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Leon the Lion

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Everything posted by Leon the Lion

  1. Didn't workout very well; poor effort on the part of the Panthers. We are better than the effort we gave.
  2. Not very well; and I am paying for it.
  3. It is great to be an Anahuac PANTHER on Championship Friday. Coach Neece, you have given us so much to look forward to. Relatives who have not spoken to each other in years are threatening each other's lives; but at least they are speaking. I heard a couple of people got a whipping at the tailgate; they shook hands and made up before they returned to Anahuac. Go Panthers; y EC lo va a pagar!!!

  4. I don't know what hyping means. But, I am more than qualified to assess this young man's athletic ability, academic accomplishments, and character. All of our kids are pretty good. When you disrespect our kids, it reflects on your character.
  5. Foster is more than just football, basketball, baseball, track, student; he is a very talented young man. He has been taught that God has given him sooooo much; but much more is required of him. It's a lot of responsibility that goes with being as blessed as he is. When he is not looking, there are those who are observing him. They want to walk like him, talk like him, dress like him, eat what he eats, go where he goes. He has influence. We have better schools, better communities, a better country, and a better world if we use our influence for good. I hope that you don't think this is only about a championship football team that Coach Neece is building at AHS. Foster has bigger fish to fry. Maybe, he is just the right person to influence the team building needed to unite this country. His influence might cause others to appreciate the value in differences. He might influence multitudes to choose right instead of destructive wrong. He has the kind of influence that saves lives, cure disease, reduce crime rate, reduce the poverty, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense. Influence is awesome in the hands of a young man who is coached and nurtured by his village. If it is fair or not, maybe that is best decided by the one who made him. He needs to influence his teammates to take care of their bodies and get home early tonight. Call and check on each other. Tomorrow night, Championship Friday; y EC lo va a pagar.
  6. Ray Charles can read the fact that I have talked about most of the football team by name and position in 3 different languages. Have patience; I will get to him if I have not already. You need to stop being such a small person and grow up. Sometimes, we are so busy patting ourselves on the back we don't give others a chance. Some of the best fathers, mother, neighbors, in world are the worst coaches. I talk about the older kids because they have been with the program long enough to have done more positive than negative, more good than bad, been more dependable than disappointing. Remember, there is only a few vertebrae between a pat on the back and a kick in the butt; both have value. For athletes to get better, they need to be coached according to the plan that the coach has prepared with him in mind. At the end of 4 years you will be proud of what he has become. Let the coaches coach him and you support the plan. That is how it has always worked best. If I have an investment in a kid, I will brag on his ass when I get ready. So, please don't bother me when I brag on Rick Davis. Friday night will be a night to remember, y EC lo va a pagar.
  7. He certainly will have choices. He plays some sports because he is unselfish; he loves his family, friends, community, and his school. He makes a contribution to what ever group he is part of; as he is contributing he inspires others to be the best they can be. Name another QB that will pick-up his teammate and throw him across the goal line so he might score a touchdown. This is not fake news. This group of kids are special; and if you don't mind, please allow me to accentuate the positive. Friday night, Anahuac will shock the world, y EC lo va a pagar.
  8. I'm not going anywhere; the district race has just begun. There is no way that EC has the fastest backfield in 3A.

  9. Everybody has an opinion; one is just as good as the other.
  10. We can win if nobody else believes it. We can never succeed if we don't believe in ourselves. We can, will, and we must win. We will not wait to live our dream. Championship is happening now. Why not us? Why not Friday night? No if we can, no I hope or maybe; owe have made up our minds to become champions. We have a great plan. In October we went into the butt kicking business; and business was good. In November we close the deal. Coach Neece's plan is working.
  11. He is a scholar-athlete, does not need to play sports to get an education at the state school of his choice. He will have choices. He can play several sports at a high level. He has a skill set which allows him to play 16 of 22 positions in football.
  12. Orangefield and Anahuac in the "Battle of I-10"; ladies and gentlemen just stay tuned for this awesome finish.
  13. This young man is a scholar-athlete: he will finish with the kind of academic credentials that will afford him the opportunity to attend the state college or university of his choice. He has the talent to play several sports at the college level. He has the skill set to play most of the positions on the football field. (16 of 22 positions) I can not wait until he does his sensational escape act on Fridays night. He is an illusionist and escape artist on offense; and on defense he is organized chaos, which results in the complete destruction of the other teams offense. He makes special teams special. Pato y cubrir!!!
  14. There are two great high school football teams that control the destiny of this district. Watch while Orangefield and Anahuac do their thing.
  15. I told that this district race was going to be different; just hang on while the Panthers turn this district upside down.
  16. Anahuac is not trying to win a popularity contest; the prize is a Championship.
  17. Ask Ben West if it is true; he is the one that was calling the stretch play. He is said to have designed the play; he called it the "Enema". He was given the game ball.
  18. It's not over; until it is over.
  19. Please, please, please; say "NO" to drugs.
  20. The final key is our offensive line, Johnathan Cooper, Logan Lotz, David Woods, Eli Burns, Arnold Rodriguez, and Oracio DeLaCruz.(AKA the "Electric Company") They are there when you need Power. Their creed: If you are behind us, we will give you protection. If you are beside us, we will give you respect. If you are in front of us, we will give you HELL. These guys will build a wall around Foster "Handcuff Hoodini" Kreuzer; y la CE va a pagar por ello. 

