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Everything posted by cbosha

  1. my nephew will be playing for HJ next year. He is not good enough to play for a school in Beaumont. He is an average player at best... ;D
  2. i agree with Nash ,we well be lucky to win 10 games next year. None of the returning players are any good. They most likely will NOT make the playoffs.
  3. You are right Blue dove. HJ's plight is hopeless. That Bosha kid is a crappy player. The 30 points he scored against Friendswood and the 25 points he scored against Nederland were flucks. The Padgett kid cannot play at all neither can Martel and the other players. They can't be good because Ozen beat them by 2 points even though HJ was playing with 6 players and Ozen had about 15 players. Poor HJ whatever will they do?
  4. I would like to apologize to Honest Abe for what I said about him in a previous post. I misunderstood what he was trying to say, and said something that I should not have said. Being that he is not the man I thought he was, I respect him enough to hope my apology is accepted.
  5. Dove, your grammar is horrific, besides only one basketball can be used per game so your joke is lame. You always speak too soon. See how things go at Ozen during their basketball season before you predict anything about HJ. That would be the smart thing to do, but then again......
  6. Blue dove you of all people should not dicuss people taking threads, or games too seriously. You are always posting crap, and talking noise and Nash shuts it down!!! 8)
  7. I AM!!!!!!!!!! ;D
  8. Yes, Abe I was at the game. I get Little Dove and his brother mixed up.Were you there? No, didn't think so. So you never should have responded to my response to Patrick Thomas, who is a close friend of mine , and was aware what I meant when I said Bosha is great. It was a reference to his health. I don't like you and never have, I suggest you quit communicating with me before I reveal your true identity. I know who you are. And Dove, you are not upsetting anyone from Hj, actually this is great entertainment. You make an idiot of yourself all the time.
  9. By me. Im Zjori's aunt. I never once said the kids had a problem with one another. I was simply stating my opinion about one player. Reading comprehension is very fundamental!  :)
  10. Nash, and with all the rumors Blue Dove claims are going on, and the absense of many HJ players ( Ozen clearly had more than 6 players there, including Little Dove), Ozen only won by 2 points. Wow! Amazing! ::)
  11. Again you have incorrect information. Who the heck is Brownwood. Sherly Swoopes played for Brownsfield. We lost to them in the state finals, but it was NOT a blowout. We were ranked#1 in the state and we were undefeated. They had lost 8 games. We took them lightly, didn't prepare properly. We had already scheduled our victory parade..NOONE expected them to beat us, not even their team, but those type of things happen. We won state the next year and Sherly was still playing. ;D,  I am not commenting on a certain player anymore in regards to the all district or all region team. I am passed that. "All things work together for good for those who love the lord and are called according to their purpose". Maybe a 5A team COULD'VE blown us out, but it NEVER happened.
  12. We won state my freshman year with 3 sophmores and 2 freshman starting.. We finished with 2 state titles and we had one runner up finish. Pretty darn good I think. We beat Westbrook and other 5A schools by blowing them out . We NEVER got blown out ever. I think you need to ask somebody who was around in the 80's. Good basketball is played on EVERY level...
  13. We were ranked #1 in the state; irregardless of class.. I don't know how old you are, but no team ever ate over lunch. 5A included. We only lost 7 games over the 4 yrs that i played. We never got "eaten up"...It just didn't happen.
  14. The point is that "real" basketball can is being played on the lower levels. You just proved that by saying that me and my teammates accomplished some of the same things as our 5a couterparts....
  15. Have you guys read anything I have writtten. I only mentioned my high school accomplishments as well as my teammates  to prove a point. That real basketball is played on the lower levels, and to show that we have the accolades to prove it.  The fact that my nephew didn't make the all region is a non issue for me right now. i am over it. I only bought it up to show texas a&m his hypocrisy...
  16. I guess I could say that Bad santa is trashing my nephew because he said Devante is better... I know that he is not trashing him, but just giving his opinion. Which seems to be okay with texas Am but when I said the opposite i was villified. SMH
  17. Band santa said that he thinks that a player is better then my nephew which is his opinion. Yet when i voice mine, I am this horrible person??????????????
  18. According to aggies we are, Zjori was better.I guess he changed his mind. AggiesAreWe Donating Admin Senior Karma: +1261/-1726 Posts: 24822 Go Tigers!!! Gig'em Aggies!! Re: Local TABC All-Staters & All - Region « Reply #65 on: March 16, 2012, 12:45:15 PM » -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote from: cbosha on March 16, 2012, 12:42:46 PM I call them like I see them. Don't read my post if you don't like it... I have a right to my opinion.... Yes indeed you have a right to your opinion but your opinion isn't necessarily right.  YOU SAID THAT MY OPINION THAT ZJORI WAS BETTER WAS NOT RIGHT YET YOU RANKED ZJORI HIGHER. GO FIGURE
  19. I said that I did not understand how a certain player could be chosen to the All-region team when another player had to deal with team playing special defenses to stop him and another player and I also said I wondered how it could happen since unnamed player was ranked ahead of another player in the SETX top 25 rankings. You told me my assessment was bogus, but yet you felt the same way I did or you wouldn' t have ranked him higher. HIPOCRACY!!!! You also mentioned that the player was better then my nephew on that particular board. Go back and read it.
  20. You did it and you know you did, but that's cool.. You mentioned that you don't know me which is true so why do you make assumptions about my character? Isn't that a bit idiotic?
  21. Why do you care if you were one of the ones mentioned? I did hear that you were an a-hole. That's the truth, I am not lieing.
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