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Everything posted by cbosha

  1. OH aggies we are you are so full of crap. I think you like controversy... If I am not mistaken it was you that ranked the top 25 players in SETX. You ranked my nephew ahead of a certain player, then argued on the board that he was NOT better. Such hypocrisy... Let me guess what you are going to say next. "If you do it again I am deleting you from the board".. OH i am so scared.. ;D. I guess you will just delete my comment. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I proved my point I am no longer responding ... Continue to trash me GENTLEMEN( and I use this term loosely) if you would like to.
  2. A wise man once told me that most of you guys on this post know absolutely nothing about basketball so it pointless to try and have a converation.with you all. I see what he means now. He said all you guys try to do is push each other's buttons. It is NOT working if that's what you are tryingto do to me. You guys cantag team me, call me names etc. I still think that it is hilarious. You guys don't seem to be able to refute anything with concrete evidence. all you guys do is attack. you NEVER prove your point.
  3. Trying to get under my skin again. It is not working..... :P. You can't even tell me what is comical about my comments. I am so hurt that you don't like me. LMBO
  4. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I was boasting about my teammates as well to prove a point. Oh I forgot to mention the fact that my sister, Christina Bosha, was ranked #3 in top 25 texas basketball rankings for seniors in 1994.  Which also proves that "real" basketball is played on the lower levels.If you think I am tooting my own horn then TOOT, TOOT!!!!!!!  ;)
  5. I understand that some people are going to be in opposition to everything that I say because of some comments that I made about a certain team not having any class. I also understand that certain people are trying to "get under my skin" which I find to me very entertaining. So you guys go ahead and take some shots at me so,  my husband and I will have something to laugh about. You guys are really funny.PS ( at this point of my life I am not easily rattled as it pertains to what others think about me). ;D
  6. I was not tooting my own horn just given you guys proof that "real basketball" is played on the lower classifications. If you noticed I also mentioned my teammates that played at D1 schools..I have never mentioned my accolades before on this website so me "tooting my own horn" is not something you can say about me. I am very humble. I was trying to make a point. I also wanted to make a point to all those who were insinuating that I was living vicariously through my nephew. I am not , I have had enough accolades of my own!!!!
  7. I think it is a no brainer. yes "real basketball" is played on the lower levels. Hardin-Jefferson beat Nederland and Central who are 4a teams and they beat Kingwood Park who is either a 4a or 5a school. When I played for HJ in the 80's we were ranked #1 team in the state of Texas, #9 in the nation. I played for Texas A&m, (Yatisha Bosha), STephanie Edwards played for UH, Barbara Anderson played for UH, Latanya Fontenot played for Mcnesse state, Ramona Jones played for Lamar who made it to the elite 8 in 91. I had offers to play professionally after I graduated in 1993, but I did not want to go overseas. In 1997, when the WNBA was formed I had started a family so I didn't tryout. I am considered to be one of the top 50 girl basketball players to ever play in texas in the last century. I among 49 others were nominated for the All-Century team. They only picked 12. So I would say that real basketball is played on the lower levels...
  8. LOL. He is very wise.
  9. You are the only person who has made any sense in regards to what I was feeling about my nephew, Zjori. I appreciate your words. In retrospect I think that maybe my responses might have been inflammatory. When you love someone and you feel that they have been mistreated sometimes one lets thier emotions take over. After having a night to sleep on it, and after having a clear head I realize that this can be a valuable life lesson for my nephew. In life we don't always get what we deserve, but yet we must continue to push forward. I take comfort in the scripture that says that "everything works together for good for those who love the lord and are called according to his purpose"
  10. thany you sir..i'm chilling... 8)
  11. I won two state championships at hj and finished runner-up one year. POW :-*
  12. If you go to HJ and glance up you will see my picture on the wall as well. That's how much I know about basketball, boom.  :P
  13. Let me give my disclaimer: The views expressed on this site are merely my viewpoints, they do not express the viewpoint of my nephew (nothing he would say out loud anyway). Don't hold my views against him. He is a gentle soul.
  14. no, that's okay. Thanks for asking though. LOL ;D
  15. HJ15 are you in highschool. If so you seem to be wise beyond your years. ;D
  16. lol, I would be if people stopped commenting with inaccurate info. I think i have explained my point, but they don't seem to get it. They are accusing me of things that are NOT true..
  17. I can't quite understand why anyone would be offended by my opinion.  :P
  18. Have you checked the stats? I am certain that he averages more steals and assists and shoots a high fg percentage. I watch the game, it's obvious. I would keep stats to keep my nephew encouraged. My nephew is more laid back then I am. I am a in your face kind of person.. I am not embarrased to voice my opinion because I have freedom of speech according to the constitution. If you don't like the posts don't read it. It is as simple as that. Wow I am having a lot of fun. ;)
  19. actually my family is not embarrassed. My sister feels the same way that I do. We beleive in fighting for what is right. That's what we do... ;) Noone has been able to answer my questions so i am done for real this time.. It has been lovely. You all have a great day!!
  20. He sure does get a lot of touches with team Sneed. A team comprised of Ozen players. He is the only one from hj. How is that happening?
  21. One more thing and i am done with this post forever. To the person that said my nephew would more then likely not get many touches with ozen that response is completely illogical. Lets think about this for a minute. Hardin-Jefferson was considered to be the best team in the area. With that being the case, if my nephew can start as a freshman and a sophmore for the best team, wouldn't it be logical to assume that he could also start for a less talented team?
  22. It's been lovely you guys but I have had my fun for today. I love it. peace out and keep it real....
  23. @hj15, I admit that Devante averaged more points, but when you shoot 30 times a game; irregardless of what the defense is doing, that is not hard to do. i am almost positive that he did not average more steals, assists and I don't think he shot a higher FG percentage then my nephew.
  24. @dick vitale, it is obvious to me that you know nothing about basketball. Didn't you say that Yates didn't recruit? I was talking to a coach from Houston a couple of days ago and was told that they are positive that Yates recruits because that team stole a couple of the players from their school
  25. @HJ15, you said you watched every game and devante played more consistently. Please explain. Did you not see all of those wild shots Devante was jacking up. Also how is it that certain teams ran special defenses to stop my nephew and shawn yet noone did the same to stop Devante. Lavega ran a triangle and two. they had a player following Shawn and a player following Zjori the entire game. The rest of the team played a zone. Why didn't they do that for Devante if he were more consistent. @Dick Vitale nor do i care to know who you are. At KHSalum how is it that he is getting touches now with a team comprisedof mostly Ozen players. He plays point guard.
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