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Dick Vitale

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Everything posted by Dick Vitale

  1. I'm through discussing with you. Either meet me in person or just go on to the next thread, We are done here. have a good day.
  2. Doesn't matter...You heard what I said. Done discussing it. Back to topic.
  3. I said what I mean...I don't play those games...
  4. I don't hate anyone....My kids are at the better school in the area, PLUS ITS WHERE I LIVE, not because its 'white" but because they do things differently than the others in the area. Now keep my family off of this thread or you and I will have a real life issue. Thank you.
  5. I KNOW the difference, but you claiming to call out my "stupidity" is unacceptable, and will not be tolerated.
  6. No. I'm not a Muslim either. I'm just telling you why HE did it....Read a book.
  7. Are you serious? White males have been the majority in that aspect for as long as they have been counting! It all started on those plantations in the south....yeah..THOSE GUYS.
  8. I think that the three point shot should not be used for kids BELOW high school. Kids DO need to develop fundamentally by shooting mid range shots on a daily basis, but I GUARANTEE you that you roll a ball out to middle school and elementary aged kids and the FIRST place they run to is that 3 point line! I blame the Splash Brothers! LOL
  9. What you don't understand is that Clay is not REALLY his family name. It's some white man's name that was GIVEN to his family..So he fixed it.
  10. NO. His name was Muhammad Ali....I will be happy to explain it to you face to face....
  11. See the difference is simple. Blacks kill over things such as money, passion, etc...and don't get me wrong, it's WRONG, however, there are some sick folks that rape and kill children for fun...and whats the profile of a pedophile? WHITE MALES....whats the profile of a serial killer? WHITE MALES...How about the profile of a mass murderer? you guessed it, WHITE MALES...Get the common thread here? Its a sick group of people out here! and they aren't brown skinned, thats for sure! Oh by the way,....Make that your last insult toward me...I don't play those games. Call me stupid again and we will have a real life issue. Have a great day.
  12. Tell you what...I am having a get together Thursday in Beaumont with some friends...They would love to hear your views in person about Muhammad Ali....Loser? Wow, thats possibly the dumbest thing I have ever heard about the Champ, but hey, look at where its coming from....what do ya say? You don't have to be so strong willed over the internet...Share your thoughts with us....
  13. I notice one common thing here....all of the sick white boys are not deemed "terrorists", which is odd...You don't think those white boys, namely Roof, were in racists organizations? Don't worry...I'll wait...CraigS, why don't you meet me in Nederland or Beaumont, and we can discuss some of these views of yours? What do ya say? I have some friends that would also love to hear your views in person instead of online...
  14. Sure they can, but not everyone has IT...When it comes to coaching, it's hard to TEACH some things...Lots of things have to be learned through experience. You have to have a FEEL for this game. You can't learn what I know on YouTube.
  15. Bliss is over 70 years old...I have been coaching for 17 years...I have achieved plenty as a coach on the high school and collegiate level, and my story is still being written, but being that he has more than a 30 year head start, it may be some differences there in our careers. My time is coming, but the question was did I feel like I was a better coach than Bliss...The answer to that is he is no better than I am, because I can hold my own with ANY coach. Thats just my level of confidence. While I do not know it all, my story is not yet done..Not hardly.
  16. You think the black race is inferior?
  17. WHITE PRIVILEGE, but they say that doesn't exist though....riiiiiight.....smh.
  18. The fallacy that the white race is superior, is the BASIS for racism. Sure a black person can feel that way. But that derived from the thought process of the ones that were the original oppressors.
  19. MY logic comes from the TRUE definition of racist people...Where did yours come from? Don't worry, I'll wait....smh
  20. Now THAT makes perfect sense.....NOT....SMH
  21. So he is NOT considered a terrorist because he is white? Ohhhhh ok, I get it...It's terrorism when the person is brown (Indian, Pakistani, Saudi, Muslim, etc.)...OK I get it now....SMH
  22. Sooooooo, that wasn't terrorism though, right? Ohhhh ok...smh
  23. Why is THIS guy labled a "terrorist" and that white kid that shot up that church in South Carolina is not? Take your time..I know this takes deep introspective thought.
  24. NO. Its not good for high school basketball, and besides that, school districts would have to fork up money to purchase shot clocks and pay an extra person to run them...Not gonna happen.
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