WH4life ,well said! And yes, we all know that this is a place to share opinions but there is a good and bad way of doing that. Jcfan is just a little harsh, especially considering his postion and lack of knowledge of the volleyball program.
All the WH fans get upset when someone gets on here and doesnt talk about how great there coach is. Stop being so whiney and just be glad you had a good season. How long has it been since you have had a season like this one? It'll be that long before another winning season roles around again. Appreciate this while you can and stop being so sensitive.
No aggie, my toes werent stepped on. I was just saying to JC that the woman can definitely handle herself and I'm sure she has a reason for everything she does or hasnt done.
The sad truth of the matter is WH doesnt exactly have top of the line coaches knocking the door down to jump on board. It's not a well known place, nor is there a respectable record to draw someone in. It would take a big man/woman to throw themselves into this program, taking a risk and I'm sure a pay cut (although it looks like Cruz makes good money according to this thread). The talent pool of the girls isnt the probelm. Its the talent pool of the applicants that struggles. But somebody is better than nobody.