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Everything posted by bballvidor1fan

  1. vidor has been to the playoffs in football four times since the 64 season!! and like in any school it is a huge accomplish ment when a team makes it to the palyoffs, so STROSBROS please keep in mind that we might not go all the time and when we do we have accomplished alot so please do not post replys that deminish the teams pride in there hard work and effort!!
  2. i think we will play a double header on friday because our prom is saturday so i think coach green is trying to not make the seniors play a double header on prom nite
  3. yes most of vidor does have some sort of class!! Good luck too all of your seniors and ecspecially Micah Mossley who will play in the future with Coach and staff of the MEAN GREEN
  5. SORRY!! FOR THE MISUNDERSTANDING!! i believe dufus went a little too far! and i hope too see you soon also!! please forgive me for my argueing
  7. No. 1 Barbers Hill vs. No.3 Vidor in their respected districts and you having a smiley face and you want me too see no hipe on your part COME ON!!
  8. i meant too include taylor robichau also!! And BH fan we hae beaten everyone in our district ounce and have also beaten maany teams out of oour mdistrict that are state ranked!! so dont lick your chops yet
  9. Either Jonathon Smith, Justin Rhodes, Chad Sims Show Them The Plank!!
  10. Our boys have worked really hard and diserve this more than any team in our disrict!! Coach Green and the staff at Vidor have brought the team from the slumps too one of the best in the STATE!! From starting off ,5-0 and to being ranked in the state, to almost clinching a playoff spot!!! This is amazing!! Show Them The Plank!!
  11. the coach from dayton is trouble din this district because in the last one he didnt have troublr competing!! but now he is pitching this guy every game to get bye!!! this is HORRIBLE!!!! and if i was his parents i would put my foot in. and before anyone says it!! i am NOT saying this because we lost tuesday
  12. hey coop is this because of record or is this a poll that they send out!! or lastly could it be the same way the use to rank other sports. and thanx for the info
  13. png vidor and lcm but i could be wrong!! png and lcm always have a great team and vidor haas a great chance this year!!! but its too earlt and their is plenty of ball to be played
  14. i am from vidor and last i heard we ere not ranked in the state of texas!!! please give me the info on how you heard about this and how i can come by the ranks in the future
  15. morgan not to be inconsiderate but no one hardly ever goes undefeated two you had the lose coming to ya and three dont cry because our pitching stakk shut yall down and our hitters decided to hit the ball!!!!!! but good luck too whoever yall play tonite. and please tell your pitcher too not make remarks like "go sit down" and also "better luck next time"
  16. he'll be great in the next two years for sure
  17. vidor is underestimated all the time in most if not in all the sports, so i hope this will show southeast texas and 22-4A that WE ARE, HAVE BEEN, AND ALL WAYS WILL BE, A CONTENDER INT HIS AREA!!!! SHOW THEM THE PLANK!!!!
  18. way to play boys im still PROUD!!! REMEMBER!! "these colors dont run!" SHOW THEM THE PLANK!!!
  19. Vidor won the first game 6-4 then SMOKED the second team 15-0 and was called after the fifth inning!!!! This may be a little of what is too come in 22-4A!!!! SHOW THEM THE PLANK!!!
  20. VIDOR JV!!!! WOW and I also believe that Colmesniel is ranked in yhe state of Texas like 7 or 8
  21. BEAT Colmesniel by THREE!!!! in a varsity tournament!!!!! SHOW THEM THE PLANK!!!!
  22. Vidor has been together since after the christmas break and i would noy use that excuse to give a reason why my team lost, or give them ups on the win because of this. Their will always be excuses for Vidor winning but if Vidor loses everyone says "Same old Vidor team" So oon the 14-2 Vidor win CONGRATULATIONS SHOW THEM THE PANK!!!
  23. JA NIXON is the CORRECT spelling and he like all of the pirate pitchers wi8ll do well this season!!! SHOW THEM THE PLANK!!!
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