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Dick Vitale

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Everything posted by Dick Vitale

  1. Outted? Please!...I have been on here since the board started, and everyone on here knows who I am. I don't hide behind a screen name, nor do I drag down coaches or players. I keep my discussions to a minimum and would not EVER say that I know it all. I am asking some rhetorical questions yes, but I am not antagonizing anyone on here...Truth? Some of you on here would not recognize the truth if it smacked you in the head! EVERY ONE of my career ups and downs have been talked about on this board for all to see! Some true things, lots of untruths, but I am very transparent about who I am on here and everywhere else that I go. So if you think you would like to hit me with your truth about me, go right ahead. I'm not afraid of the truth. SMH....How can me asking a question, start an argument? Isn't that what this board is for? Discussion?
  2. Because they wanted him to do BOTH duties for just one salary. Then the position was eliminated altogether, so now he will go back to the sideline at West Brook.
  3. This one is pretty obvious though, wouldn't you agree?
  4. Not until after June 28th. Could be ANNOUNCED sooner, but won't go into effect until at least then.
  5. So is he signing an LOI (letter of intent) to receive scholarship aid?
  6. Talk about a late news report! Geesh!
  7. Many times coaches offer preferred walk on status because particularly in Division I, schools are allowed no more than 5 signees in a year, and no more than 8 in any 2 year span. This ties coaches hands, because even if a kid signs and leaves, they lose that scholarship for that year, even if there is roster space available. Usually at this time of year, D-1 coaches are DONE recruiting for the coming school year. And there are usually no Division 1 commitments this late for the coming year. Only time D1 coaches wait this late is for a phenom waiting on a test score or to graduate from JUCO. It's just odd timing for a commitment, that's all.
  8. Why would there be ANY consequences for a parent deciding to move THEIR kid to another school? YOU PEOPLE DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO THESE KIDS! So I ask...were there any consequences for the kid you guys got from Beaumont a few years ago? What about when you THOUGHT you would have Jalen Sneed for next year? We ALL know he will go back to Beaumont and attend West Brook now, because that IS where his dad played, right? So again I ask....Why are there no "consequences " when kids transfer TO Hardin Jefferson? Smh...Don't worry....I'll wait....
  9. So is he going to be on scholarship or a preferred walk on? Even as a preferred walk on, with a coaching change, there are usually kids that transfer and free up a scholarship for the coming year. Zhori Bosha did this at Lamar. It's nothing wrong with it, it's going to be a great opportunity for him either way.
  10. Because I'm reading on sports websites that he is attending West Brook, yet people on here insist he is still at HJ. I'm just asking...Anything wrong with that? OTHER NEWS! I wish I had footage of the Vince Carter like dunk by the very talented Elijah Parquet (Beaumont Westbrook HS 2018) converted right over the top of Tristian Ikpe (Deer Park HS 2018) but this one is nearly as good. Check out this dunk by Kristian Sjulond (Tompkins HS 2018) which occured this past weekend during the Shooting Stars championship run at the AAU Regional Qualifier held in San Antonio.
  11. I'm confused, could someone please clear something up for me? Last week someone on here claims that they saw Elijah Parquet on the Hardin Jefferson campus during school hours, yet I just received news that he was spotted at West Brook High School as late as Friday of last week. Where is this kid currently enrolled in school? I do realize that this is a touchy subject with the HJ faithful, I'm just asking for clarity.
  12. Was he at PA Memorial or Nederland, before he left?
  13. Why do you think that?
  14. I'm laughing at these amateur analysis from guys that 1) NEVER played, 2) Never COULD play, 3) not to even mention trying to be a COACH 4) and ESPECIALLY not qualified to evaluate ANY kid....SMH...I guess you're right, Gee....the more things change, the more they do stay the same.....LOL
  15. Yeah OK...There will have to be TWO other announcements from another BISD school if that is even to be CONSIDERED....
  16. To Be Continued....Just know...It's in my BLOOD!...LOL
  17. I said GUESS WHO'S back....didn't SAY it was me....I'm not telling ANYONE my plans! You can find out from the news or on here from AggiesAreWe! LOL
  18. I have a surprise for them (Kelly) though....He's baaaaaaaackkk....LOL
  19. What about it, winwin?
  20. Be afraid...be very afraid...lol
  21. I GUARANTEE if Boutte takes this spot, he will have things EXACTLY likes he wants them. GUARANTEED.
  22. Ever hear of Rodney Brown? Mike Zeno? Now imagine them in an Andre Boutte coached program.....
  23. What "talent" do they have at Central? Ozen? That can't be developed from the same kids at Westbrook anyway? THEY ARE THE SAME KIDS...No kids are being DOMINANT. Its all about program, brother....
  24. Are you accounting for the talent at WB that's walking the hallways? They ARE there.
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