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Everything posted by shooter

  1. Thanks Coach Mixon, Coach Carter, Coach Walker, Coach Young and Coach Galifaro for the jobs you all did as head coaches for Jasper ISD even though you all weren't successful before Coach Morgan arrived. Thank you Coach Smith, Coach Hicks & Coach Burt and Doc Guthrie for your tenure in the District, our community is blessed to have people like you who will stay around even though your are under appreciated and I am certain that you are under paid. A new coach comes in and they treat him like god and as though he can walk on water, and all he did for his underserving status, is quit on the kids and make a political play on the school board. LET HIM GO! This community deserves better.  He came in bashing the coaching staff that was here when he got here and the only program that didn't make the playoffs before he arrived was the football team last year.  Let him take the same exit that he entered when he came to our District; I will gladly pay for the UHAUL.
  2. Don't forget, School Boards usually meet on Monday nights if one the post is correct, that he has landed something else.
  3. Coach Morgan's problem is, "HE didn't know how to treat people", I know this first-hand. So I don't think it is fair to blame others for his lack of professionalism. I do wish him well and I hope he has learned much from his experience at JISD.
  4. I expect Jasper to win it all, but Huntington has the best combo of guard play and Hudson will find a way to win at home. Jasper Hudson Central Huntington Center Diboll Kirbyville The second half of this district will be the tell-tell story of this district; no team is great, but Jasper has some kids (Collins & Smith) that if they relax,  play and grow up quickly, they have the potential to separate themselves from the pack. Good luck Jasper!
  5. Good point! If you go to the TEA website you will be amazed at the number of charges/sanctions placed on educators, it is page after page of this stuff; imagine what it's like across the U.S. I did this as part of my masters program and I was floored by the number of occurences. When they talk about the issues regarding Syracuse and Penn St. I start thinking about how little everyone really knows concerning the alarming rate in which this is occuring across Texas, it is absolutely insane.
  6. District Records 3A  - District 18     Diboll4 -6   Kirbyville2-8   Huntington 1-9 Combined record of the district opponents Jasper beat was 11 Wins 29 losses Badly defeated by Chapel Hill “They are what we thought they are!”  OVERRATED! Just like the coaching staff!
  7. I think the youth of Jasper's coaching staff, including the head coach,  is showing. Even in games in which they won (Lumberton for instance) the coaches of the opposing teams have been able to make adjustments and Jasper hasn't.  As we know, the mark of good coaching staff is the ability to put players in the right place (personnel) and secondly, to make adjustments (pre/mid (halftime)/post game. The TEAM would be better served  with different players on defense (personnel). I have watched some of the best like Outlaw of Lufkin, Alvarez of Ennis & WOS staff has always beein able to adjust at halftime and come back out and exploit a team. They are paying the Morgan boys & Steele a heck of a lot taxpayer $$$$$ not to be able to make adjustments.  Is the community getting what it paid for?
  8. Co$t cutting measure: Let the Principal or someone else in the district serve as AD. The most overrated position is the AD  position because each head coach of his or her sport does his own paperwork even though the AD gets paid as the administrator. What does he? The AD attends district meetings and make decisions on sports that he has little or no interest in, or has very little knowledge about. Oh,  and he gets to do a weekly radio show to promote his sport. Sadly, the kids in school always ask me why do we only have football  pep rallies and do things that center around football.  I can't answer that, but remember it is suppose to be about building up ALL kids,  and I do not believe one sport regardless of what it is, should receive more taxpayer dollars outside the cost of equipment than another sport.The head football coach who coaches fewer games than most sports shouldn't be paid more, or given a car; he is no better than the other coaches. And don't sell me the argument that football brings in the money; the UIL prohibits any incentives to coaches so if your saying your paying him more based on that, the rule should be revisited.
  9. This is why I believe TEXAS needs to rethink the position of AD; it doesn't have to be, and  nor should it be advertised for the Head Football Coach /AD only and this is a good example of why. The AD position should be a position of neutrality,  and having work with several ADs who are football coaches they are very paranoid and use very little objectivity. Please see the Kountze situation; Joubert deserves to be the AD.
  10. Young has left to become the Principal at Newton Middle School.
  11. What happened to Hurley?
  12. Thomas Brooks?
  13. If Joubert is the new AD,  it is long overdue. Why does the football coach have to be the AD at a school? He is deserving; just look at what he has done for that program.
  14. Diboll High School Athletic Director Thomas Sheppard is resigning from his position effective June 30, according to a statement from the district's superintendent. According to Supt. Gary Martel, Sheppard is stepping down to pursue a family business venture, run by his sister and brother-in-law, and to spend more time with his children. "Tom is a close friend and I understand how he cannot turn down this opportunity in is professional career," Martel said. Martel said high school Principal Kevin Moran will serve as interim athletic director. Sheppard will work in sales for Josten's an educational sales company. "It was tough telling the kids," Sheppard said. "Today I told the kids and my son's sitting there. It's tough to talk about it even now." Sheppard is leaving the year before his son joins the varsity team. "He's always wanted me to coach him and I explained to him how much pressure he would have if I was the head coach," Sheppard said. "I told him I'd be there. We'll still watch film every night. We'll break it down and I'll still coach him. Of course I'll let his coaches coach him too." Martel said he will meet with school board members, athletic boosters and school staff to determine what they want for the next candidate. "I do want to make it pretty plain that if we decide to stay inside this job, we will not go out and jerk other people's chains and try to bring a bunch of people in and interview if we already think we have a candidate on staff," Martel said. "I think there are three or four candidates right now on staff that are interested."
  15. Young will be returning to the sidelines next fall.
  16. Teams: Silsbee: I think it was a tough year for Coach T and wish him nothing but the best. Burkeville, Goodrich, Leggett, & Spurger: What a fight to the finish; you all made it interesting. HJ: They continue to suprise. Evadale: Great run! Nederland: Solid season Jasper: 23 wins; not bad for a football school. Kirbyville: I hurt for those kids; it was a looooong season. Vidor:Strong start; horrendous finish. PNG: Congrats on making the playoffs; it has been a while. WOS: Young coach doing a good job; future should be bright. Officials: Its time for a greater accountability system; too many jobs are at stake for officials not to be held to a higher standard. Sports Programs in general: Its time for public school in Texas to hire Athletic Directors who oversee the entire program,  not just one sport; kids deserve it.
  17. Looking at how far second and third place teams advanced as opposed to some first place teams, I am wondering if finishing first is a good thing. You must also consider not playing a game (bye) and the fact that the opponent is going to have momentum coming in to play you. What do you think?
  18. Who are the graduating seniors on HJ's team?
  19. The boys and girls basketball jobs are now posted on the THSCA web.
  20. 18-3A Diboll 56, Kirbyville 48 Huntington 58, Pollok Central 46 Lufkin Hudson 46, Center 41 Final Standings: Hudson 10 -2 Jasper 9-3 Center 9-3 Diboll 7-5 Huntington 5-7 Central 2-10 Kirbyville 0-12
  21. Diboll has improved all year, and have made considerable strides under his leadership throughout the season.
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