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Everything posted by warfan

  1. Hate to say it, but I agree with you dickie.
  2. We'll take up and coming. thank you!
  3. Hey DICK does Buna have a basketball tradition?
  4. Great game tonight with Warren and Kountze at war. Went into overtime with Kountze winning 57 - 53. Gonna be a lotta fun come district.
  5. No one said Warren won by 41. They were ahead by 41 when they put their bench in. And no has said Warren has anything locked up. They have the potential to beat everyone in the district, we will just have to play the games to see if they have worked hard enough to win them.
  6. summer ball, give me a break!!
  7. Won 1 lost 1, Didn't have all our players. Whitaker (sp) had a great game against us.
  8. Don't know their points, but we hit 11 3's. We hit 9 last Thursday against Woodville.
  9. They won big against WH. First time they have had all the boys together this summer. Don't know the final but they were ahead by 41 in the 4th.
  10. We had the same problem with my oldest daughter. It wasn't that the coach didn't try, she just didnt' really have the connections. My daughter wrote a letter stating her qualifications (which were many) and the reason why she wanted to continue her career. Making sure it's obvious in the letter that the athlete loves the sport and is extremely dedicated (even obsessed). She mailed the letter to every college coach she could get an address for. She ended up getting several offers, played college volleyball and her team won 2nd in nation.
  11. Deweyville spanked Warren in Deweyville this year a district game.
  12. Great article. I like their class.
  13. I am a Spurs fan and I hope they win it tonight. But not because I am a fan, it's just been too ugly and I'm ready for it to be over.
  14. Sherrie Brookes will be replacing Lin Ellis as Warren's Girls Varsity Basketball coach.
  15. Let me think............................................................................DAAAAAA maybe NEWTON!
  16. I agree with SVILLE. 2 is enough, anything after that is all about money. You can have a losing season and still make the playoffs, give me a break.
  17. No doubt EC will be the team to beat. The rest of the district will be interresting to watch.
  18. There is no doubt that Brown can be the best around, However you just never know what your going to get with him. With Thomas you know. I rarely have the chance to see J'Covan play but when I have there has been problems. It really breaks my heart to see him risk such a bright future. We have been playing against Tramaine forever and he always been a class act.
  19. Brown or Thomas!
  20. Didn't get back from our game untill the 2nd quarter. I really thought the Cavs would will a couple but they are just awful. Can I vote again?
  21. We test the workplace for drugs the kids might as well get used to it. Test for all drugs, all students and teachers. Do it on a random basis with a stipulation that if someone is suspect they get tested. Be ready for the lawsuit but in the end we will all be better for it.
  22. Some of us that have coached have taken so much grief over this issue it is truely a blessing. Best thing that could have happen to protect the pitchers of the future.
  23. If you stay around long enough one of these idiots will find you. Some jerks are making a living this way.
  24. Coach we wish you all the best and much success. Coach Ellis is one of the hardest working and caring coach I've know. Good Luck.
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