You wanna know how their trying to kill the (local) usssa, just ask some of the coaches,umpires and workers! It's been told to local teams, that they will get a discount from (local) nations tournaments and the baseball academy, if they don't play in ANY of the (local) usssa tournaments. Fact, its been offered to me and my team. Umpires have been told because they umpire for usssa (local) they want be asked to umpire in nations. Fact, its happen to me also. I only know of one but im sure there are more but it was told to one of the workers who worked for both usssa and nations that if he worked another usssa tournament he would not be used at nations again. So ask yourself who took the high road! I don't agree in the whole kicking out the teams though. Looks like both failed on that part. Kick the coach out not the team!