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  1. Dear retiredoldcoach, I've been in the newspaper business for almost 20 years, coaches have always called in there scores. Coach Chuck Young called in all his scores. Coach Ronnie Anderson called in all his scores. Coach Sam Moore called in all his scores. Coach Cornel Thompson called in all of his scores. All of the basketball coaches and the softball coaches, volleyball coaches and track coaches continue to call in there scores. Coach Tom Woolley from Bridge City and Coach Bill Tennison of Orangefield never missed calling in their games ever up until they both retired. When you have seven schools playing games, and you have a one or two-man staff (By the way, in Orange County alone there are close to 50 teams competing in the spring when you count baseball, softball, track, golf, tennis, powerlifing, soccer) you rely on coaches to call in their scores and stats, it's been that way for 20 years. If they don't call in that night, we'll give them a free pass to do it the next day. I'll definitely admit, I tend to cover the folks more that find time enough to call in stats for their kids. I don't know where you are from, retiredoldcoach, but did you coach in Southeast Texas?
  2. There is nothing wrong with having a dominant hoop program and a weak football program, though you would like to be good in both, but it doesn't always happen that way. Believe me, I like to see the tables turn a little bit. Of course this is coming from a former basketball player that played in the 1980s in SE Texas. Football reigned supreme at our school and most of our coaches were football coaches that could care less about the game of basketball and played the football players more on the court all the way up to the JV level because they knew them better. We would get hammered in those games and the true basketball players would rally and close the deficit. By the time we reached the varsity level, and all of the football players quit, we won 20 games our junior year and 20 again as seniors. By the way, we never had a winning season from seventh grade through the JV level. Rock on Hawks Hoops, Rock on!
  3. Good Luck to Coach Morrison and that fierce Trojans defense!
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