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Everything posted by O-lineGuru

  1. I've got connections to #4 and #5 on that Grandview squad....don't sleep on them, those boys can ball with the best. 
  2. You're right mouse - you should probably apply for Garrett's job and mine. Paid to play....paid to coach....paid to broadcast.  Probably am just imagining all the things I am seeing during every game.....Fisk is Cam Newton and RG3 combined.....all of PAMs receivers have D1 offers....and the SEC wants the Titan secondary to run DB camps for all their teams during the summer.  Outstanding! I'm all done with amateur hour here...
  3. As I think about the teams I have watched this season it made me chuckle....all of these high school teams want to run a spread style offense, primarily because that is the vogue offensive set in college football right now.  BUT, how are you gonna run a spread with a QB that can't throw?  You hope that he throws a couple of incompletes and then makes a big run on 3rd? Better yet, if the QB can throw a short ball, the receivers can't catch or the O-line can't pass protect even on 2-3 step drop stuff...why do you run a set that you don't have the personnel for?????  That's just poor coaching....plain and simple. I think PAM does a decent job of running the spread...but man, there are a bunch of others....district and non-district....that don't have a clue. Random thoughts.... 
  4. Jacobs and the Ledets can play...but the PAM passing game is not the same without Rucker, period.  Rucker is the YAC (yards after catch) guy because of his speed.  Fisk is not a passer equal to what you will see with Manvel....he is an option / zone read QB that is better with his feet, that was my argument from the beginning of the season.  He is still uncomfortable under pressure, makes poor decisions (breaking from his progressions and trying to force the ball into coverage - which gave LP one touchdown on a pick 6) and can't manage the clock in the 4th quarter....you run the play clock to protect the lead.  Those are all mistakes of a first year starter...he will get better but he is not the QB y'all seem to think he is.  On defense, no question that PAM has problems with big runs between the tackles - look at the first play from scrimmage in the LP game....got gashed for a 65 yd TD right up the middle.  Look how Cano put up big yardage in the DP game...BUT...the other big dawgs in 21-5A are RUN teams....Northshore nor LP can throw the ball to save their lives...and no other team in the district passes with any consistency or production either....SO....NO, PAM doesn't know if they can match up in the secondary with a team like Manvel.  Fellas....I am not making this stuff up....I watch lots and lots of film and games in person - obviously by broadcasting all of the PAM games this year, I know them like the back of my hand.  I also understand that when you put your Fan-glasses on it affects your vision....this is the reality of the situation....and I guarantee you that Coach Harrison would tell you the same. 
  5. Mouse...you don't know much about football do you?  To throw for that many yards with that TD to pick ratio is impressive...and the stats match their record.  Fisk certainly doesn't throw the ball that well...no matter what your "Homer" vision tells you and the stats will show that as well.  Without Rucker, PAM's passing game is in trouble.  Just the facts brother...you can choose to ignore them if you want.  I've been doing this a long time...and not as a spectator. The Titans can make it happen but they have to minimize mistakes and play well in all 3 phases...offense has to sustain drives to keep the defense off the field...and the special teams can't choke and give up kick returns or miss PATs.  Remember, I have watched every play of every game this season...there is no mystery to the system.
  6. Those of you saying the PAM matches up 'well' or 'perfectly' with Manvel must not have paid attention to stats that Dave and I were talking about in the broadcast Friday night.  PAM has yet to face a team that can really throw the ball.....newsflash, Manvel can.  Their QB is the #1 5A QB in the STATE....almost 4K yards, 40+ TDs and only 8 INTs....his number one receiver has 1300 yards and 15 TDs.  I have maintained that the run game is PAMs obvious defensive weakness all season....but they haven't been tested through the air like Manvel will. PAM is gonna need a focused effort by the O-line, better playcalling (quit running every play to the short side of the field and don't call same plays back to back just because you picked up a chunk of yards the first time you ran it, don't go for a 2 pt conversion in the 1st quarter, etc.), clock management and the special teams has to show up (no blocked punts for safeties, no missed PATs).  Oh yeah....someone needs to take Rucker whatever he needs this week...chicken soup, orange juice, massage therapist, hyperbaric chamber....so that he can go on Sat.
  7. Buddy....Butler was built in '65, so I don't know where it ranks among other HISD stadiums...but a coat of paint and a scoreboard definitely don't equal nice facility. LOL Don't get me wrong, I coached in Crosby last year and that press box is not much better than Butler's....probably the worst I have seen is at Fun Stadium.  Don't know how many of y'all have been there....I played there a few times and it is nothing nice.
  8. To answer the question....yes, Butler stadium is that old and decrepid.  No connections of any kind for the media and it is obviously a cell deadzone because none of the air cards we tried worked very well.  Dave and I do apologize for the breakdown in the broadcast...but that has to be one of the worst press boxes I have ever been in as a coach or announcer.  The Titans did look better overall this week...the D line didn't show up at all the first half, as evidenced by Bellaire's backfield running between the tackles for the whole half.  Turnovers and silly mistakes on both sides of the ball...Fisk was better but his timing is still spotty.  Looking forward to district play this week at DP...and better facilities...with hospitality, at least enough thought to provide some bottled water.
