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Everything posted by NeraWhite45

  1. Regardless of the score, I have never seen a team with as much heart as them rebels. It just wasn't in the cards for them tonight.
  2. It doesn't matter what they finished in their district.. they are in the playoffs now. Evadale by 8  8)
  3. Obviously you don't know how to spell.. and you wouldn't have seen the "official" stats either. I have been to almost all of their games and know that NOT A SINGLE ONE of those boys are selfish. Now if you want to define selfish as fighting for every win they have, making some mistakes, and even trying to do to much, than yes every high school team is "selfish". But I see it as a team, individuals and a whole, wanting to win more than their opponents.
  4. I wouldn't call it selfish. If any of those boys were "selfish" they wouldn't be co-district champs. Not to mention going off and saying that there are "selfish" players after only one game, proves right there you don't know very much about the players or the whole as a team.
  5. I'm pretty sure not only do the boys from evadale know how to spell TEAM, they can spell TEAMWORK too. Considering that is the only way they would have made it to.where they are now.. And last time I checked we were talking 2012 not 2011.    :o
  6. I didn't either....why would this be about evadales #11..... :) :) :) :)
  7. Its not evadale's fault #11 fouls quickly. You say it like our guys had a fault in him playing 5 min.
  8. Refs don't win games. Teams do. And as far as I'm concerened just because one team is doing well, doesn't mean your talking is going to phase them or their spirit. Evadales team puts forth great team effort and hard work. That is why they are so successful, not because of the officials.
  9. That's a little ridiculous don't ya think? Wow way to stay classy there ec
  10. Well then call and shoulder the loss, but don't put your team down. Take pride in hope others will follow, take control in hope others will lead also. Say actual positive things. If your gonna bite off more than you can chew, do it the right way. Not much of shouldering the loss if you blame others for it
  11. Well when you think your going to beat a team, you tend to get a little arrogant and that shows on the.score board and stats... now I'm not saying they did or didn't play their.best, but of was obviously the.better team tonight and instead of letting it tear you down, use that to learn from and take that knowledge to the next game. I also think that if you think you can do better but your not.playing that you don't need to say much. I believe that it takes a TEAM EFFORT to win and to.play the game
  12. Great job horns!! You win some.and you lose some but what matters is that you play the best you can!!
  13. Final Evadale 93 HD 38.. #3 with 33 pts and #40 with 16 pts
  14. I'm pretty sure coach will knows what hes doing when playing a box and 1. He wouldn't have made it to state if he didn't. I thought it was a great game and both teams played their butts off. #3 is probably gonna see a lot more of that same d the rest of the year and he has to learn to make plays away from the ball and not just stand in a spot. Give WH credit they knew what and how to stop the rebels but #40 and #11 came out of their shell and led the team last night. I still got the rebels finishing 1st after its all said and done
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