    1. Leon the Lion

      Leon the Lion

      What about those book-ends on the defense? You are damn right!; the "Nigerian Nightmare" snd "White Chocolate". They will be relentlessly pursuing the freshman QB, causing him to play like the freshman he is. Remember, he only has to play like a freshman once; Friday night. And we trust this combination of 577 lbs. X 13"3.5"  of massive humanity to cause havoc. The plan is an evening of terror and destruction in Winnie.They will seek and destroy, and have fun doing it.

      These two were born to be champions and have overcome adversity all their lives. "White Chocolate" is another scholar-athlete who has proven that excellence in the classroom pays; talking money. The "Nigerian Nightmare" is a great student who will have the opportunity to be a giant in the medical profession. Both, of these are 3 sport athletes who have been overcomers all of their lives. So, don't tell me about what they can't accomplish in this football district; they have been "kicking ass" in real life. For the last month, I have watched these guys play with selfless excitement. Something special is going to happen in Winnie Friday night, and EC is going to pay for it.

    2. Leon the Lion

      Leon the Lion

      Coach Neece and his defensive brain trust have blended speed, toughness, and intelligence to create a chemistry on defense that is just unheard of in Southeast Texas. The chemistry part (speed, toughness, and intelligence) many of you are familiar with. But, when you strategically add a "CATALYST" to the mix, you have something special. (32 Borne, 7 Corbitt, and 10 Pham) If you need more information concerning catalyst, you might want to talk to that rich guy on the board over there in Anahuac, Bertrand. He will school you on catalyst in equity markets, which translates well in terms of turnovers and sudden change on the football field. History will be made in Winnie on Friday night, y EC lo va a pagar.

  21. Anahuac wins this on 38 - 21. Anahuac keys to victory; 1. Anahuac has the best football player in Southeast Texas as their field general and defensive leader. 2. Anahuac is running the ball with more authority. They lost their power back to injury; now Neece has transformed the "Pony Express" into the "Wild Bunch". Let me explain, they have 4 backs that get better every week. I call them the "Wild Bunch" because you never know how they will lineup (so many different personnel groups). No matter who gets the football, you will see moves you have never seen. 3. The defense will Run! Hit! SCOOP! and SCORE! from all angles. Don't be surprised if a cheerleader knocks the hell out of someone, scoops the ball up and runs for a touchdown. 4. We must make the outstanding freshman QB play like a freshman. He will have to endure tremendous punishment for 4 quarters, every possession, and every play. One thousand and one, one thousand and two, one thous "Crash"!!!. Did someone get the license number of that truck? 5. We must have outstanding team pursuit on defense. Don't wait for someone else to make a play. 6. Don't miss your treatment this week. If you take care of your body, it will take care of you on Friday. 7. Special teams must be SPECIAL! The last time Anahuac made this trip to EC everyone viewed the Panthers as the underdog. Many sit on the EC side instead of the visitors side, hoping to get one of the t-shirts being thrown in the stands. After Deon Mayes finished rushing for over 300 yards the traitors tried to give the shirts back. I am told that half of the coaching staff had to undergo counseling because of nightmares; #22 running the stretch play right at them and they could not stop it. Don't underestimate this "PANTHER ATTACK" scheduled for Friday night.
  22. At this time of year coaches are getting a pat on the back, or a kick in the butt and there is plenty of each to go around. We are at midseason, and you are putting your signature on your work every Friday night. Your work is right there on the field for the world to see. Let's take a look. Is your team walking on and off the field? Did the ball carrier have to break 6 tackles to score? Can the head cheerleader tackle better than your safety? Are you afraid to run pursuit drills because half the defense will not pursue more than 5 strides? Are the backs running like they are in a beauty contest; more concerned about being seen than punishing the tackler? Are receivers running free through the secondary? You know the answer and you can fix it. There is only a few vertebrae between a pat on the back and a kick in the butt. Both are necessary and useful. Coaches and players have backs, butts, and vertebrae.
  23. Have the fans in Anahuac committed to supporting their kids? Do they fill the stands on Friday nigjts when they travel? Do they fill that beautiful home stadium? Do they even join the booster club? The answer is NO! NO! NO! and NO! This is the finest group of young people that have ever played football, been cheerleaders, played in the band, played volleyball, managers, filmed, trainers, mascots, dancers, worked concession stands, sold programs, ect. They deserve our support. The crowds that come to support our kids are terrible. Do you love your kids? Love is an action word; can we see a little action. Friday night is a good opportunity to evangelize. Most of the churches in Anahuac could use a revival. What is your excuse? This Friday night their is a football game; show what kind of family member, neighbor, church member, you are. Now, that you have been given a special invitation; I look to see your face in the place. Our youth need you!!!!!!!!
  24. Anahuac is not taking Woodville lightly. The Panthers are treating this like it is the most important game of the season; because it is. I promise you that Woodville has that same amount of time to prepare that the Panthers do. Will you be at practice everyday giving outstanding effort? Will you find a reason to be absent or late? Will you know your assignment? Will you make excuses or will you make plays? Will you do more than your opponent is willing to do. Yes or No, eternity is in your answer.
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