  9. Well...as discussed during the last three games for PAM...the Titans need consistency from Fisk, OL has to gel at some point and quit leaving their blocks to watch the QB or RB get hammered in the backfield, one of the backs needs to step up and announce his presence with authority and work the seams and rails more than the slants and screens.  Defense just needs the offense to stay on the field longer than 3 plays per series....
  10. [b][color=red]To spread the word via social media....find us on Facebook and hit the "like" button to celebrate our new partnership with SETXsports.[/color][/b]  I am taking a break from coaching this season and making a move to the booth as Dave Marks' color man for the PA Memorial games...looking forward to the season from a different perspective and also working with a great group of guys at Legacy.  Appreciate the support and get your apps loaded for all the SETX action coming your way this season!
  11. falcon....I too got an A in logic...my argument goes like this, teens today feel that they are a world all to themselves and are not required to answer to anyone for their actions.  Perhaps you..at the ripe old age of 22...are too close to the fire I speak of to see the flame. Your continual reference to "hippies" and "segregation" makes me think you are either stuck in a time warp or are channeling Cotton from King of the Hill.  I realize that every generation has its shortcomings...but since you weren't yet conceived when I graduated high school you simply have NO perspective on this.  Since you are a man of logic (at least one class worth anyway, huh?!) you should know that your argument does not fit, a non-sequitur if you will.  Your contention is that kids today are no worse than they were in any other generation.  WRONG....look at teen incarceration figures (both those held as adults and as juveniles)...look at numbers in alternative programs.  I have taught and coached at every level....and junior high is the worst.  Kids now do not care...period.  You have no experience and no evidence to back your claims.  Come back when you have experienced a bit more of what the youth of today are really like. Oh yeah.....one of my degrees is in Philosophy....lots of logic and ethics classes in my background.  :)
  12. falconfanatic....how old are you?  If you think kids now are they same as 15-20 years ago, you obviously don't have contact with any teenagers. Have you ever taught or coached that age group?  I never, NEVER acted a fool on a school outing...much less disobeying my coach/teacher and then refusing to get back on the bus.  You don't even know the whole story here do you? I made my commentary to illustrate why the students acted as they did....because they have no fear of punishment and feel that everyone owes them something.  If you couldn't see that correlation, logic must not be your strong suit. Why does the whole group have to bow down and cater to the slapnuts that want to be insubordinate?  Does that make sense?
  13. Coach Sargent was one of my coaches from 6th grade through high school and always a stand-up guy.  The reality is that ALL kids operate under some level of entitlement theory these days...obviously some worse than others with what they feel they are "due" or what is considered "disrespect" for them.  I guarantee that if they had made that same play on a bus trip back about 1988 or so in Waxahachie...where both Coach Sarg and I are from...it would have been a much worse outcome for them.  Both of those young men are old enough to drive and old enough to be in a restaurant without adult supervision (as I am sure they have been many times before this).  They made a decision to act a fool and there are consequences for insubordination.  If I were a parent of one of them I would have expected a call with a rundown of what happened and then I would have personally gone to pick my child up and delivered them to the hospital for treatment after the beating that I would have given them upon my arrival. The system (including most parents) has become INSANELY soft...and thats why we are cultivating generations of slack jawed, pussified punks that think they can do or say whatever they want.  NEWSFLASH...no you can't and the REAL WORLD doesn't care about your feelings or what you think you deserve for breathing....not everyone gets a trophy and if you don't get off your ass and participate in both your education and your life, you will find yourself in one of three places...dead, in jail or living under a bridge. I enjoyed coaching and teaching at public schools but could not stand the lack of discipline on both the part of the schools and the parents of some students.  In short, Coach Sargent is a man among men and would be proud to have him coach any of my kids...glad to see he was reinstated by the school board.
  14. Lots of things to remember with combines of this type...just like with a Nike SPARQ event there are no college coaches invited...can't do that because of NCAA rules.  In fact at the Nike events there is typically an NCAA clearinghouse rep there to make sure everything is straight and no recruiting efforts being made. It does offer invited / nominated athletes the opportunity to see how they measure against others from that region (lots of Louisiana guys come to Houston events and vice-versa) that they may not get to see in the course of a regular season. This type of workout also offers some position specific instruction which you won't see at a SPARQ event - because of time-frame and Nike saves that stuff for the NFTC events later in the Spring/Summer. I have worked Nike events and combines/camps for Coach Lowery like the one coming up at Crosby...excellent exposure for your student athlete at either venue, just a little more personalized at the AC events as opposed to the Nike ones.  Will be at the Crosby combine and look forward to seeing some emerging talent.
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