the coach. Didn't say a word about quitting, are you in never never land? Kids, this is why it is important to say no to drugs. Education is the key!! Get some more of it! I don't have a dog in this fight. I gotta go with you on this one ,TEL. I thought your original was honest and realistic....and praised the kids. Maybe I read the wrong post. Not a secret that Dayton has the best team right now. This isn't YMCA ball where everybody played a great game and both teams won the game. Just my unsolicated two cents. Thanks, that's kinda what I was thinking. take another look at YOUR above quote.... It is in bold... and think of what you are saying... does not sound real positive to me....... to prove my statement every dayton and BH fan is agreeing with you!!! It is the little things that make a difference!! Fact: Dayton has a better football team than Crosby..end of fact. Can Crosby win..yes...Will Crosby win..probably not.. Do Crosby players think Dayton is better...most likely..Will Crosby's players show up to play..yes. YMCA has it has tie game.
  9. Lumberton @ Central WOS @ Silsbee Channelview @ West Brook Galena Park NS @ Memorial Dayton @ Crosby GooseCreek Mem @ Barbers Hill Ozen @ Vidor LCM @ Nederland PNG @ Livingston Diboll @ Jasper Hamshire Fannett @ Orangfield Hardin Jefferson @ Bridge city Kirbyville @ Shelbyville Woodville @ Newton East Chambers @ Hardin Kountze @ Deweyville Warren @ Buna Colmesneil @ Sabine Pass Evadale @ Burkeville High Island @ West Hardin ;)
  10. ??? ??? ??? I dont think you can get the swine flu from the rain? Nope...only from pigs. : : :
  11. What do you want me to say "Dayton sucks" and then hear all the crap about how they kicked our butt in football. If you'd like...it is a football board.My point is I can say what I want where I want wow, you must be really macho. Unlike you I don't feel the need to belittle the opposing team to make me feel macho but I thought you could say what you want when you wanted?. Why do I need to talk trash about Dayton's football team when they are the best team around ahhhh, good point. We are still talking about kid's here right. Does everything have to be negative? Or is that just how you are oh but not at all....focus on the positives man just do it on the baseball board? Don't get on the baseball board you'll wake up the Eagles from Barbers Hill. ;)
  12. They play today and then are off until Friday is what I was trying to say. Game #1 should've been pushed back to tomorrow.
  13. In this quote lies the problem! way to support your program TEL.... could this mentality be filtering down to the Kids?? if they are doing what you say; putting their heads down when the first time it goes bad, saying they can't beat them, and then blaming the coach? this is the same mentality of the above statement.!!!! Is this what you want to teach our kids? If it is going to be tough, quit and don't worry about it and blame someone else????? Victory happens in the mind first......Instilling disbelief will crush a team, on and off the field. My suggestion is shut your mouth unless you have something positive to say especially about your home town!!!!! Dude, how are those anger management classes working out for you? I don't have a dog in the fight, and I do support the programs. Not saying they can't win, didn't blame the coach. Didn't say a word about quitting, are you in never never land? Kids, this is why it is important to say no to drugs. Education is the key!! Get some more of it! I don't have a dog in this fight. I gotta go with you on this one ,TEL. I thought your original was honest and realistic....and praised the kids. Maybe I read the wrong post. Not a secret that Dayton has the best team right now. This isn't YMCA ball where everybody played a great game and both teams won the game. Just my unsolicated two cents.
  14. What was the weakness though? Your poll specifically mentions PNG has a weakness? So what is it? Is it the fact that PNG threw the ball for 270 yds? Is it the fact that they wore the Ned. Defense down in the 2nd half with hard nose, north and south running by Harmon? Is it the fact that PNG is now +12 in turnover margin? If you are going to make a blanket statement like that, you got to support it with some factual basis. 1/2 half nederland controlled the game that is essentially what I was referring too. I wasn't at the game and had to rely on what I read about it. PNG and Ned posters were saying things like: "Who said a deep playoff team? I just hope we get to the playoffs" PNG fan "Dogs did outplay PNG. Turnovers hurt. Hopefully the bring the same intensity to the 2nd half. Defense held Harmon to around 40 yards, including long run" "IMO they've been wishy washy" PNG fan "We must play better all around if we expect to make the playoffs. I believe Faircloth knows that as he said we must play better...I was really disappointed by how undisciplined we played as a team. Must play better from here on out." PNG fan "This game could've turned ugly but PNG made several bone head mistakes." PNG fan "The Indians will have to step it up to make the playoffs, they have the talent." Ned fan "If not for turnovers who knows what might happened.. Indians must stop killing ourself with penalties..." PNG fan I believe all of those statements to be honest assessments of PNG. They are a solid team with work to do. They have played a weak schedule to date and weren't overly impressive against a very short handed Nederland team. Maybe my opinion is harsh but I will be the first to change it once PNG beats Central or Vidor. Don't worry about it. It's just the hup poll. All the triangle gurus will have you ranked 2nd. Hup, I'm not worried. I know this is just your opinions. It just seems like NO ONE in this area is giving PNG any credit whatsoever. Don't feel alone.
  15. If things look dire, I'm planning on moving to the BH side and sitting with the sister and brother-in-law. That'll teach ya! I will alert security 8) ;D ;D ;D ;D
  16. Awesome...I fell better already. Nothing will change as long as Uncle D owns the team. He owns the team, so it's his call. My call is to quit watching and attending games....haven't watched or seen an Astro game in 3+ weeks.......and counting. Sad. >
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