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  1. Based on my last receipt from the grocery store, it is a long list. Mine was the LT #64, during the season with school we just can't get him enough food it seems. Lost 12-15lbs this season. The already large food bill is going up, now we have to put that back on him plus sum before he reports to UH.
  2. We didn't get to play spoilers tonight, BC came in very focused and disciplined in their attack. Thought the game would have been closer but 5 turnovers can get a game lopsided in a hurry. In Huffman fashion though we did slip in that onside kick with a great recovery by my nephew #5. Good luck to BC in the playoffs, even with my team sitting at home I'll be supporting 10 4a. It's been a rough season for my Falcons but I fully expect them to regroup and work hard in the off-season. There is some good young talent coming up and we should be in the mix next year. As for me, tonight was it. The last of my 3 Falcons put on the red and white for his final high school football game. It's been a great run but now I plan to move my seat off the 50 and head up to the Falcon's Nest with the old timers and talk about how we did it back in the day. God bless.
  3. Silsbee would have still been in the mix without the two transfers. It would be interesting though to see if anyone can say "with a straight face" that adding two really good athletes didn't make them a better team.
  4. We lost a few but returned a good group of starters on both sides of the ball. We lost our 3 year starting QB and a very good possession WR but had a young gun with high upside coming to take over at QB and an young WR that saw some action late last season. On the O-line we lost our LT, who also ended up going to Kansas University. Early we took lumps while we seasoned a young Soph. QB, though I did see our coaches making adjustments to fit the Offense to the groups strengths then we had the onset of a laundry list of injuries. Defense returned most, shuffled some based on summer work outs. No real reason for lack of D early on, they did have injuries as well later on. Biggest thing I've seen this season is lack of flocking to the ball which highlights missed tackles. Before if the first guy could get a hit on the ball even if he didn't make a clean tackle there were 4 others right there with him. Really had high hopes starting out, still think we could show up and go balls out in one of these last two for a chance at playoffs. We have some good talent here, sending a player D1 football each of the last 3 years along with some in other sports.
  5. Yes, lost Quarterback and Right Tackle week before district started. Center was questionable for the game against ya'll but he ended up coming in mid 2nd and played through some pain. Current QB was our #1 WR before he had to move positions. He throws a good deep ball it is taking some time getting him comfortable. Same coaches
  6. Just waiting to see which Huffman team shows up, its not a good half versus a bad half It is practically one play to another. We started to settle our consistency issue but lost a few to year ending injury and its right back to the start. I see ya'll remember last year so there goes hoping to sneak in a take the win while ya'll are focused elsewhere. Hope the popcorn is good at least. Last Friday in Huffman it was kinda like me after the game, way to Salty.
  7. May not be a ton of chatter but this game will have many eyes on it Friday night. Important game with lots of implications.
  8. I have this one as a coin flip, but gave the nod to Silsbee in a close game due to the long drive Navasota will have to deal with.
  9. Roller coaster game. Gratz Navasota on the win 28-21.
  10. Out of town, so missing the game. Any update appreciated. My boy is #64. Go Falcons!
  11. Huffman has a solid band, plenty of hard working kids, plenty of trophies in the case. They do however, miss a huge opportunity to be apart of the Friday Night Lights experience. I am sure, though I've never bothered enough to track it down, that they play on a schedule and it has nothing to do with the game except when to get ready for halftime. The whole of the third quarter is a break time and then the fourth is for some sort of meet the band thing. They bring their own speakers so they can hear each other talk on the mic over the football game. In last years battle against LCM, with winner going to the playoffs I had to hear "My favorite Power Ranger is... and "My favorite color Skittle is..." The band is in all cases going to be a large impact to the game experience. I wish more would make the effort to make it a positive one.
  12. Not sure Splendora surprises Humble after they hoodwinked Dayton. I go with Humble.
  13. Victory formation, Falcons take it 35-28
  14. Start of 4th Falcons up 35-28, with the ball
  15. Halftime, Falcons up 28-14
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