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Everything posted by longball24

  1. I did think they were top 10 good but only on offense. OUR defense is !!!!! Worse than can be described. They will say we had injuries we played back ups the whole second half. For the most part the core guys were in the game. No outside containment and no pass defense and by the way did anyone see the futile pass attempts when we did decide to pass. And the band member that cut her face open. The whole thing was a huge embarrassment.
  2. That is not what was said. They were complaining about lifting on game day. They do not lift on game day during football season. Seeing a kid play on a day he has lifted is as obvious as watching a little league coach tell his kids how to play when he doesn’t know what he is doing.
  3. Maybe , at least their starters will get to play a complete game.
  4. No reason Woodville should not be added .They to return their core talent.
  5. I hope we are on their schedule at least 7 more years. The talent level at Woodville will compete with anyone over this period.
  6. Lol you guys make it hard to talk trash. Just for your info there is a 900 lb gorilla headed your way lol
  7. How many points do we need to score to be in your top 10.
  8. If Woodville puts up 60 will you say they are a top 10 team.
  9. Kirbyville will think Alvarez and Ford are in Woodville after this one.
  10. If that is the case and Woodville goes out in the second round it is time to clean house again. With the athletes Woodville has there is no excuse for a poor pass defense. Yoe rockdale Teague all are much weaker and will not make it more than 2 rounds Malakoff and Jefferson are the only ones in woodvilles way .
  11. believe it or not next year will be better.
  12. Wow 3 rounds deep for Woodville sounds great. Next year will be the eagles year to possibly make it to the final game. This team is mainly juniors . The best is yet to come. I still believe they will be playing in round 4 but 3 rounds is good.
  13. Crockett is all you need to say. They are a very weak team this year. If trinity was to compete they should have won that game by 50. Buna will Buna trinity will trinity.
  14. Buna BY 20
  15. I agree it will take a special coach and staff. But I question weather the administration and community have the commitment and resolve to see it through. This will take more time and money than most people will commit to especially the money side. Other departments and activities will have to take cuts to their budgets to get the athletic department the funds they need to compete. Look at the facilities it will take millions.
  16. Have family there. Go to the other events, look at the crowd size listen to the people. They will tell you sports is a waste of time. They will spend 20,000 dollars on a horse or cow and will not spend .50 cents on athletics.there is only a hand full of people that will invest in sports.
  17. It starts and ends with the parents. Take Ag and FFA and roping and rodeo away and you will see changes. Nothing will change until then.
  18. The win is nice,but we are far from where we need to be same old problems nothing has changed. Region 3 is ripe for picking. Everyone is down with the exception of Woodville
  19. Hope you are right , but after 2 bad scrimmages and madisonville, I am afraid to run my mouth. Hopefully they get it done.
  20. I agree wdv coach doesn't like 2 way players . But the only way this team gets better is if we have 3 to 4 more kids playing both ways. To much talent on the sideline that would have won the game Friday night. Conditioning is a problem. That is all on the coaches.
  21. Yes it is obvious Woodville is loaded with talent and yes it is obvious where we are weak. If the right changes are made there will be no one that will be able to stay within 30 points in any given game
  22. I'm hearing the water in Beaumont is preventing anyone from coming or going ozen may not make it. Hearing woodville and corrigan is cancelled. If so this should be a no brainer.
  23. After 2 scrimmages everyone is scared to talk.
  24. ? !!!!! ??? I guess the old saying if you cant say something good don't say anything applies now.
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