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The Unknown

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  1. It really don't matter because I have been here along time and really don't to know who anyone on here is, it's might be best that way. But I do agree wit you on the throwing stone and hiding their hands thing.......lol
  2. I have been here as well I dont get on here and say much at all. So it wouldn't bother if Thomas got the job but it would if Paul got the job? Sounds like a bit of hate to me. And you can talk all you want no one wants to shut u up besides idk who non of yall are. People would love it if Thomas get the job but hate it if Paul get's it. SMH
  3. First of all idk if you even know either Thomas or Paul but it seems to me its more hate and no support. Yall so quick to say what's was goin on in both programs. No coach just let a player cuss out a coach and let them play cuz they are good if you don't know the whole story don't speak on it. If yall would support your coaches rather the down them this could be a great thing. Both Thomas and Paul have a great deal to do with kids from both teams. Yall just need to stop hating like frfr IJS
  4. So how much do you know about Paul or Thomas how do you know that they don't what it takes to run a program like that? And how do you figure that they are not ready!!!!! IMO both take good care of their programs on and off of the court.
  5. Yeah understandable but all the guys u named had to get a start somewhere Boutte didn't have a track record when he got his first job. Both Paul and Thomas came up under Boutte. I think either one of them would do a great job and would have a solid staff. So knocking them because they don't have the track record of the older coaches is not rt.
  6. So what makes u think that they wouldn't respect Paul and Thomas and would respect the other guys. Paul and Thomas have worked with kids from both programs and from what I hear the kids have respect for both of them. Imo if one of them are not hired they will lose a lot of kids.
  7. So ozen is missing two guys and now they're undermanned. Mike T is a great coach. I just don't think that yall give Coach Paul any respect. He did beat coach T by 22
  8. LOL I will meet you there.....
  9. Ik it's all fun and games that's why I love this site im just talking like everyone else......
  10. And I love this site cuz it give u cowards a chance to hide behind a screen name...... lol
  11. LMAO if yall say...... U must have talked to blkmamba cuz he said that if they played yall that they would beat yall by 20 so it sounds like he like what he see over there also.....lmao at yall fools
  12. LMAO oh ok so they will be the only ones working HA HA HA Silly Silly Yall will come off that high horse very very soon...lol yall better win state all the mess yall talk.......ijs
  13. I promise u the kids nor the coach is scared of silsbee if you think that you don't know the kids or the coach and if you seen all of that you would have heard all of the starters wanted to play but there was no point. And last I don't think that you can call the coach scary lol if you think that why don't you tell him that because if he was scared of silsbee he would have taken them off of the schedule...... ijs........
  14. Central is not Ozen they are not running
  15. Lol too funny. Parents had to leave but if that was Central snack size they did really good only to get beat by 3 to silsbee lite. Ozen looked good.
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